%Aigaion2 BibTeX export from Idiap Publications %Tuesday 21 January 2025 05:13:48 AM @INCOLLECTION{BBFM:2000:handbook, author = {Beaufays, F. and Bourlard, Herv{\'{e}} and Franco, H. and Morgan, Nelson}, editor = {Arbib, Michael A.}, projects = {Idiap}, title = {Neural Networks in Automatic Speech Recognition}, booktitle = {to be published in The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks}, year = {2000}, publisher = {Bradford Books, The MIT Press}, crossref = {bourlard_handbook_rr}, ipdmembership={speech}, } crossreferenced publications: @TECHREPORT{bourlard_handbook_RR, author = {Beaufays, F. and Bourlard, Herv{\'{e}} and Franco, H. and Morgan, Nelson}, projects = {Idiap}, title = {Neural Networks in Automatic Speech Recognition}, type = {Idiap-RR}, number = {Idiap-RR-09-2001}, year = {2001}, institution = {IDIAP}, note = {Published in {\it The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks}, second edition, M.A. Arbib (Ed.,',','), Bradford Books, The MIT Press, 2000}, pdf = {https://publications.idiap.ch/attachments/reports/2001/rr01-09.pdf}, postscript = {ftp://ftp.idiap.ch/pub/reports/2001/rr01-09.ps.gz}, ipdmembership={speech}, }