All keywords in the database
- (
- (adaptive) learning rate
- (artificial) neural network
- 2
- 2-D Face
- 2D attacks
- 2D Face Authentication
- 3
- 3D
- 3D blood flow estimation
- 3D City Models
- 3D computer vision
- 3D Face
- 3D Face Localisation
- 3D face model
- 3D face recognition
- 3D gaze
- 3D head reconstruction
- 3D localization
- 3D Mask Attacks
- 3D Masks
- 3D morphable model
- 3D~model base indexing
- 3D~object recognition
- 6
- 6D pose tracking
- :
- : assistive robotics
- A
- abnormality detection
- abstractive summarization
- accelerated exact k-means
- accent em- bedding
- Accent Identification
- Accented speech
- Accentual mismatch
- accessible games
- acoustic generators
- Acoustic model adaptation
- Acoustic modelin
- acoustic modeling
- Acoustic reverberation sparsity models
- Acoustic reverberation structures
- Acoustic signal processing
- acoustic stream
- Acoustics
- acquisition
- ACT metric
- activation function
- active illumination
- active learning
- active shape model
- activity
- Activity Prediction
- Actor–critic
- acuostic frequency
- Ad hoc array calibration
- Ad hoc microphone array calibration
- Ad-hoc microphone array
- Ad-hoc microphone array calibration
- Ad-hoc microphone calibration
- Adaboost
- adalaine
- adaptation
- adaptive budget allocation
- adaptive control
- adaptive exploration/exploitation trade-off
- adaptive layer norm
- adaptive optics
- adaptive resonance theory
- adaptive steepness
- Adaptive thermal comfort
- adaptive training
- adaptive TTS
- Addressee estimation
- Adequacy of diffuseness
- ADS-B data
- Adversarial Examples
- Adversarial images
- Ad~hoc microphone array calibration
- Affordances
- Affordances
- Affordances · Semantic segmentation · Benchmarking
- Afrikaans
- age anti-spoofing
- Age prediction
- Age verification
- Agricultural Tasks;
- AI competencies
- AI Literacy
- AI skills
- AI technology
- air surveillance data
- Air traffic control
- Air Traffic Control (ATC)
- air traffic control communications
- air traffic controller
- air traffic controller’s workload
- air traffic management
- air-surveillance data
- Airbnb
- Alcohol
- Alcohol Consumption
- alcohol drinking
- Alcohol expectancies
- alcohol use
- Alcohol-related consequences
- Alcoholic beverages
- algebraic varieties
- algorithm
- algorithm fusion
- algorithmic stability
- alignment
- All pass warp
- All-pass filter based bilinear transformations
- Alzheimer's disease
- Alzheimer's disease
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- AM
- AM-FMdecomposition
- Amazon Mechanical Turk
- Ambiance
- Ambiance prediction
- AMI corpus
- AMI Meetings
- Analog x-ray
- analogical reasoning
- analyse ascendante
- analysis biometrics python tool
- Analysis of Neural Networks
- ancient manuscripts
- annotation
- Annulus
- anomaly detection
- anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)
- Anti-spoofing
- Anticipation
- App-based survey
- appearance
- appearance based methods
- Appearance based model
- appearance model
- application
- Approximate Dynamic Programming
- Approximate Inference
- Approximation algorithms
- approximations
- Archaeology
- architecture
- Arithmetic Coding
- arrangements
- array signal processing
- Art and Entertainment Robotics
- Articulation
- articulatory features
- artifact removal
- Artificial intelligence
- artificial neural network
- Artificial Neural Networks
- ASHRAE database
- aspect-based sentiment analysis
- ASR-free
- assessment
- assessment method
- Assessment reactivity
- Assistant Based Speech Recognition
- assistant system
- assistive robotics
- association
- association rules
- associative memory
- Asymmetry
- Attack
- attention
- attention mechanism
- Attention Mechanisms
- attention-based models
- attractiveness
- attribution
- attrition
- atypical speech
- Audio analytics
- audio and video classification
- audio and voice analysis
- audio capturing
- Audio Coding
- audio processing
- audio&text embeddings
- audio-visual
- audio-visual cue integration
- audio-visual feature extraction
- audio-visual fusion
- Audio-visual person authentication
- audio-visual speaker recognition
- audio–visual speech synchrony
- audiobook
- aurora
- authentication
- authentication task
- Author profiling
- Autism
- Auto-associative multilayer perceptrons
- Auto-encoder
- autoencoders
- Automated Disambiguation
- Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS)
- Automated Venetian blinds
- Automatic accent assessment
- automatic accent classification
- Automatic accent evaluation
- Automatic control
- automatic diagnosis
- automatic dietary monitoring
- automatic disambiguation
- automatic eye detectors
- automatic gender recognition
- automatic grading
- Automatic Image Annotation
- Automatic prosodic event detection
- Automatic prosodic event detection
- automatic reading tutor
- Automatic speaker verification (ASV)
- Automatic speech assessment
- Automatic Speech Recognition
- automatic speech recognition (ASR)
- automatic speech recognition and understanding
- automatic speech understanding
- automatic subword unit derivation
- autonomous control
- Autonomous learning
- Autoregressive modeling
- Autoregressive models
- Autoregressive Process
- autoregressive transformers
- average face
- B
- B-splines
- backchannels
- Backdoor attack
- backdoor attack detection
- backpropagation
- backpropagation neural networks
- bag of audio words
- Bag OF Words
- Bag-of-Audio-Words
- bagging
- band-limited noise
- bandwidth
- batch
- batch norm
- batch normalization
- Bayesian Approaches
- Bayesian calibration
- Bayesian decision theory
- Bayesian framework
- bayesian fusion
- Bayesian Gaussian mixture model
- Bayesian information criterion
- Bayesian latent variable model
- Bayesian modeling
- Bayesian non-parametric mixture models
- Bayesian non-parametrics
- Bayesian nonparametrics
- Bayesian optimization
- Bayesian recognition
- Bayesian transfer learning
- BCN corpus
- beam-forming
- Beamforming
- behavior
- behavior analysis.
- behavioral recognition
- Benchmark
- Benchmarking
- benchmarks
- bi-modal authentication
- bias
- bias aware
- bias correction
- bias mitigation
- bidirectional associative memory
- Big Five Personality Model
- Big-Five
- bilingual speakers
- bimanual coordination
- bimodal recognition
- Binary features
- binary masking
- Binary pattern matching
- binary segmentation
- Binary text classification
- bioacoustics
- Biohashing
- bioinformatics
- biologiy
- Biomedical engineering
- biomedical texture
- Biometric Authentication
- biometric recognition
- biometric template protection
- Biometric Verification
- Biometrics
- biometrics (access control)
- Biometrics Authentication
- biometry
- bit rate
- Black-box attack
- Blackbox
- blind deconvolution
- Blind Equalization
- blink
- Blizzard Challenge
- blur
- BoAW
- bob
- Bob toolbox
- bobbing estimation
- booktube
- Boolean logic
- boosting
- Bootstrapping
- bottleneck
- bottleneck features
- Bounded Support Set
- Bounding Box Estimation
- brain-computer interaction (BCI)
- brain-computer interface (BCI)
- brazil
- breathing pattern estimation
- breathing patterns
- Broadband beam-pattern
- broadcast news
- browser
- Budgeted Learning
- building archetypes
- Building Blocks
- building energy retrofitting
- Building energy standards
- building energy use
- building energy use evaluation
- Building simulation
- Building solar energy potential
- building stocks
- C
- C++
- Cadzow algorithm
- calibration
- Calibration
- calibration performance evaluation
- calibration performance metric
- call sign detection
- call type classification
- Call-sign Detection
- Call-sign Recognition
- call-type and caller classification
- calleo
- calligraphy
- callsign detection
- camera network
- canada
- Cancer Genomics
- canonical correlation analysis
- Cardiac imaging
- caricature
- Cascade
- case study
- Casual Drinking
- catastrophic forgetting
- categorical calibration
- cepstral normalisation
- Cerebral Palsy
- Cerebral Palsy
- chain models
- channel normalization
- Channel selection
- Characterizing small groups
- chest radiology
- child speech recognition
- Children
- Children speech recognition
- chord progressions
- chunking
- Circumplex model of affect
- Citizen Sourcing
- CityGML
- CitySim
- claim verification
- clarans
- Classification
- classification algorithms
- Classifier Cascades
- classifier correction
- classifiers
- climate change
- clinical application
- clustering
- Clustering.
