- (adaptive) learning rate
- (artificial) neural network
- activation function
- adalaine
- adaptive resonance theory
- adaptive steepness
- application
- architecture
- artificial neural network
- associative memory
- backpropagation
- backpropagation neural networks
- benchmarks
- bias
- bidirectional associative memory
- Boolean logic
- case study
- combinatorial optimization
- comparison of weight initialization methods
- complexity
- connectionism
- connectionist network
- construction of networks
- control
- curve fit
- data compression
- definition
- error backpropagation
- feedback network
- feedforward network
- formalization
- functional-link network
- fundamentals
- fuzzy-neural system
- gain
- generalization
- generalization performance
- hardware implementation
- high order neural network
- high order perceptron
- high order perceptrons
- high(er) order neural network
- high(er) order perceptron
- Hopfield network
- hybrid system
- image processing
- initial weight
- initial weight distribution
- initial weights
- interconnection strength
- interconnection strength distribution
- learing rate
- learning
- learning rate
- liquid crystal light valve
- liquid crystal light valve (LCLV)
- madalaine
- mnemonic notation
- modelling of cognitive phenomena
- multilayer neural network
- multilayer perceptron
- neocognitron
- network analysis
- network size
- network topology
- neural computation
- neural computing
- neural expert system
- neural network
- neural network classification
- neural network connectivity
- neural network determination
- neural network initialization
- neural network optimization
- neural network simulator
- neural network statics
- neural network topology
- neural-evolutionary system
- neurocomputing
- nomenclature
- non-negative neural networks
- object-oriented
- ontogenic neural network
- OpenSimulator
- optical computing
- optical implementation
- optical multilayer neural network
- optical multilayer perceptron
- optical neural network
- optimal network size
- optimality criteria
- optimization
- parameters
- pattern classification
- perceptron
- prediction
- pruning
- radial basis function
- random weight initialization
- real-world benchmark
- recurrent neural network
- self-organizing feature map
- Sesame
- sigma-pi connection
- Sigma-Pi neural network
- sigmoid steepness
- signal processing
- slope
- software implementation
- spatial light modulator
- speech processing
- standardization
- statistics
- supervised learning
- terminology
- time series analysis
- topological taxonomy
- topology
- training
- training time
- unsupervised learning
- weight discretization
- weight distribution
- weight initialization
Publications of Emile Fiesler sorted by recency
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Ontogenic High Order Cauchy Machines, and , in: Proceedings of the SIPAR Workshop '95: Parallel and Distributed Systems, Biel School of Engineering, 1995 |
Do Backpropagation trained neural networks have normal weight distributions?, and , in: International Conference on Artificial neural Networks, 1993 |
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