CONF Garner_INTERSPEECH_2010/IDIAP Tracter: A Lightweight Dataflow Framework Garner, Philip N. Dines, John EXTERNAL PUBLIC Related documents Proceedings of Interspeech Makuhari, Japan 2010 September 2010 Tracter is introduced as a dataflow framework particularly useful for speech recognition. It is designed to work on-line in real-time as well as off-line, and is the feature extraction means for the Juicer transducer based decoder. This paper places Tracter in context amongst the dataflow literature and other commercial and open source packages. Some design aspects and capabilities are discussed. Finally, a fairly large processing graph incorporating voice activity detection and feature extraction is presented as an example of Tracter's capabilites. REPORT Garner_Idiap-RR-10-2010/IDIAP Tracter: A Lightweight Dataflow Framework Garner, Philip N. Dines, John EXTERNAL PUBLIC Idiap-RR-10-2010 2010 Idiap May 2010 Tracter is introduced as a dataflow framework particularly useful for speech recognition. It is designed to work on-line in real-time as well as off-line, and is the feature extraction means for the Juicer transducer based decoder. This paper places Tracter in context amongst the dataflow literature and other commercial and open source packages. Some design aspects and capabilities are discussed. Finally, a fairly large processing graph incorporating voice activity detection and feature extraction is presented as an example of Tracter's capabilites.