- CNN Embeddings
- CNN visualization
- Co-occurrence
- cochlear model
- cochlear models
- code-switched speech data
- Code-Switching
- Coded aperture imaging
- coded illumination
- coding
- cognition
- Coherence
- cohesion
- Collaborative Filtering
- Collaborative Network Analysis
- collective action
- collective classification
- Color perturbation
- combination of experts
- combinatorial optimization
- combining method
- Command Prediction Model
- command recognition rate
- commercial face recognition systems
- Common Voice dataset
- communicative cues
- communities
- Comparable Corpora
- comparative evaluation
- ComParE features
- comparison of weight initialization methods
- Comparison studies
- Competition
- complexity
- Compressed sensing
- compression
- Compressive Acoustic Measurements
- Compressive sampling
- Compressive Sensing
- computational complexity
- computational efficiency
- computational geometry
- computational imaging
- Computational linguistics
- computer aided learning
- computer algorithm
- Computer science
- Computer Vision
- computer vision.
- computer-aided detection
- Computer-aided diagnosis
- conditional layer normalization
- conditional mutual information
- Conditional Random Field
- Conditional Random Fields
- conditional text generation
- confidence estimation
- Confidence Measure
- Confidence Measure (CM)
- confidence measures
- Confidence Measures (CMs)
- configuration
- confusion matrix
- congestive heart failure
- Conï¬dence Estimation
- connectionism
- connectionist network
- connectionist temporal classification
- connectionist temporal classification (ctc)
- Connective translation
- Constrained likelihood linear regression.
- constrained optimization
- constrained structural maximum a posteriori linear regression
- construction of networks
- Content-based Filtering
- content-based image retrieval
- Content-based multimedia indexing
- Context
- Context Modeling
- Contextual Adaptation
- contextual biasing
- Contextual Embeddings
- Contextual Entrepreneurship
- contextual information
- contextual segmentation modeling
- contextual semi-supervised learning
- contingency tables
- contingent negative variation (CNV)
- continuous F0 coding
- continuous speech recognition boosted binary features resource management
- continuum robots
- contour tracking
- contrast
- control
- Controlled Synthesis
- Convergence
- conversation
- conversational corpora
- conversational speech
- Conversational technologies
- Convex optimization
- Convolution Neural Network
- convolutional network
- Convolutional neural network
- Convolutional neural network.
- Convolutional Neural Networks
- Convolutive source separation
- corosync
- Corpora
- corpus
- coucou
- Counter-Measures
- Counter-Spoofing
- Covariance kernels
- covariance matrices
- covariance matrices
- COVID-19 identification
- CPqD mobile biometric database
- cross-database
- cross-database testing
- cross-dataset evaluation
- Cross-lingual automatic speech recognition (ASR)
- cross-lingual speaker adaptation
- Cross-modal Alignment
- Cross-modal Attentio
- Cross-modal Attention
- cross-modal transformation
- cross-transfer knowledge
- crosslingual adaptation
- crossmodal matching
- Crowdsourcing
- CT
- ctc
- cue integration
- Cultural heritage
- curve fit
- Custom 3D Silicon masks
- Custom Silicone Masks
- Customer satisfaction
- Customization of model
- Cytokine stormExplainable AIHealthcare predictive analysisMachine learning for diagnosis
- D
- data analysis
- Data Augmentation
- data collection
- data compression
- Data Literacy
- Data Oversampling
- data sets
- data uncertainty
- data utility
- data-driven
- data-driven enhancement
- Data-driven model
- Data-driven models
- database
- Database
- dataset
- Daylight Ecosystem services
- daylighting
- daylighting and electric lighting
- daylighting and electric lighting controls
- Daylighting control
- debian
- Decentralized system
- deception
- decision fusion
- decision tree
- Decision Tree Learning
- decision tree marginalization
- decision trees
- decoding
- Decompensation
- deconvolution
- deep
- Deep
- deep features
- Deep Generative Models
- deep learning
- Deep Learning
- Deep learning for speech
- Deep Metric Learning.
- deep MLPs
- Deep neural network
- Deep neural network (DNN)
- Deep neural network posterior features
- Deep neural network posterior probabilities
- deep neural networks
- deep-networks
- deepfake detection
- Deepfakes
- definition
- deformable part model
- deformation
- degree of sleepiness
- Delay-and-sum beamformer
- Delays
- Demographic
- demographic attribute
- Demographic bias
- demographic fairness
- denmark
- depression detection
- depression detection.
- depth
- depth estimation
- depth from focus
- destest
- detection
- detection of errors
- developing country
- dexterous manipulation
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Diabetic foot
- dialect identification
- dialectal lexicon
- dialogue
- dialogue act tagsets
- diarization
- diarization error
- Dictionary learning
- Dictionary learning
- dictionnaires informatiques
- diet monitoring
- difference features
- differential kinematics
- Differential Privacy
- Diffuse field coherence model
- Diffuse noise coherence
- Diffuse noise coherence model
- Diffuse noise field
- Diffuse sound coherence model
- Diffuse sound field
- diffusion model
- diffusion transformer
- Digital IIR Filters
- digital biomarker
- Digital IIR Filters
- DIHARD challenge
- Dimensionality
- Dimensionality reduction
- direction of arrival
- Direction of arrival estimation
- direction-of-arrival estimation
- Directional Corpora
- Directivity
- disambiguation
- Discourse
- Discourse Annotation
- discourse connectives
- Discourse connectives Translation
- discourse connectives.
- Discourse Connectives. Corpora
- discourse marker identification
- Discourse Relations
- Discriminative features
- discriminative learning
- Discriminative Methods
- Disguise
- Dishonest Acts
- Disparity correction
- Distance Metric Learning
- DistanceMetric Learning
- Distant speech recognition
- distillation
- distributed
- Distributed source localization.
