CONF Raghavendra_IWBF2019_2019/IDIAP Custom Silicone Face Masks - Vulnerability of Commercial Face Recognition Systems & Presentation Attack Detection Raghavendra, Ramachandra Venkatesh, Sushma Raja, Kiran B. Bhattacharjee, Sushil Wasnik, Pankaj Marcel, Sébastien Busch, Christoph EXTERNAL PUBLIC Proceedings of 7th IAPR/IEEE International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics 2019 The paper estimates the vulnerability of two commercial FR systems (Verilook and FaceVACS) to presentation attacks based on 3d custom silicone face-masks. The study is based on a new dataset, CSMAD-Mobile, introduced in the paper. Baseline performance values of several standard face-PAD methods ((LBP,LPQ,BSIF,IDA,color-textures)+SVM), computed using the new dataset, are also presented in the paper.