CONF Parida_AMERICASNLP2021_2021/IDIAP Open Machine Translation for Low Resource South American Languages (AmericasNLP 2021 Shared Task Contribution) Parida, Shantipriya Panda, Subhadarshi Dash, Amulya Ratna VILLATORO-TELLO, Esaú Dogruöz, A. Seza Ortega-Mendoza, Rosa M. Hernández, Amadeo Sharma, Yashvardhan Motlicek, Petr Related documents Proceedings of the First Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Indigenous Languages of the Americas 2021 Association for Computational Linguistics 218–223 URL 10.18653/v1/2021.americasnlp-1.24 doi This paper describes the team (“Tamalli”)’s submission to AmericasNLP2021 shared task on Open Machine Translation for low resource South American languages. Our goal was to evaluate different Machine Translation (MT) techniques, statistical and neural-based, under several configuration settings. We obtained the second-best results for the language pairs “Spanish-Bribri”, “Spanish-Asháninka”, and “Spanish-Rarámuri” in the category “Development set not used for training”. Our performed experiments will serve as a point of reference for researchers working on MT with low-resource languages. REPORT Parida_Idiap-RR-07-2021/IDIAP Open Machine Translation for Low Resource South American Languages (AmericasNLP 2021 Shared Task Contribution) Parida, Shantipriya Panda, Subhadarshi Dash, Amulya Ratna VILLATORO-TELLO, Esaú Dogruöz, A. Seza Ortega-Mendoza, Rosa M. Hernández, Amadeo Sharma, Yashvardhan Motlicek, Petr EXTERNAL PUBLIC Idiap-RR-07-2021 2021 Idiap May 2021