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         author = {Tome, Pedro and Vanoni, Matthias and Marcel, S{\'{e}}bastien},
       keywords = {Biometrics, Finger vein, Spoofing Attacks},
       projects = {Idiap, BEAT},
          month = sep,
          title = {On the Vulnerability of Finger Vein Recognition to Spoofing},
      booktitle = {IEEE International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG)},
         volume = {230},
           year = {2014},
          pages = {1 - 10},
      publisher = {IEEE},
       location = {Darmstadt, Germay},
           isbn = {978-3-88579-624-4},
       abstract = {The vulnerability of finger vein recognition to spoofing is studied in this paper. A collection of spoofing finger vein images has been created from real finger vein samples. Finger vein images are printed using a commercial printer and then, presented at an open source finger vein sensor. Experiments are carried out using an extensible framework, which allows fair and reproducible benchmarks. Experimental results lead to a spoofing false accept rate of 86\%, thus showing that finger vein biometrics is vulnerable to spoofing attacks, pointing out the importance to investigate countermeasures against this type of fraudulent actions.},
            pdf = {https://publications.idiap.ch/attachments/papers/2014/Tome_IEEEBIOSIG2014.pdf}