All keywords in the database
- (
- (adaptive) learning rate
- (artificial) neural network
- 2
- 2-D Face
- 2D attacks
- 2D Face Authentication
- 3
- 3D
- 3D blood flow estimation
- 3D City Models
- 3D computer vision
- 3D Face
- 3D Face Localisation
- 3D face model
- 3D face recognition
- 3D gaze
- 3D head reconstruction
- 3D localization
- 3D Mask Attacks
- 3D Masks
- 3D model base indexing
- 3D model base indexing
- 3D morphable model
- 3D object recognition
- 3D object recognition
- 3D-Rendered Datasets
- 6
- 6D pose tracking
- A
- abnormality detection
- abstractive summarization
- accelerated exact k-means
- accent embedding
- accent embedding
- Accent Identification
- Accented speech
- Accentual mismatch
- accessible games
- Acoustic features
- acoustic generators
- Acoustic model adaptation
- acoustic modeling
- Acoustic reverberation sparsity models
- Acoustic reverberation structures
- Acoustic signal processing
- acoustic stream
- Acoustics
- acquisition
- ACT metric
- activation function
- active illumination
- active learning
- active shape model
- activity
- Activity Prediction
- Actor–critic
- acuostic frequency
- Ad hoc array calibration
- Ad hoc microphone array calibration
- Ad-hoc microphone array
- Ad-hoc microphone array calibration
- Ad-hoc microphone calibration
- Adaboost
- adalaine
- adaptation
- adaptive budget allocation
- adaptive control
- adaptive exploration/exploitation trade-off
- adaptive layer norm
- adaptive optics
- adaptive resonance theory
- adaptive steepness
- Adaptive thermal comfort
- adaptive training
- adaptive TTS
- Addressee estimation
- Adequacy of diffuseness
- ADS-B data
- Adversarial Examples
- Adversarial images
- Ad~hoc microphone array calibration
- Affordances
- Affordances
- Affordances · Semantic segmentation · Benchmarking
- Afrikaans
- age anti-spoofing
- Age prediction
- Age verification
- Agricultural Tasks;
- AI
- AI competencies
- AI Literacy
- AI skills
- AI technology
- air surveillance data
- Air traffic control
- Air Traffic Control (ATC)
- air traffic control communications
- air traffic controller
- air traffic controller’s workload
- air traffic management
- air-surveillance data
- Airbnb
- Alcohol
- Alcohol Consumption
- alcohol drinking
- Alcohol expectancies
- alcohol use
- Alcohol-related consequences
- Alcoholic beverages
- algebraic varieties
- algorithm
- algorithm fusion
- algorithmic stability
- alignment
- All pass warp
- All-pass filter based bilinear transformations
- Alzheimer's disease
- Alzheimer's disease
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- AM
- AM-FMdecomposition
- Amazon Mechanical Turk
- Ambiance
- Ambiance prediction
- AMI corpus
- AMI Meetings
- Analog x-ray
- analogical reasoning
- analyse ascendante
- analysis biometrics python tool
- Analysis of Neural Networks
- ancient manuscripts
- annotation
- Annulus
- anomaly detection
- anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)
- Anti-spoofing
- Antibiotic discovery
- Anticipation
- App-based survey
- appearance
- appearance based methods
- Appearance based model
- appearance model
- application
- Approximate Dynamic Programming
- Approximate Inference
- Approximation algorithms
- approximations
- Archaeology
- architecture
- architecture scalable
- Arithmetic Coding
- arrangements
- array signal processing
- Art and Entertainment Robotics
- Articulation
- articulatory features
- artifact removal
- Artificial intelligence
- artificial neural network
- Artificial Neural Networks
- ASHRAE database
- aspect-based sentiment analysis
- ASR-free
- assessment
- assessment method
- Assessment reactivity
- Assistant Based Speech Recognition
- assistant system
- assistive robotics
- association
- association rules
- associative memory
- Asymmetry
- Attack
- attention
- attention mechanism
- Attention Mechanisms
- attention-based models
- attractiveness
- attribution
- attrition
- atypical speech
- Audio analytics
- audio and video classification
- audio and voice analysis
- audio capturing
- Audio Coding
- audio processing
- audio&text embeddings
- audio-visual
- audio-visual cue integration
- audio-visual feature extraction
- audio-visual fusion
- Audio-visual person authentication
- audio-visual speaker recognition
- audio–visual speech synchrony
- audiobook
- aurora
- authentication
- authentication task
