CONF BenZeghiba_cost275-02/IDIAP User-Customized Password HMM Based Speaker Verification BenZeghiba, Mohamed Faouzi Bourlard, Hervé EXTERNAL PUBLIC Related documents Proceedings of the COST275 Workshop on the Advent of Biometrics on the Internet 2002 Rome, Italy 103-106 IDIAP-RR 02-35 is presented. The system has no {\it a priori} knowledge of passwords. A hybrid HMM/ANN system is used to infer the phonetic transcription of the password. The emission probabilities are then modeled by a multi-Gaussians HMM model. Evaluation experiments, conducted on PolyVar database, showed results comparable with a system where the correct phonetic transcription of the password is known {\it a priori}. REPORT BenZeghiba-02b/IDIAP User-Customized Password HMM Based Speaker Verification BenZeghiba, Mohamed Faouzi Bourlard, Hervé EXTERNAL PUBLIC Idiap-RR-35-2002 2002 IDIAP published in The Advent of Biometrics on the Internet (COST 275,',','), Rome 2002 is presented. The system has no {\it a priori} knowledge of passwords. A hybrid HMM/ANN system is used to infer the phonetic transcription of the password. The emission probabilities are then modeled by a multi-Gaussians HMM model. Evaluation experiments, conducted on PolyVar database, showed results comparable with a system where the correct phonetic transcription of the password is known {\it a priori}.