- distributed storage architecture scalable high-capacity high-bandwidth cost-efficient lustre filesystem
- Distribution Shift
- distributional semantics
- District energy systems
- district heating
- district heating networks
- divergencefree flow
- diversity
- dnn
- dnn-based speech recognition
- DOA estimation
- Document Classification
- document labeling
- document recommendation
- Document recommender system
- domain adaptation
- domain generalization
- domain knowledge
- Domain Knowledge Integration
- domain-adversarial neural network
- Doppler velocimetry
- Drink size
- Drinking behaviours
- drinking context
- dropout
- dsp
- dtw
- duration
- duration models
- Dynamic Bayesian Network
- dynamic programming
- dynamic simulations
- dynamic time warping
- Dysarthria
- Dysarthric speech
- E
- e2e-lfmmi
- Eating Behavior
- eating episode
- eating event
- Ecological momentary assessment
- Ecological momentary assessment (EMA)
- edge template
- efficient attention
- Efficient Automatic Speech Recognition
- efficient deep learning
- Efficient training scheme
- Eigenface model
- electric lighting
- Electrochromic window
- electroencephalogram (EEG)
- electronic flight strips
- Elkan
- Embedded photometric device
- Embedded photometric system
- embedding
- embedding learning
- embedding losses
- embedding translation
- embryonic imaging
- Emergent leadership
- Emerging power hierarchies
- emotion
- Emotion Recognition
- emotional speech synthesis
- emotional TTS
- emphasis
- Encoding
- end-to-end
- end-to-end acoustic modeling
- end-to-end architectures
- end-to-end ASR
- End-to-end learning
- end-to-end modelling
- End-to-End Speech synthesis
- end-to-end training
- end-user programming
- energy
- energy balance
- Energy Expenditure Estimation
- energy modelling
- Energy planning
- energy simulation
- energy-hub
- engineering model
- Enhanced Posteriors
- ensemble methods
- Ensembles
- entailment
- entity linking
- Entity Search
- entrainment to music
- Entropy Coding
- Environmental mismatch
- environnements de mise au point.
- Epigraphy
- eps
- epsc
- ergodic exploration
- Error Analysis
- error backpropagation
- error characteristics
- error correction
- error rate
- error-related potentials (ErrP)
- Estimation
- ethanol
- Etrepreneurial Challenges
- Euclidean distance matrix
- Euclidean distance matrix completion
- evaluation
- Evaluation of Information Retrieval.
- evaluation protocol
- Event Causality identification
- event detection
- evidence combination
- evidence framework
- exact
- exact k-means
- exemplar-based modeling
- Expectation Maxi- mization
- Expectation maximization
- Expectation-Maximization algorithm
- Expected Improvement
- expected performance and spoofability curve
- Expensive black-box optimization
- experience
- explainability
- Explainable AI
- exploration-exploitation
- Exponion
- Expressive Vocalizations
- extrinsic parameters
- eye detection
- eye localisation errors
- eye localization errors
- eye location ambiguity
- eye movements
- eye tracking
- eye-gaze
- F
- F1 score
- Face
- Face Anti-spoofing
- Face Authentication
- face clustering
- Face Detection
- Face Detection and Verification
- Face dirarization
- Face Editing
- face identification
- Face Localisation
- face morph
- face normalization
- Face Presentation Attack Detection
- Face presentation attack detection (PAD)
- face presentation-attacks
- Face Recognition
- Face Recognition
- face recognition algorithms
- face recognition performance
- face recognition system
- face recognition systems
- face reconstruction
- face spoofing
- Face tracking
- face verification
- Facial & Body landmarks
- Facial animations
- facial expressions
- facial feature alignment
- facial points detection
- fact checking
- fact verification
- factor analysis
- Factored Translation Models
- Fairness
- Fairness Evaluation.
- far-field asr
- far-field speech
- Fast $k$NN
- fast adaptation
- fast training
- FC
- feature combination
- Feature Distribution Modelling
- Feature extraction
- Feature Fusion
- feature importance
- feature pooling
- feature representations
- feature selection
- feature separation
- feature stability
- Feature-based tracking
- features importance
- feedback
- feedback network
- feedforward network
- Ferns
- Few-shot learning
- file system
- filterbanks
- filtered backprojection
- fine-tuning
- Finger vein
- finger vein recognition
- Fingerprints
- finite-state transducers
- first impres- sions
- first impressions
- fixed-size word patterns
- Flickr
- Flickr groups
- Flickr groups LDA
- Flickr LDA
- Flickr PLSA topic-model communities
- floor control
- fluency prediction
- fluorescein angiography
- Fluorescence Microscopy
- Fluorescence tomography
- Flux analysis
- FM
- fmllr
- focus estimation
- focus of attention
- focus of attention
- Focused Crawling
- Food Consumption
- food diaries
- food diary
- food journal
- forensic face recognition
- Forensics
- Forgery
- formalization
- Formant identification
- Formant transitions
- Formants
- Foundation Model
- foursquare
- Frcsyn-Ongoing
- French accents
- French Regional Accents
- French TTS
- Frequency Domain Linear Prediction (FDLP)
- Fujisaki Model
- full combination
- functional gradient descent
- functional-link network
- Fundamental frequency
- fundamentals
- fundus
- Fuses
- Fusion
- fuzzy-neural system
- G
- g2g
- Gabor
- Gabor graph
- Gabor phase
- Gabor wavelets
- gain
- gait
- gaming
- gamma-tone filter
- GANs
- Gaussian mixture
- Gaussian Mixture Model
- Gaussian Mixture Modeling
- Gaussian Mixture Modelling
- Gaussian Mixture Models
- Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM)
- Gaussian mixture regression
- Gaussian mixture.
- Gaussian process
- Gaussian processes
- Gaze
- gaze calibration
- Gaze Coding
- gaze detection
- Gaze estimation
- Gaze event detection
- Gender prediction
- generalization
- generalization performance
- Generalized cross correlation
- generalized linear model
- Generalized sampling
- Generalized Trust Region Subproblem (GTRS).
- generation
- Generative Adversarial Networks
- Generative Adversarial Networks
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
- Generative Ai
- Generative AI Literacy
- generative models
- genomics
- Genre-Aware Crawling
- Geographic Information System GIS
- Geometric Algebra
- geometric hashing
- geometric method
- Geometric model
- Geometry
- German
- German ASR
- German language
- Gestures
- Global optimization
- global sensitivity analysis
- Glottal source modeling
- glottal source signals.
- glyph co-occurrence
- GMM Modelling
- GMM Parts-Based
- GMMs HMMs 3D facial data face verification feature distribution modelling techniques
- Goal-Planning
- GPU decoding
- gradient boosting
- gradient-based visualization
- grapevine pruning
- Graph
- Graph Convolutional Networks
- graph encoding
- Graph Neural Networks
- Graph Representation Learning
- graph theory
- Graph Transformer Networks
- Graph-to-Graph Transformer
- grapheme
- Grapheme subword units
- grapheme subwords
- grapheme-based automatic speech recognition
- grapheme-to- phoneme conversion
- grapheme-to-phoneme conversion
- grapheme-to-phoneme converter
- Graphemes
- Grassmannian discriminant analysis
- greece
- Greedy Edge Expectation Maximization (GEEM)
- Green city
- group dynamics
- group interaction
- Group performance.
- grouping
- groups
- H
- Haar features
- hallucination detection
- Hamerly
- Hand Gesture Recognition
- Hand occlusion
- Hand Posture Recognition
- handwriting recognition
- haptics
- haptics
- Hard Mining
- hardware
- hardware implementation
- Hashing
- HDR imaging
- head nods
- Head pose
- Head pose tracking
- head-pose invariance
- health
- health care
- healthy
- hearing impairment
- Heartbeat
- Heat grids
- Heavy Drinking
- Heterogeneous
- Hidden Markov Model
- hidden Markov models
- Hidden Markov models.
- hidden semi-Markov Model
- hidden variable
- Hierarchical Attention Networks
- Hierarchical Neural Network
- hierarchical neural networks
- hierarchical processing
- hieroglyph
- hieroglyphs.