- Author profiling
- Autism
- Auto-associative multilayer perceptrons
- Auto-encoder
- autoencoders
- Automated Disambiguation
- Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS)
- Automated Venetian blinds
- Automatic accent assessment
- automatic accent classification
- Automatic accent evaluation
- Automatic control
- automatic diagnosis
- automatic dietary monitoring
- automatic disambiguation
- automatic eye detectors
- automatic gender recognition
- automatic grading
- Automatic Image Annotation
- Automatic prosodic event detection
- Automatic prosodic event detection
- automatic reading tutor
- Automatic speaker verification (ASV)
- Automatic speech assessment
- Automatic Speech Recognition
- automatic speech recognition (ASR)
- automatic speech recognition and understanding
- automatic speech understanding
- automatic subword unit derivation
- autonomous control
- Autonomous learning
- Autoregressive modeling
- Autoregressive models
- Autoregressive Process
- autoregressive transformers
- average face
- B
- B-splines
- backchannels
- Backdoor attack
- backdoor attack detection
- backpropagation
- backpropagation neural networks
- bag of audio words
- Bag OF Words
- Bag-of-Audio-Words
- bagging
- band-limited noise
- bandwidth
- batch
- batch norm
- batch normalization
- Bayesian Approaches
- Bayesian calibration
- Bayesian decision theory
- Bayesian framework
- bayesian fusion
- Bayesian Gaussian mixture model
- Bayesian information criterion
- Bayesian latent variable model
- Bayesian modeling
- Bayesian non-parametric mixture models
- Bayesian non-parametrics
- Bayesian nonparametrics
- Bayesian optimization
- Bayesian recognition
- Bayesian recurrent units
- Bayesian transfer learning
- BCN corpus
- beam-forming
- Beamforming
- behavior
- behavior analysis.
- behavioral recognition
- Benchmark
- Benchmarking
- benchmarks
- bi-modal authentication
- bias
- bias aware
- bias correction
- bias mitigation
- bidirectional associative memory
- Big Five Personality Model
- Big-Five
- bilingual speakers
- bimanual coordination
- bimodal recognition
- Binary features
- binary masking
- Binary pattern matching
- binary segmentation
- Binary text classification
- bioacoustics
- Biohashing
- bioinformatics
- biologiy
- Biomedical engineering
- biomedical texture
- Biometric Authentication
- biometric recognition
- biometric template protection
- Biometric Verification
- Biometrics
- biometrics (access control)
- Biometrics Authentication
- biometry
- bit rate
- Black-box attack
- Blackbox
- blind deconvolution
- Blind Equalization
- blink
- Blizzard Challenge
- blur
- BoAW
- bob
- Bob toolbox
- bobbing estimation
- booktube
- Boolean logic
- boosting
- Bootstrapping
- bottleneck
- bottleneck features
- Bounded Support Set
- Bounding Box Estimation
- brain-computer interaction (BCI)
- brain-computer interface (BCI)
- brazil
- breathing pattern estimation
- breathing patterns
- Broadband beam-pattern
- broadcast news
- browser
- Budgeted Learning
- building archetypes
- Building Blocks
- building energy retrofitting
- Building energy standards
- building energy use
- building energy use evaluation
- Building Performance Assessment
- Building simulation
- Building solar energy potential
- building stocks
- C
- C++
- Cadzow algorithm
- calibration
- Calibration
- calibration performance evaluation
- calibration performance metric
- call sign detection
- call type classification
- Call-sign Detection
- Call-sign Recognition
- call-type and caller classification
- calleo
- calligraphy
- callsign detection
- camera network
- canada
- Cancer Genomics
- Candidate Screening
- canonical correlation analysis
- capillaropathy
- Cardiac imaging
- caricature
- Cascade
- case study
- Casual Drinking
- catastrophic forgetting
- categorical calibration
- cepstral normalisation
- Cerebral Palsy
- chain models
- channel normalization
- Channel selection
- Characterizing small groups
- chest radiology
- child speech recognition
- Children
- Children speech recognition
- chord progressions
- chunking
- Circumplex model of affect
- Citizen Sourcing
- CityGML
- CitySim
- claim verification
- clarans
- Classification
- classification algorithms
- Classifier Cascades
- classifier correction
- classifiers
- climate change
- clinical application
- clinical data science
- clustering
- Clustering.
