%Aigaion2 BibTeX export from Idiap Publications %Monday 10 February 2025 10:29:45 PM @TECHREPORT{naturel:rr08-04, author = {Naturel, Xavier and Odobez, Jean-Marc}, projects = {Idiap}, title = {Detecting queues at vending machines: a statistical layered approach}, type = {Idiap-RR}, number = {Idiap-RR-04-2008}, year = {2008}, institution = {IDIAP}, abstract = {In this report, a method for monitoring activity at a ticket machine is presented. While this work has been done in the specific context of Turin metro, the proposed model could be applied to other locations and tasks in video-surveillance. Monitoring the activity is based here on event recognition, by modelling directly the events of interest.We especially focus on detecting queues at ticket vending machines. A 2-layer model is proposed. In the first layer, several sub-events are defined and detected using a discriminative approach (SVMs). The second layer uses the result of the first and model the high-level event of interest. Results are assessed on 4 hours of real video footage coming from Turin metro station.}, pdf = {https://publications.idiap.ch/attachments/reports/2008/naturel-idiap-rr-08-04.pdf}, postscript = {ftp://ftp.idiap.ch/pub/reports/2008/naturel-idiap-rr-08-04.ps.gz}, ipdmembership={vision}, }