CONF Kumatani_INTERSPEECH_2008/IDIAP Maximum kurtosis beamforming with the generalized sidelobe canceller Kumatani, Kenichi McDonough, John Rauch, Barbara Garner, Philip N. Li, Weifeng Dines, John EXTERNAL PUBLIC Proceedings of INTERSPEECH, September 2008 Brisbane, Australia 2008 September 2008 This paper presents an adaptive beamforming application based on the capture of far-field speech data from a real single speaker in a real meeting room. After the position of a speaker is estimated by a speaker tracking system, we construct a subband-domain beamformer in generalized sidelobe canceller (GSC) configuration. In contrast to conventional practice, we then optimize the active weight vectors of the GSC so that kurtosis of output signals is maximized. Our beamforming algorithms can suppress noise and reverberation without the signal cancellation problems encountered in conventional beamforming algorithms. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed techniques through a series of automatic speech recognition experiments on the Multi-Channel Wall Street Journal Audio Visual Corpus (MC-WSJ-AV). The beamforming algorithm proposed here achieved a 13.6% WER, whereas the simple delay-and-sum beamformer provided a WER of 17.8%.