- CNN Embeddings
- CNN visualization
- Co-occurrence
- cochlear model
- cochlear models
- code-switched speech data
- Code-Switching
- Coded aperture imaging
- coded illumination
- coding
- cognition
- Coherence
- cohesion
- Collaborative Filtering
- Collaborative Network Analysis
- collective action
- collective classification
- Color perturbation
- combination of experts
- combinatorial optimization
- combining method
- Command Prediction Model
- command recognition rate
- commercial face recognition systems
- Common Voice dataset
- communicative cues
- communities
- Comparable Corpora
- comparative evaluation
- ComParE features
- comparison of weight initialization methods
- Comparison studies
- Competition
- complexity
- Compressed sensing
- compression
- Compressive Acoustic Measurements
- Compressive sampling
- Compressive Sensing
- computational complexity
- computational efficiency
- computational geometry
- computational imaging
- Computational linguistics
- computer aided learning
- computer algorithm
- Computer science
- computer vision
- computer-aided detection
- Computer-aided diagnosis
- conditional layer normalization
- conditional mutual information
- Conditional Random Field
- Conditional Random Fields
- conditional text generation
- confidence estimation
- Confidence Measure
- Confidence Measure (CM)
- confidence measures
- Confidence Measures (CMs)
- configuration
- confusion matrix
- congestive heart failure
- connectionism
- connectionist network
- connectionist temporal classification
- connectionist temporal classification (ctc)
- Connective translation
- Constrained likelihood linear regression.
- constrained optimization
- constrained structural maximum a posteriori linear regression
- construction of networks
- Contact-Rich Manipula- tion
- Content-based Filtering
- content-based image retrieval
- Content-based multimedia indexing
- Context
- Context Modeling
- Contextual Adaptation
- contextual biasing
- Contextual Embeddings
- Contextual Entrepreneurship
- contextual information
- contextual segmentation modeling
- contextual semi-supervised learning
- contingency tables
- contingent negative variation (CNV)
- continuous F0 coding
- continuous speech recognition boosted binary features resource management
- continuum robots
- contour tracking
- contrast
- control
- Controlled Synthesis
- Convergence
- conversation
- conversational corpora
- conversational modeling
- conversational speech
- Conversational technologies
- Convex optimization
- Convolution Neural Network
- convolutional network
- Convolutional neural network
- Convolutional neural network.
- Convolutional Neural Networks
- Convolutive source separation
- corosync
- Corpora
- corpus
- cost-efficient
- coucou
- Counter-Measures
- Counter-Spoofing
- Covariance kernels
- covariance matrices
- covariance matrices
- COVID-19 identification
- CPqD mobile biometric database
- Critical Discourse Analysis
- cross-database
- cross-database testing
- cross-dataset evaluation
- cross-lingual
- Cross-lingual automatic speech recognition (ASR)
- cross-lingual speaker adaptation
- Cross-modal Alignment
- Cross-modal Attentio
- Cross-modal Attention
- cross-modal transformation
- cross-transfer knowledge
- crosslingual adaptation
- crossmodal matching
- Crowdsourcing
- CT
- ctc
- cue integration
- Cultural heritage
- curve fit
- Custom 3D Silicon masks
- Custom Silicone Masks
- Customer satisfaction
- Customization of model
- Cytokine stormExplainable AIHealthcare predictive analysisMachine learning for diagnosis
- D
- data analysis
- Data Augmentation
- data collection
- data compression
- Data Literacy
- Data Oversampling
- Data Selection
- data sets
- data uncertainty
- data utility
- data-driven
- data-driven enhancement
- Data-driven model
- Data-driven models
- database
- Database
- dataset
- Daylight Ecosystem services
- daylighting
- daylighting and electric lighting
- daylighting and electric lighting controls
- Daylighting control
- debian
- Decentralized system
- deception
- decision fusion
- decision tree
- Decision Tree Learning
- decision tree marginalization
- decision trees
- decoding
- Decompensation
- deconvolution
- deep
- Deep
- deep features
- Deep Generative Models
- deep learning
- Deep Learning
- Deep learning for speech
- deep learning models
- Deep Metric Learning.