- high altitude wind forecasting
- high order neural network
- high order perceptron
- high order perceptrons
- high(er) order neural network
- high(er) order perceptron
- high-availability
- high-definition video-conferencing
- high-dimensional sparse representations
- higher-order statistics
- Hill-climbing attack
- hirability
- histogram
- Histogram of orientation
- histogram of orientations
- HMM state mapping
- HMM-based automatic speech recognition (ASR)
- HMM-based speech synthesis
- HMM-based statistical parametric speech synthesis (HTS)
- HMM-based TTS
- HMM/ANN-Hybrid
- HMMs
- home environments
- Home Spaces
- Homogeneity
- Hopfield network
- HSMM explicit duration modelling
- Huffman Coding
- human activity recognition
- human annotations
- human assisted learning
- human behaviour
- human behaviour analysis
- human behaviour understanding
- human detection
- human factors
- human human interaction
- human interactions
- human mobility
- human motion prediction
- Human pose estimation
- human skeleton estimation
- human speech
- Human-Computer Interaction
- human-in-the-loop simulation
- human-robot collaboration
- human-robot interaction
- Human-robot teaming
- HVAC control
- Hybrid Actions
- hybrid system
- HyperMixer
- Hypernetworks
- Hyperparameter optimization
- hyperparameter tuning
- I
- i-vector
- i-vectors
- ICPR 2010
- ictd
- identification
- Identity Verification
- idiap
- Illumination
- Illumination Invariance
- illumination variation
- image
- Image analysis
- Image analytics
- Image Captioning
- Image classification
- image denoising
- image detection
- image forensics
- Image Model
- image modeling
- image processing
- Image quality
- image reconstruction
- image rectification
- image rectification
- Image registration
- image retrieval
- image segmentation
- image synthesis
- image transformer
- Imitation Learning
- impedance control
- ImpLapMMSE
- implicitation
- Importance Sampling
- Importance sampling.
- importance score
- impressions
- inconsistencies detection
- Incremental Learning
- indexation et recherche documentaire
- indexing
- Indoor Places
- Indoor Scene Recognition
- industrial robot
- Industry Context
- Inferring Ratings
- Infor- mation Extraction
- Informal spoken content search
- information bottleneck
- Information Bottleneck clustering
- information bottleneck principle
- Information Extraction
- information fusion
- information fusion
- information leakage
- information obfuscation
- Information Retrieval
- information theory
- Information transmission
- information verification
- information visualization
- Information-theoretic privacy
- initial weight
- initial weight distribution
- initial weights
- Initialisation
- Initialization
- Input-Label Embedding
- Input-Output Hidden Markov Model
- Integer Based Arithmetic
- Integrated Lighting Controls
- integration of ASV and anti-spoofing
- Integration of prior knowledge
- intelligibility
- Intent Classification
- Inter-pretable Models
- inter-session variability modeling
- Inter-session Variability Modelling
- inter-task fusion
- interaction
- interactive
- interconnection strength
- interconnection strength distribution
- interest point.
- interest points
- interface graphique
- interface homme-machine
- internet of things
- Interpretability
- Interpretability · Vision language models · Topic modeling
- Interpretable Models
- Interview
- intonation
- intonation modelling
- intonation synthesis
- intonation-based emphasis synthesis
- invariants
- Inverse Kinematics
- inverse models
- inverse problems
- inverse-problems
- inverse0problems
- involvement
- iphoto
- ireland
- Iris Recognition
- Isolated Digit Recognition
- isolated word recognition
- iterative
- Iterative learning
- iterative relevance feedback
- its approximation
- J
- job interviews
- joined forward-backward tracking
- Joint Factor Analysis
- Joint sparse recovery
- just-in-time retrieval
- K
- K-means
- k-medoids
- k-nearest neighbor (kNN) search
- k-nearest neighbors
- Kaldi toolkit
- Kalman filters
- Kernel Methods
- keyframe extraction
- Keypoints detection
- Keystroke
- Keyword Detection
- keyword spotting
- KeyWord Spotting (KWS)
- Keyword spotting detection
- Keywords—Keyword extraction
- kinematics
- KL-divergence
- kNN
- kNN classifier
- knowledge distillation
- knowledge transfer
- Kodak Gallery
- Kronecker product
- Kullback- Leibler divergence based hiddenMarkovmodel
- Kullback-Leibler divergence
- Kullback-Leibler divergence based hidden Markov model
- Kullback-Leibler divergence based HMM
- Kullback–Leibler divergence based hidden Markov model
- kvm
- L
- Label balancing
- labeled faces in the wild
- laboratory phonology
- lan- guage identification
- landmark detection
- language
- language detection
- language disorder
- language identification
- Language IDentification (LID)
- language mismatch
- language modeling
- Language Models
- Language Production
- Language recognition
- Language recognitiony
- language style
- Language targets
- Laplace approximation
- Laplacian speech modeling
- Large Language Models
- large scale learning
- Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition (LVCSR)
- large-scale
- large-scale iterative relevance feedback
- laser doppler velocimetry
- late-life depression
- latent aspect modeling
- Latent Dirichlet Allocation
- Latent Enhancement
- latent space learning
- Latent SVM
- latent variable
- Lattice embeddings
- Lattice expansion
- Lattice Generation
- Lattice rescoring
- Lattice-Free MMI
- Lausanne Data Collection Campaign
- learing rate
- learning
- Learning and Adaptive Systems
- Learning by demonstration
- learning control
- Learning embedding
- learning from demonstration
- Learning from demonstrations
- learning from humans
- learning rate
- learning theory
- learning to rank
- Least square solution.
- leave-one-out
- Lecture Recommendation
- lecture segmentation
- legal framework
- letter-to-sound rules
- Level of Detail
- Lex- icon
- Lexical availability
- lexical features
- lexical model
- Lexical modeling
- Lexicon
- LibriSpeech
- libvirt
- Lifelong learning
- light microscopy
- Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy
- Light-Sheet Microscopy
- likelihood decomposition
- likelihood ratio
- likelihood ratio interpretation
- likelihood-based encoding
- limited training data
- linear classification
- Linear Mixed-Effects Modeling
- linear object detection
- Linear operators
- Linear prediction
- linear score transformation
- linear score transformation.
- linearly calibrated face recognition scores
- Linguistic parsing
- linguistique informatique
- Link Analysis
- Link Prediction
- linkability
- linux
- lip-syncing
- liquid crystal light valve
- liquid crystal light valve (LCLV)
- listener categories
- live microscopy
- Liveness Detection
- LM compensation
- load match
- Local Binary Patterns
- local posterior probability
- Local Posteriors
- Local scores
- localization
- Locally Linear Support Vector Machines
- locally linear SVM
- location estimation
- Location prediction
- location-based social networks
- locomotion
- log-based similarity learning
- logistic regression
- loneliness
- Long-Short Term Memory
- Long-tail data distribution
- Long-term
- long-term acoustic features
- long-term statistics
- lookahead
- low effective dimensionality
- low bit rate speech coding
- Low bit rate speech vocoding
- low level descriptors
- Low resource language
- low-rank adaptation
- low-rank and sparsity
- low-rank representation (LRR)
- low-rank sparsity
- low-resource
- Low-Resource ASR
- Lung Segmentation
- lustre
- M
- machine learning
- Machine Learning for Robot Control
- Machine Translation
- Machine Translation (MT)
- machine translation evaluation
- machine-learning software
- madalaine
- Makeup Attack Detection
- Makeup Attacks
- manipulability ellipsoids
- manipulation
- manual annotation
- manual eye annotations
- Markov model
- Markov Models
- Mask attack
- Matrix completion
- maximal leakage
- Maya civilization
- Maya culture
- Maya glyph
- maya glyphs
- Maya hieroglyph
- meal
- Measurement by laser beam
- Measures
- media
- Medical Image
- medical image annotation
- Medical Sector
- medoid
- meeting
- meeting analysis
- meeting ASR
- meeting assistants
- meeting browsers
- meeting data
- meeting recording
- meeting recordings
- meeting room conversations
- meetings
- Mel-generalized cepstral features
- melodies
- Mental Lexicon
- Mertic learning
- Metabolic networks
- Metric learning
- Metrics
- Mexican Tourist Text
- mexico
- mHealth
- micro-data learning
- microphone array
- Microphone array calibration
- microphone arrays
- Microphone localization.
