CONF mariethoz:mmua:2006/IDIAP A Max Kernel For Text-Independent Speaker Verification Systems MariƩthoz, Johnny Bengio, Samy EXTERNAL PUBLIC Related documents Second Workshop on Multimodal User Authentication, MMUA 2006 IDIAP-RR 05-77 In this paper, we present a principled SVM based speaker verification system. A general approach to compute two sequences of frames is developed that enables the use of any kernel at the frame level. An extension of this approach using the Max operator is then proposed. The new system is compared to state-of-the-art GMM and other SVM based systems found in the literature on the Polyvar database. The new system outperforms, most of the time, the other systems, statistically significantly. REPORT mariethoz:rr05-77/IDIAP A Kernel Trick For Sequences Applied to Text-Independent Speaker Verification Systems MariƩthoz, Johnny Bengio, Samy EXTERNAL PUBLIC Idiap-RR-77-2005 2005 IDIAP To appear in In Pattern Recognition This paper present a principled SVM based speaker verification system. We propose a new framework and a new sequence kernel that can make use of any Mercer kernel at the frame level. An extension of the sequence kernel based on the Max operator is also proposed. The new system is compared to state-of-the-art GMM and other SVM based systems found in the literature on the Banca and Polyvar databases. The new system outperforms, most of the time, the other systems, statistically significantly. Finally, the new proposed framework clarifies previous SVM based systems and suggests interesting future research directions.