%Aigaion2 BibTeX export from Idiap Publications %Tuesday 21 January 2025 05:09:43 AM @TECHREPORT{breuel-93.03, author = {Breuel, Thomas M.}, projects = {Idiap}, title = {Geometric Matching in Computer Vision--Algorithms and Open Problems}, type = {Idiap-RR}, number = {Idiap-RR-07-1993}, year = {1993}, institution = {IDIAP}, abstract = {In this paper, I review and discuss recent advances in the development of algorithms for solving the kinds of geometric matching problems that occur in computer vision, in particular under bounded error models. I examine both the one-model case (recognition) and the many-model case (indexing,',','), and I discuss some open problems and directions for research.}, pdf = {https://publications.idiap.ch/attachments/reports/1993/93-07.pdf}, , ipdmembership={vision} }