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         author = {Garner, Philip N. and Dines, John and Hain, Thomas and El Hannani, Asmaa and Karafiat, Martin and Korchagin, Danil and Lincoln, Mike and Wan, Vincent and Zhang, Le},
       projects = {AMIDA, IM2},
          month = {9},
          title = {Real-Time ASR from Meetings},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of Interspeech},
           year = {2009},
       location = {Brighton, UK.},
       crossref = {Garner_Idiap-RR-15-2009},
       abstract = {The AMI(DA) system is a meeting room speech recognition system that
has been developed and evaluated in the context of the NIST Rich
Text (RT) evaluations.  Recently, the ``Distant Access''
requirements of the AMIDA project have necessitated that the system
operate in real-time.  Another more difficult requirement is that
the system fit into a live meeting transcription scenario.  We
describe an infrastructure that has allowed the AMI(DA) system to
evolve into one that fulfils these extra requirements.  We emphasise
the components that address the live and real-time aspects.},
            pdf = {https://publications.idiap.ch/attachments/papers/2009/Garner_INTERSPEECH_2009.pdf}

crossreferenced publications: 
         author = {Garner, Philip N. and Dines, John and Hain, Thomas and El Hannani, Asmaa and Karafiat, Martin and Korchagin, Danil and Lincoln, Mike and Wan, Vincent and Zhang, Le},
       projects = {AMIDA, IM2},
          month = {6},
          title = {Real-Time ASR from Meetings},
           type = {Idiap-RR},
         number = {Idiap-RR-15-2009},
           year = {2009},
    institution = {Idiap},
       crossref = {Garner_INTERSPEECH_2009},
       abstract = {The AMI(DA) system is a meeting room speech recognition system that
has been developed and evaluated in the context of the NIST Rich
Text (RT) evaluations.  Recently, the "Distant Access"
requirements of the AMIDA project have necessitated that the system
operate in real-time.  Another more difficult requirement is that
the system fit into a live meeting transcription scenario.  We
describe an infrastructure that has allowed the AMI(DA) system to
evolve into one that fulfils these extra requirements.  We emphasise
the components that address the live and real-time aspects.},
            pdf = {https://publications.idiap.ch/attachments/reports/2009/Garner_Idiap-RR-15-2009.pdf}