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         author = {Wu, Yujie and K{\"{a}}mpf, J{\'{e}}r{\^{o}}me and Scartezzini, J. -L.},
       projects = {Idiap},
          month = feb,
          title = {Daylighting simulation for external Venetian blinds based on HDR sky luminance monitoring with matrix algebraic approach},
        journal = {Energy Procedia},
         volume = {158},
           year = {2019},
          pages = {2677-2682},
            doi = {10.1016/j.egypro.2019.02.021},
       abstract = {An accurate daylighting simulation can potentially improve the quality of pre-planing buildings and regulating daylighting to achieve the goal of green buildings. However, standard sky models can hardly reproduce real skies in real-time for a specific location within its micro-climate. This paper investigates an embedded photometric device based on high dynamic range (HDR) sky luminance monitoring with high resolution mapping in simulating real-time horizontal work-plane illuminance distribution. To increase time efficiency in the iterative process for the illuminance calculation, a matrix algebraic approach was employed and adapted for the device. The photometric device was validated experimentally in a daylighting test module with external Venetian blinds at different tilt angle of slats. The results indicate the embedded photometric device based on monitored sky can improve accuracy in simulating real-time daylighting provision by over 3 times, with 15\%∼37\% average error, compared with a common practice using the Perez all-weather model.}