- Microphones
- microscopy
- Microscopy - Fluorescence
- Mini-batch
- minimal intervention control
- minimax
- minimum description length
- minimum generation error
- missing data
- missing features
- Missing pairwise distances
- mixed activity
- mixture models
- mixture of experts
- mkl
- ML-adaptation
- ML3
- MLP classifier
- MMSE estimator
- mnemonic notation
- mobile
- Mobile And Wearable Sensing
- mobile biometrics
- mobile computing
- Mobile Crowdsensing
- mobile crowdsourcing
- mobile environment
- mobile food diary
- mobile health
- mobile mining
- mobile phone data
- mobile sensing
- mobile survey
- mobility models
- MOBIO database
- modalities fusion
- model
- model adaptation
- model error
- model pairing
- model predictive control
- Model Predictive Control (MPC)Blinds and electric lighting automated controlsDaylight and electric lighting predictive modelsControlled user experiment
- Model transformations
- Model- Based Optimization
- Model-Based Compressive Sensing
- Model-Based Optimization
- Model-based sparse component analysis
- Model-based sparse recovery
- modelling
- modelling of cognitive phenomena
- models
- models combination
- Modified Census Transform
- modified ZFF
- modulation frequency
- modulation frequency domain
- Modulation Spectrum
- Monte Carlo methods
- monte carlo tree search
- mood
- morphing
- Morphing Attack
- morphing attack detection
- morphologie
- motif mining
- Motion
- Motion and Path Planning
- motion blur
- motion capture
- Motion Control
- motion planning
- motion synthesis
- Motor speech disorders
- movement primitives
- MT evaluation
- Mult-channel sensors.
- multi armed bandit
- multi- layer perceptron
- multi- layer perceptron.
- multi-band
- multi-band and multi-stream processing
- multi-band combination
- multi-camera
- Multi-channel face-PAD
- Multi-channel sensors.
- Multi-channel voice activity detection
- multi-component classification
- multi-dialect
- multi-dimensional registration
- multi-face tracking
- multi-kernel learning
- multi-linear classifier
- multi-lingual automatic speech recognition
- multi-lingual SAD
- multi-media
- Multi-modal Approach
- multi-modal database
- multi-modal identity verification
- Multi-modal models
- multi-object tracking
- multi-objective optimization
- Multi-omics Data
- multi-party
- multi-party meetings
- Multi-party Speech
- Multi-party Speech Recognition
- multi-scale
- Multi-source localization
- Multi-speaker Localization
- Multi-speaker TTS
- multi-stream
- multi-stream classification
- multi-stream combination
- multi-stream hybrid
- multi-stream learning
- multi-stream processing
- multi-task
- Multi-task learning
- multi-task learning.
- multi-view microscopy
- multiband
- multiband ASR
- multiclass
- multiclass classification
- multilayer neural network
- multilayer perceptron
- MultiLayer Perceptron (MLP)
- multilayer perceptron network
- multilayered perceptron
- multilevel analysis
- multilinear algebra
- Multilingual
- multilingual acoustic modeling
- multilingual ASR
- Multilingual automatic speech recognition
- multilingual bottleneck features
- multilingual concept clustering
- multilingual concept retrieval
- Multilingual DNN
- multilingual hierarchical networks
- Multilingual Learning
- multilingual sentiment analysis
- multilingual speech recognition
- multilinguality
- multilinguisation
- multimedia
- Multimedia Analytics
- Multimedia communication
- Multimedia data mining
- multimedia IR
- multimedia recommendation
- Multimodal
- multimodal analysis
- Multimodal analytics
- Multimodal biometrics
- Multimodal classification
- multimodal cues
- multimodal identification
- Multimodal interaction
- multimodal interfaces
- Multimodal machine translation
- multimodal meeting recordings
- multimodal optimization
- Multimodal person diarization
- multimodal regression
- Multimodal Sensing
- multimodal sensor data
- multimodal signal processing
- multimodal speaker diarisation
- multimodal textual-based and visual content-based features
- Multiparty (Overlapping) speech recognition
- Multiparty Conversation
- multiparty meetings
- multiple classifier system
- multiple face tracking
- multiple linear regression
- multiple remote tower
- multiple sound sources
- multiple speaker detection
- Multiple speaker localization
- multiple speakers
- multiple time scales
- Multiple-Instance Learning
- multiple-stream combination
- multispectral
- Multistream
- Multistream diarization
- multistream diarization.
- multitask acoustic model
- multitask acoustic modeling
- multitask learning
- multitask training
- multivariate time series
- music
- music information retrieval
- mutual information
- N
- N-gram Representation
- Naive Bayes Neaarest Neighbor
- Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor
- Naive Bayesian
- named entity recognition
- narcissism
- nasal sounds
- Natural conversation
- natural language
- natural language generation
- natural language inference
- natural language porcessing
- Natural language processing
- natural language semantics
- Natural Language Understanding
- natural-light
- Nature-based solutions
- near-infrared
- nearest neighbor rule of classification
- nearest neighbour rule of classification.
- neocognitron
- nested
- nesting
- nets
- network analysis
- network output
- network size
- network topology
- neural computation
- neural computing
- neural expert system
- Neural language models
- neural machine translation
- neural nets
- neural network
- neural network classification
- neural network connectivity
- neural network determination
- neural network features
- neural network initialization
- neural network language models
- neural network optimization
- neural network simulator
- neural network statics
- neural network topology
- neural network-based sound source localization methods
- neural networks
- neural radiance fields (NeRF)
- Neural reranker
- neural-evolutionary system
- neurocomputational models
- neurocomputing
- new zealand
- Nightlife
- node weighted graphs
- Noise
- noise adaptation
- noise annoyance
- noise intrusiveness
- noise masking
- noise reduction
- Noise Removal
- noise robust ASR
- Noise Robustness
- Noisy Text
- nomenclature
- non parametric models
- non-convex optimization
- Non-Linear Classification
- non-linear phonology
- non-modal phonation
- non-native speech
- non-native speech recognition
- Non-negative matrix factorization
- non-negative neural networks
- non-verbal cues
- non-verbal features
- nonlinear optimization
- nonparametric prediction
- Nonparametric Variational Information Bottleneck
- nonverbal be- havior
- Nonverbal behavior
- Nonverbal Vocal Behavior
- normal distribution
- novel view synthesis
- O
- obfuscation
- object detection
- object proposals
- object recognition
- object-oriented
- Objective and subjective evaluation of audio quality.
- objective assessment
- Objective Evaluation
- Objective intelligibility
- Objective intelligibility Assessment
- objective measures
- Observers
- Occlusion Handling
- Occupation prediction
- Ocular blood flow
- Off-target effect
- Old-Age Makeups
- one-class collaborative filtering
- online
- online calibration.
