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         author = {de Freitas Pereira, Tiago and Anjos, Andr{\'{e}} and De Martino, Jos{\'{e}} Mario and Marcel, S{\'{e}}bastien},
       keywords = {Attack, Counter-Measures, Counter-Spoofing, Face Recognition, Liveness Detection, Replay, Spoofing},
       projects = {TABULA RASA},
          month = nov,
          title = {LBP-TOP based countermeasure against face spoofing attacks},
      booktitle = {International Workshop on Computer Vision With Local Binary Pattern Variants - ACCV},
           year = {2012},
          pages = {12},
       abstract = {User authentication is an important step to protect information and in this eld face biometrics is advantageous. Face biometrics is natural, easy to use and less human-invasive. Unfortunately, recent work has revealed that face biometrics is vulnerable to spoofing attacks using low-tech cheap equipments. This article presents a countermeasure against such attacks based on the LBP-TOP operator combining both space and time information into a single multiresolution texture descriptor. Experiments carried out with the REPLAY ATTACK database show a Half Total Error Rate (HTER) improvement from 15:16\% to 7:60\%.},
            pdf = {https://publications.idiap.ch/attachments/papers/2012/deFreitasPereira_LBP_2012.pdf}