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         author = {Khelif, Khaled and yann Mombrun and Backfried, Gerhard and Sahito, Farhan and Scarpatto, Luca and Motlicek, Petr and Kelly, Damien and Hazzani, Gideon and Chatzigavriil, Emmanouil and Madikeri, Srikanth},
       keywords = {audio and voice analysis, Forensics, LEA, OSINT, Speaker identification},
       projects = {Idiap, SIIP},
          month = sep,
          title = {Towards a breakthrough Speaker Identification approach for Law Enforcement Agencies: SIIP},
      booktitle = {European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC) 2017},
           year = {2017},
          pages = {32-39},
      publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
       location = {Athenes, Greece},
           isbn = {978-1-5386-2385-5/17},
            url = {http://www.eisic.eu/eisic2017/organization.aspx},
            doi = {10.1109/EISIC.2017.14},
       crossref = {Khelif_Idiap-RR-29-2017},
       abstract = {This paper describes SIIP (Speaker Identification Integrated Project) a high performance innovative and sustainable Speaker Identification (SID)
solution, running over large voice samples database. The solution is based on development, integration and fusion of a series of speech analytic algorithms which includes speaker model recognition, gender identification, age identification, language and accent identification, keyword and taxonomy
spotting. A full integrated system is proposed ensuring multisource data management, advanced voice analysis, information sharing and efficient and consistent man-machine interactions.},
            pdf = {https://publications.idiap.ch/attachments/papers/2017/Khelif_EISIC2017_2017.pdf}

crossreferenced publications: 
         author = {Khelif, Khaled and yann Mombrun and Motlicek, Petr and Backfried, Gerhard and Kelly, Damien and Sahito, Farhan and Hazzani, Gideon and Scarpatto, Luca and Chatzigavriil, Emmanouil and Madikeri, Srikanth},
       keywords = {audio and voice analysis, Forensics, LEA, OSINT, Speaker identification},
       projects = {SIIP},
          month = {10},
          title = {Towards a breakthrough speaker identification approach for law enforcement agencies},
           type = {Idiap-RR},
         number = {Idiap-RR-29-2017},
           year = {2017},
    institution = {Idiap},
        address = {Rue Marconi 19, Martigny, Switzerland},
       abstract = {This paper describes a high performance innovative and sustainable Speaker Identification (SID) solution, running over large voice samples database. The solution is based on development, integration and fusion of a series of speech analytic algorithms which includes speaker model recognition,
gender identification, age identification, language and accent identification, keyword and taxonomy spotting. A full integrated system is proposed ensuring multisource data management, advanced voice analysis, information sharing and efficient and consistent man-machine interactions.},
            pdf = {https://publications.idiap.ch/attachments/reports/2017/Khelif_Idiap-RR-29-2017.pdf}