- online learning
- Online Platform
- online speech recognition
- online video
- onset/offset algorithm
- ontogenic neural network
- ood events
- OOV-word recognition
- open science
- Open Source
- open source implementations
- open vocabulary
- open-architecture distributed system
- open-set classifica- tion
- open-set classification
- Open-source software
- open-vocabulary
- OpenSimulator
- OpenSky Network
- Operant Motive Test
- Opinion Retrieval
- Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
- optical computing
- optical implementation
- optical microscopy
- optical multilayer neural network
- optical multilayer perceptron
- optical neural network
- Optical projection tomography
- optimal control
- optimal model
- optimal network size
- optimality criteria
- optimization
- Optimization and Optimal Control
- Optimization and optimal control
- Orthonormal
- orthonormal regularizer
- out of distribution detection
- Out- Of-Language (OOL) detection
- Out-of-distribution
- out-of-domain
- Out-Of-Language (OOL) detection
- out-of-scene detection
- outdoor places
- output representation learning
- over- lapping speech
- Over-determined linear equation
- Overlap speech
- Overlapping Speech
- overlapping speech recognition
- P
- pacemaker
- packet loss
- pad
- pad eps epsc anti-spoofing fusion
- Page Rank
- pairing
- Pairwise distance estimation
- palm vein
- Palm vein LBP LDP Biometry
- Paralinguistic
- Paralinguistic speech processing
- parallel
- Parallel Corpora
- Parallel Corpus
- parameter reduction
- parameter screening
- Parameter Tuning
- parameter-efficient fine-tuning
- parameters
- parametric speech synthesis
- parametric synthesis
- Parametric vocoding
- Parkinson's disease
- Parkinson's disease detection
- Parkinson’s disease
- Parsing
- particle filter
- parts-based approach
- passage retrieval
- passive sensing
- Patch Pooling Layer
- Pathological speech
- pathological speech detection
- pathological speech intel- ligibility
- pathological speech intelligibility
- Pathological Speech Processing
- pattern classification
- pattern matching
- pattern recognition
- pdf transformation
- perceived dominance
- Perceived fluency
- Perception
- perceptron
- perceptual evaluation of audio quality (PEAQ)
- perceptual evaluation of audio quality (PEAQ)
- perceptual evaluation of audio quality (PEAQ).
- perceptual quality assessment
- performance
- Performance Evaluation
- performances
- periocular biometrics
- Periocular PAD
- Periocular Recognition
- Periodicity
- Permutations
- person detection
- person diarization
- person discovery
- person identification
- person invariance
- person re-identifcation
- Person re-identification
- person recognition
- Person Tracking
- person-independence.
- personal data processing
- Personality
- Personality Assessment
- Personality identification
- personality impressions
- Personality traits inference
- personalization.
- personalized service
- personalized speech-to-speech translation
- pervasive computing
- Phase transform
- Phonation
- Phone attributes
- phone duration modelling
- phone merging
- Phone posterior
- phoneme
- phoneme background model
- Phoneme classification
- phoneme modeling
- Phoneme recognition
- phoneme subword units
- phoneme subwords
- phonemes
- Phonetic and Lexical Knowledge
- Phonetic information
- phonetic representation
- Phonocardiogram
- phonological constraints
- Phonological features
- phonological knowledge
- Phonological posterior
- phonological posteriors
- Phonological posteriors
- Phonological speech representation
- phonological vocoding
- phonology
- photometric stereo
- Physical Activity
- physical human-robot ineraction
- physical human-robot interaction
- physiologically plausible models
- picasa
- Picture annotation
- pitch analysis
- pitch frequency
- pitch model
- Pitch modelling
- pitch target approximation
- pitch target realisation
- pittpatt
- place extraction
- place labeling
- Place recognition
- place visit
- Place-based approach
- plant skeleton
- pLSA
- Plug
- point distribution model
- point location algorithms
- point spread function
- point spread function estimation
- point-spread-function
- policy search
- Pose
- pose estimation
- Position measurement
- post-editing
- Posterior Based ASR
- posterior feature
- Posterior feature space
- Posterior features
- Posterior hashing
- posterior probabilities
- posterior probability
- Posterior probability structures
- Posterior representatives
- posterior space properties
- posterior-based metrics
- posterior-based speech features
- posteriors decomposition
- Pre-drinking motives
- pre-supplementary area (pre-SMA)
- pre-trained embedding
- pre-training domain
- precision viticulture
- prediction
- predictive coding
- premature fine-tuning
- presentation attack
- Presentation Attack Detection
- presentation attacks
- pretrained language model
- pretraining
- principal component analysis
- Principle component analysis
- privacy
- Privacy funnel
- privacy funnel models
- Privacy-sensitive features
- probabilistic amplitude demodulation
- probabilistic lexical modeling
- probabilistic linear discriminant analysis
- Probabilistic model
- probabilistic models
- Probability and Statistical Methods
- Probablistic Model
- programmation logique
- programming by demonstration
- projective gradient descent
- Prolog
- Prompt engineering
- Prompt-based approach
- Prompting
- Pronouns
- Pronunciation dewarping
- pronunciation generation
- pronunciation lexicon
- Prosodic and long-term features
- Prosodic features
- prosody
- Prosody Modelling
- prosthetic hands
- pruning
- psf
- Psychoacoustics
- Psycholinguistics
- psychological correlates
- Psychology
- public transportation
- pulmonary disease
- punctuation
- Punctuation prediction N-grams Gradient Boosted Machine Audio
- Punctuation prediction N-grams Gradient Boosted Machine Audio Features
- pydhn
- python
- Q
- Q-learning
- QA
- qemu
- quantized local descriptors
- Quantized posterior hashing
- quasi-periodic
- Query Analysis
- query by example
- Query Expansion
- query phases
- Query Refinement
- query-free
- query-free interactive content-based image retrieval
- query-free interactive image retrieval
- question answering
- R
- radar label
- radial basis function
- Radiomics
- raid
- Random forest
- Random Walk
- Random walks
- random weight initialization
- ranking
- Rapid feature adaptation
- rapid language adaptation
- rare word recognition
- Rare-word integration
- rating inference
- Raw Speech
- raw speech modelling
- raw speech signal
- raw waveform modelling
- raw waveforms
- raw-waveform cnn
- Readback Error Detection
- Reading Assessment
- real time
- real-time
- real-time audio processing
- Real-time audiovisual processing
- Real-time lighting simulation
- real-time processing
- real-time speech recognition
- real-world benchmark
- Real-World Conditions
- real-world data
- recognition
- Recommendation System
- Recommender Systems
- reconstruction
- Reconstruction algorithms
- Recruitment method
- recurrent neural network
- Recurrent neural networks
- reducing biases
- redundancy
- refinement
- regional accents
- regression
- regression class tree
- regularization
- regularized least squares
- regularizer
- reinforcement learning
- Rejection Sampling
- Relation Extraction
- relevance feedback
- reliability
- reliability analysis
- reliability estimation
- remote
- remote collaboration
- Remote meetings
- Remote photoplethysmography
- remote recording
- remote sensing
- remote sensor
- Replay
- Replay Attacks
- Replay-Attack
- Replay-Mobile
- Representation and Processing
- representation learning
- representation learning.
- Reproducibility Criteria
- Reproducible research
- residential buildings
- residual CNN
- resources and evaluation
- Respiratory parameters
- Response burden
- retina
- retina fundus images
- retina vessel segmentation
- retinal blood flow
- retinal vasculitis
- Retrieval
- retrieval system
- retrospective gating
- Reverberant enclosure
- Reverberation
- review
- RGB-D camera
- RGB-D cameras
- RGB-D sensors
- RGB/depth cameras
- rhythm
- Riemannian geometry
- Riemannian manifolds
- road vehicles
- robot calibration
- Robot kinematics
- Robot kinematics
- robot learning
- robot localization
- robot vision
- robotics
- Robots
- robust ASR
- Robust Automatic Speech Recognition
- Robust features for speech recognition
- Robust features for speech recognition.
