CONF Cernak_INTERSPEECH_2017/IDIAP Bob Speaks Kaldi Cernak, Milos Komaty, Alain Mohammadi, Amir Anjos, André Marcel, Sébastien Bob toolbox Kaldi toolkit open science Reproducible research speaker verification EXTERNAL PUBLIC Proc. of Interspeech 2017 This paper introduces and demonstrates Kaldi integration into Bob signal-processing and machine learning toolbox. The motivation for this integration is two-fold. Firstly, Bob benefits from using advanced speech processing tools developed in Kaldi. Secondly, Kaldi benefits from using complementary Bob modules, such as modulation-based VAD with an adaptive thresholding. In addition, Bob is designed as an open science tool, and this integration might offer to the Kaldi speech community a framework for better reproducibility of state-of-the-art research results.