- deep MLPs
- Deep neural network
- Deep neural network (DNN)
- Deep neural network posterior features
- Deep neural network posterior probabilities
- deep neural networks
- deep-networks
- deepfake detection
- Deepfakes
- definition
- deformable part model
- deformation
- degree of sleepiness
- Delay-and-sum beamformer
- Delays
- Demographic
- demographic attribute
- Demographic bias
- demographic fairness
- denmark
- depression detection
- depth
- depth estimation
- depth from focus
- destest
- detection
- detection of errors
- developing country
- dexterous manipulation
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Diabetic foot
- diagnostic studies of deep learning models
- dialect identification
- dialectal lexicon
- dialogue
- dialogue act tagsets
- diarization
- diarization error
- Dictionary learning
- Dictionary learning
- dictionnaires informatiques
- diet monitoring
- difference features
- differential kinematics
- Differential Privacy
- Diffuse field coherence model
- Diffuse noise coherence
- Diffuse noise coherence model
- Diffuse noise field
- Diffuse sound coherence model
- Diffuse sound field
- diffusion model
- diffusion transformer
- Digital IIR Filters
- digital biomarker
- Digital IIR Filters
- DIHARD challenge
- Dimensionality
- Dimensionality reduction
- direction of arrival
- Direction of arrival estimation
- direction-of-arrival estimation
- Directional Corpora
- Directivity
- disambiguation
- Discourse
- Discourse Annotation
- discourse connectives
- Discourse connectives Translation
- discourse connectives.
- Discourse Connectives. Corpora
- discourse marker identification
- Discourse Relations
- Discriminative features
- discriminative learning
- Discriminative Methods
- disease grading
- Disguise
- Dishonest Acts
- Disparity correction
- Distance Metric Learning
- DistanceMetric Learning
- Distant speech recognition
- distillation
- distributed
- Distributed source localization.
- distributed storage
- Distribution Shift
- distributional semantics
- District energy systems
- district heating
- district heating networks
- divergencefree flow
- diversity
- dnn
- dnn-based speech recognition
- DOA estimation
- Document Classification
- document labeling
- document recommendation
- Document recommender system
- domain adaptation
- Domain Classification
- domain generalization
- domain knowledge
- Domain Knowledge Integration
- domain-adversarial neural network
- Doppler velocimetry
- Drink size
- Drinking behaviours
- drinking context
- dropout
- dsp
- dtw
- duration
- duration models
- Dynamic Bayesian Network
- Dynamic Performance Assessment
- dynamic programming
- dynamic simulations
- dynamic time warping
- Dysarthria
- Dysarthric speech
- E
- e2e-lfmmi
- Early Risk Detection
- Eating Behavior
- eating episode
- eating event
- Ecological momentary assessment
- Ecological momentary assessment (EMA)
- edge template
- efficient attention
- Efficient Automatic Speech Recognition
- efficient deep learning
- Efficient training scheme
- Eigenface model
- electric lighting
- Electrochromic window
- electroencephalogram (EEG)
- electronic flight strips
- Elkan
- Embedded photometric device
- Embedded photometric system
- embedding
- embedding learning
- embedding losses
- embedding translation
- embryonic imaging
- Emergent leadership
- Emerging power hierarchies
- emotion
- Emotion Recognition
- emotional speech synthesis
- emotional TTS
- emphasis
- Encoding
- end-to-end
- end-to-end acoustic modeling
- end-to-end architectures
- end-to-end ASR
- End-to-end learning
- end-to-end modelling
- End-to-End Speech synthesis
- end-to-end training
- end-user programming
- energy
- energy balance
- Energy Expenditure Estimation
- energy modelling
- Energy Performance of Building Framework
- Energy planning
- energy simulation
- energy-hub
- engineering model
- Enhanced Posteriors
- ensemble methods
- Ensembles
- entailment
- entity induction
- entity linking
- Entity Search
- entrainment to music
- Entropy Coding
- Environmental mismatch
- environnements de mise au point.
