%Aigaion2 BibTeX export from Idiap Publications %Thursday 13 February 2025 10:55:00 PM @INPROCEEDINGS{Chittaranjan_ISWC11_2011, author = {Chittaranjan, Gokul and Blom, Jan and Gatica-Perez, Daniel}, projects = {Idiap, SONVB, NOKIA}, month = jun, title = {Who's Who with Big-Five: Analyzing and Classifying Personality Traits with Smartphones}, booktitle = {International Symposium on Wearable Computing}, year = {2011}, pages = {8}, abstract = {In this paper, we investigate the relationship between behavioral characteristics derived from rich smartphone data and self-reported personality traits. Our data stems from smartphones of a set of 83 individuals collected over a continuous period of 8 months. From the analysis, we show that aggregated features obtained from smartphone usage data can be indicators of the Big-Five personality traits. Additionally, we develop an automatic method to infer the personality type of a user based on cellphone usage using supervised learning. We show that our method performs significantly above chance and up to 75.9\% accuracy. To our knowledge, this constitutes the first study on the analysis and classification of personality traits using smartphone data.}, pdf = {https://publications.idiap.ch/attachments/papers/2011/Chittaranjan_ISWC11_2011.pdf} }