- Robust microphone placement
- robust recognition
- robust speech recognition
- Robust/Adaptive Control
- robustness
- robustness under realistic scenario
- role analysis
- Room acoustic characterization
- Room acoustic estimation
- Room Geometry
- Room geometry estima- tion
- rotation invariant cross-correlation
- routines
- S
- S-stress
- S1-S2 detection
- saccade
- saftety
- Saliency Mapping
- saliency maps
- Sampling
- scalable
- scene analysis
- scene classification
- Scene Recognition
- scene reconstruction
- score
- score fusion
- Scottish Gaelic
- security
- security of data
- Seeding
- segment-level training
- segment-level training.
- segmentation
- self-attention
- self-guided exploration
- self-organizing feature map
- Self-Organizing Maps
- Self-supervised embedding
- self-supervised learning
- self-supervised pre-training
- self-supervision
- self-training
- Semantic Indexing
- semantic segmentation
- semantics
- sEMG
- semi-autonomous teleoperation
- semi-supervised learning
- Semi-supervised training
- Semidefinite programming
- sensing
- sensitive attribute
- sensitivity analysis
- sensor fusion
- sentence boundaries
- sentence boundary prediction
- Sentence embedding
- sentence generation
- Sentiment Analysis
- sequence learning
- sequential decision making
- Sequential IB
- Sequential Uncertainty Reduction
- server
- server transtec calleo configuration raid performances benchmarking usage distributed lustre filesystem
- Service Robots
- Sesame
- session variability
- session variability modelling
- setup
- Sexual predators identification
- SGMM adaptation
- shape classification
- Shape descriptor
- shape descriptors
- shape models
- shape parameters
- shape recognition
- Shape retrieval
- shared autonomy
- shared control
- shot boundary detection
- show tables
- Siamese Network
- side information
- side information.
- sigma-pi connection
- Sigma-Pi neural network
- sigmoid steepness
- sign language
- sign language assessment
- Sign language processing
- Signal Level Modelling
- signal processing
- Signal Spans Detection
- Signed Distance Fields
- Similarity
- Similarity Learning
- Simulation tools
- simultaneous detection
- simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)
- SincNet
- Single Channel Source Separation
- single sound source
- single-channel and multi-channel speech
- Single-channel source localization
- single-trial classification
- Singular value decomposition
- situation awareness
- sketch
- skew- symmetric matrices
- skin colour
- sleepiness
- slope
- small group interactions
- small variance asymptotics
- Smart cities
- Smart grid
- Smartphone application
- smartphone data
- smartphone sensing
- Smartphones
- Snack and Meal
- SNR spectrum
- Sobol’ indices
- Sobol’ method
- Social Behaviour Analysis
- social computing
- social context
- Social Interactions
- social media
- social media analysis
- Social Network Analysis
- Social network services
- social networks
- social psychology
- Social robots
- Social Signal Processing
- Social signals
- Social video
- soft missing data
- soft targets
- software
- Software Frameworks
- software implementation
- solar energy in cities
- sosm
- sound mixtures
- sound source localization
- Sound Source Lozalization
- Sound spatialization
- source coding
- Source localization
- Source localization and separation
- source-filter decomposition
- space heating
- Spans extraction
- Sparse array
- sparse autoencoder
- sparse coding
- Sparse Component Analysis
- Sparse microphone array
- Sparse modeling
- Sparse Neural Networks
- sparse overcomplete autoencoder
- sparse reconstruction
- Sparse Recovery
- sparse recovery modeling
- sparse representation
- Sparse Signal Recovery
- Sparse word posterior probabilities
- sparsity
- spatial data
- spatial light modulator
- Spatial resolution
- spatial spectrum-based approaches
- speaker
- speaker adaptation
- speaker anti-spoofing
- Speaker Authenitcation
- Speaker change detection
- speaker classification
- speaker clustering
- speaker database
- Speaker Diarization
- speaker discrimination
- Speaker identification
- Speaker localization
- speaker recognition
- speaker recognition field
- speaker role classification
- speaker role detection
- speaker role identification
- Speaker Role Labeling
- speaker turn
- speaker turn detection
- speaker turn embedding
- speaker verification
- speaker verification ferns XM2VTS
- speaker-specific features
- speakerspecific features
- spectral amplitude estimation
- spectral amplitude modulation phase hierarchy
- spectral imaging
- spectral modulation
- spectral modulation
- spectral shot clustering
- spectral statistics
- Spectral subspace
- Spectral subspace
- Spectral Subtraction
- spectral unmixing
- Spectrographic sparsity models
- Speech
- Speech activity
- Speech activity detection
- Speech Analysis
- speech and audio
- Speech and Audio coding
- speech assessment
- Speech breathing
- speech coding
- speech corpus
- speech dataset
- speech decoding
- Speech dereverberation
- Speech detection.
- Speech Emotion Recognition
- speech emphasis
- Speech enhancement
- Speech intelligibility
- speech meta-data
- speech modeling
- speech perception
- speech processing
- speech production
- speech production and perception
- speech prosody
- speech quality
- speech quality evaluations
- speech recognition
- speech recognition.
- Speech retrieval
- speech separation
- Speech source localization
- speech sparsity
- Speech spectral structures
- speech synthesis
- Speech technology
- Speech Translation
- speech understanding
- Speech-based Information Retrieval
- speech-based IR
- speech-to-speech translation
- speech/non-speech detection
- SpeechBrain
- spiking neural networks
- spiking neurons
- Spoken Documents Retrieval
- spoken keyword spotting
- Spoken Language Understanding
- spoken post-editing
- spoken term detection
- Spoken Term Detection (STD)
- Spoken-Term Detection (STD)
- Spontaneous Conversation
- spontaneous conversations
- spontaneous meeting recordings
- spontaneous overlap speech
- Spoofing
- Spoofing Attacks
- Spoofing attacks fingervein
- spoofing detection
- sta- tistical inference
- stability
- Standard drink
- standardization
- state tying
- statistical classifiers
- statistical hypothesis testing
- statistical inference
- statistical language model
- statistical learning theory
- Statistical Machine Translation
- Statistical parametric speech synthesis
- statistical parametric synthesis
- statistics
- Steered response power
- Steered Response Power (SRP) localiza- tion
- Steered Response Power (SRP) localization
- Step-size estimation
- stochastic gradient descent
- Stochastic Majorization Minimization
- stochastic optimization
- Stochastic Variance Reduced Gradient
- Stop-consonants
- storage
- storage server transtec calleo configuration raid performances benchmarking usage distributed lustre filesystem
- streaming ASR
- stress
- string
- String matching
- Structural priors
- Structural similarity measure
- Structured illumination
- structured prediction
- Structured Sparse Coding
- Structured sparse representation
- Structured sparse signal recovery
- Structured sparsity
- structured sparsity models
- style transfer
- StyleGAN 2
- sub-quadratic
- subbands
- subjective evaluation
- subjective testing
- Subs-ace Gaussian Mixture Models
- subsidization strategies
- subspace clustering
- Subspace detection
- Subspace detection
- subspace Gaus- sian mixture models
- subspace Gaussian mixture models
- subspace regularization.
