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         author = {Brunet, St{\'{e}}phane},
       projects = {Idiap},
          title = {Apprentissage de prototypes de caract{\`{e}}res {\`{a}} partir de l'image d'un texte manuscrit et avec l'aide d'un op{\'{e}}rateur},
           type = {Idiap-RR},
         number = {Idiap-RR-01-1995},
           year = {1995},
    institution = {IDIAP},
       abstract = {Ce rapport d{\'{e}}crit la r{\'{e}}alisation d'une interface permettant {\`{a}} un op{\'{e}}rateur d'extraire de l'image d'un texte manuscrit des prototypes de caract{\`{e}}res et des les accumuler dans une base de donn{\'{e}}es devant servir ult{\'{e}}rieurement {\`{a}} la reconnaissance de l'{\'{e}}crit. L'utilit{\'{e}} d'une telle interface intervient dans le cas o{\`{u}} la reconnaissance de l'{\'{e}}crit s'applique {\`{a}} de longs documents ayant un style particulier (par ex. documents anciens). La m{\'{e}}thode utilis{\'{e}}e part d'une repr{\'{e}}sentation des caract{\`{e}}res par le contour et r{\'{e}}sout la difficult{\'{e}} que constitue l'isolement d'un caract{\`{e}}re en sur-segmentant l{\'{e}}g{\'{e}}rement l'image des contours par rapport {\`{a}} une segmentation en caract{\`{e}}res. L'op{\'{e}}rateur rassemble ensuite les segments pour former les prototypes de caract{\`{e}}re. This report describes the realisation of an interface by which an operator can extract character prototypes from the image of a handwritten text and accumulate them into a database, which will be used afterwards for text recognition. Such an interface is usefull in the case where text recognition is required for long documents with a particular writing style (e.g. ancient documents). The method applied in this system, based on a boundary representation of characters, solves in the following manner the difficulty of isolating a character. The boundary image is slightly over-segmented with respect to a segmentation into characters. The operator gathers then the segments composing a single character.},
            pdf = {https://publications.idiap.ch/attachments/reports/1995/95-01.pdf},
     postscript = {ftp://ftp.idiap.ch/pub/reports/1995/95-01.ps.gz},