- subspace-based learning
- subword modeling
- subword segmentation
- Subword unit
- Summarization
- Superdirective beamformer
- Superresolution
- supervised adaptation
- Supervised Autoencoders
- supervised learning
- supervised speech representation learning
- supervision
- support
- support vector machines
- Support Vector Regression
- surface electromyography
- surgical robots
- surrogate gradient learning
- surrogate models
- surveillance
- surveillance camera face databases
- survey
- Sustainability
- sustainable urban planning
- Swiss German
- Swiss prosody
- Swisscom
- Switching Linear Dynamical Systems
- syllable-level-features
- synchronisation
- syndrome classification
- Syntactic Parsing
- syntax
- Synthetic Data
- Synthetic Dataset
- synthetic reference templates.
- Synthetic speech
- System Combination
- system combination.
- T
- t-distribution
- TACT-HAND project
- tactile myography
- tagging
- tagset dimensionality
- Tandem
- TANDEM features
- tandem hybrid
- task- parameterized models
- Task-competence
- TDOA denoising
- TDOA estimation
- TED Talks
- telemonitoring
- teleoperation
- telerobotics
- Telerobotics and Teleoperation
- template
- template inversion
- template matching
- template protection
- template-based approach
- template-based system
- Templates
- temporal alignment
- Temporal and spatial resolution
- temporal modulations
- temporal pattern extraction
- temporal subspace
- temporal super-resolution imaging
- Temporal superresolution
- Tensor Approximation
- tensor factorization
- tensor methods
- tensor train decomposition
- tensor-variate cross approximation
- tensorial operations
- terminology
- test
- Text analytics
- Text classification
- text generation
- text image segmentation
- Text Information Organization Schemes
- Text localization
- Text Mining
- Text Representation
- Text representation learning
- text retrieval
- Text Semantic Similarity
- Text Simplification
- text summarization
- text to speech
- Text-based speaker diarization
- text-to-speech
- text-to-speech synthesis
- Textual Explanation
- Texture Analysis
- texture analysis and liveness detection appears to be the common trend in this competition. Most of the algorithms are able to clearly separate spoof attempts from real accesses. The results suggest the investigation of more complex attacks.
- Texture Descriptor
- Texual semantic similarity
- thermal cameras
- Thermal comfort
- thermal imaging
- thermal imaging cameras
- thin slices
- Three dimensional imaging
- timbre
- time registration
- time series analysis
- time synchronisation
- time synchronization
- time-delay
- time-frequency analysis
- time-quefrency analysis
- tomography.
- tool
- toolbox
- topic modeling
- topic models
- Topic segmentation
- topic-model PLSA multimedia social-media
- topological taxonomy
- topology
- total variabilty modeling
- tower utterances
- tracking
- trainable filterbanks
- training
- training time
- traitement de la langue naturelle
- trajectories
- Trajectory optimization
- transfer learning
- Transformer
- transformer neural network
- transformer transducer
- transformers
- translation
- translationese
- transmission
- transtec
- Tree
- Tree Structure Recovery
- trial
- Trick
- triphone mapping
- triplet loss
- Trojan
- trojan attack
- Tropical diseaseTropical medicineTravel
- trustworthy
- tuberculosis
- Tuberculosis Detection
- Turn-Taking Behaviour
- Turn-taking features
- TV Box
- two-layer adaptation hierarchy
- U
- U-Net
- Ubiquitous Computing
- un- derdetermined convolutive speech separation
- uncertainty
- under-resource speech recognition
- Under-resourced data
- under-resourced languages
- under-resourced speech recognition
- underdetermined convolutive speech separation
- underwater robots
- Unified modeling and adaptation of ASR and TTS
- unified models
- Union of Low Dimensional Subspaces
- unit selection
- Unitary regularizer
- universal phoneme set
- unmixing
- Unseen Attack Detection.
- unsupervised
- Unsupervised · Latent sequential patterns · Topic models · PLSA · Video surveillance · Activity analysis
- unsupervised activity analysis
- unsupervised adaptation
- unsupervised calibration
- unsupervised cross-lingual speaker adaptation
- unsupervised feature extraction
- unsupervised learning
- unsupervised methods
- Urban areas
- urban awareness
- urban building energy modeling
- Urban Computing
- urban context
- Urban Crowdsourcing
- urban energy modeling
- urban morphology
- urban perception
- urban scale energy modeling
- urban simulation
- usability
- usability evaluation
- usage
- user aggregated behavior
- user behavior
- user experiment
- user identity linkage
- user initiative
- user interfaces
- user modeling
- user satisfaction
- user study
- user-based evaluation
- user-specific processing
- Utility-Based Agents
- utterance verification
- Uveitis
- V
- validity
- var fgt_sslvpn_var3=false
- var sv_fg_realm = ''
- variable-size
- Variance Reduced Gradient
- Variational Approximations
- variational inference
- vascular biometrics
- ve- hicle detection.
- Vector quantization
- vein enhancement
- vein segmentation
- verb phrase alignment
- verb tense
- verbal analysis
- Verbal content
- verification
- Very low bit rate speech coding
- vessel segmentation
- VGG-Face
- video
- Video analytics
- Video annotation
- video blogs
- video capturing
- video hyperlinking.
- video processing
- video resumes
- video search
- video structuring
- Video tampering
- video-sharing
- view sets
- vineyard
- Violence Detection
- virtual agents
- Virtual Examples
- virtual reality
- Virtual Reality Dataset
- virtualization
- virtualization qemu kvm libvirt high-availability corosync pacemaker debian linux
- Vision language models
- Visual comfort
- visual content-based features
- visual cues
- visual databases
- visual focus of attention
- visual impact
- visual object recognition
- Visual Perception
- Visual Predictive Control
- visual recognition
- visual scene recognition
- Visual similarity
- Visualization
- Vital Signs
- Vital signs monitoring
- vlog
- vlogging
- vlogs
- vocal tract length normalization
- voice activity detection
- voice assistant
- voice biometrics
- Voice Conversion
- voice detection
- Voice disguise
- voice privacy
- voice-activity detection
- Volterra series
- vulnera- bility
- vulnerability
- Vulnerability Analysis
- vulnerability evaluation
- W
- Water quality
- Wav2vec
- wav2vec 2.0
- wav2vec2
- wavelets
- WaveNet
- weakly-supervised learning.
- weakly-supervised training
- wearable sensing
- Web data
- Web Document Discovery
- Web IR and So- cial Media Search
- Web Page Segmentation
- Web Page Type Detection
- web- biometrics
- weight discretization
- weight distribution
- weight initialization
- weighted finite state transducer
- weighting
- well being
- well-being
- whisper
- Whole-Body Motion Planning and Control
- whole-body motion planning and control
- Wide-band audio coding
- Wind Speed Nowcasting
- Word Consensus Networks
- word embedding
- word emphasis
- word emphasis
- word error rate
- word sense disambiguation
- Word-Confusion-Networks
- word2vec
- Wrist biometrics
- wrist vein recognition
- X
- X ray computed tomography
- XLSR-Transducer
- Y
- Yinyany
- Young adolescence
- young adults
- Youth
- youtube
- YouTubeYouTube
- Z
- Zebrafish
- Zero Energy Building Zero Power Building Zero-emission Building Zero Energy District Zero Power District Energy Performance of Building Framework Building Performance Assessment Dynamic Performance Assessment
- zero frequency filter
- Zero frequency filtering
- zero-frequency filtering
- zero-resource speech technology
- zero-resourced speech recognition
- Zero-shot Learning
- zero-shot speaker adaptation
- Zero-shot Speech Synthesis
- zonotope