- Epigraphy
- eps
- epsc
- ergodic exploration
- Error Analysis
- error backpropagation
- error characteristics
- error correction
- error rate
- error-related potentials (ErrP)
- Estimation
- ethanol
- Etrepreneurial Challenges
- Euclidean distance matrix
- Euclidean distance matrix completion
- evaluation
- Evaluation of Information Retrieval.
- evaluation protocol
- Event Causality identification
- event detection
- evidence combination
- evidence framework
- exact
- exact k-means
- exemplar-based modeling
- Expectation Maxi- mization
- Expectation maximization
- Expectation-Maximization algorithm
- Expected Improvement
- expected performance and spoofability curve
- Expensive black-box optimization
- experience
- explainability
- Explainable AI
- exploration-exploitation
- Exponion
- Expressive Vocalizations
- extrinsic parameters
- eye detection
- eye localisation errors
- eye localization errors
- eye location ambiguity
- eye movements
- eye tracking
- eye-gaze
- F
- F1 score
- Face
- Face Anti-spoofing
- Face Authentication
- face clustering
- Face Detection
- Face Detection and Verification
- Face dirarization
- Face Editing
- face identification
- Face Localisation
- face morph
- face normalization
- Face Presentation Attack Detection
- Face presentation attack detection (PAD)
- face presentation-attacks
- Face Recognition
- Face Recognition
- face recognition algorithms
- face recognition performance
- face recognition system
- face recognition systems
- face reconstruction
- face spoofing
- Face tracking
- face verification
- Facial & Body landmarks
- Facial animations
- facial expressions
- facial feature alignment
- facial points detection
- fact checking
- fact verification
- factor analysis
- Factored Translation Models
- Factual knowledge
- factual reporting
- Fairness
- Fairness Evaluation.
- far-field asr
- far-field speech
- Fast $k$NN
- fast adaptation
- fast training
- FC
- feature combination
- Feature Distribution Modelling
- Feature extraction
- Feature Fusion
- feature importance
- feature pooling
- feature representations
- feature selection
- feature separation
- feature stability
- Feature-based tracking
- features importance
- feedback
- feedback network
- feedforward network
- Ferns
- Few-shot learning
- file system
- filterbanks
- filtered backprojection
- fine-tuning
- Finetuning
- Finger vein
- finger vein recognition
- Fingerprints
- finite-state transducers
- first impres- sions
- first impressions
- fixed-size word patterns
- Flickr
- Flickr groups
- Flickr groups LDA
- Flickr LDA
- Flickr PLSA topic-model communities
- floor control
- fluency prediction
- fluorescein angiography
- Fluorescence Microscopy
- Fluorescence tomography
- Flux analysis
- FM
- fmllr
- focus estimation
- focus of attention
- focus of attention
- Focused Crawling
- Food Consumption
- food diaries
- food diary
- food journal
- forensic face recognition
- Forensics
- Forgery
- formalization
- Formant identification
- Formant transitions
- Formants
- Foundation Model
- Foundation Models
- foursquare
- Frcsyn-Ongoing
- French accents
- French Regional Accents
- French TTS
- Frequency Domain Linear Prediction (FDLP)
- Fujisaki Model
- full combination
- Full-view Authentication
- functional gradient descent
- functional-link network
- Fundamental frequency
- fundamentals
- fundus
- Fuses
- Fusion
- fuzzy-neural system
- G
- g2g
- Gabor
- Gabor graph
- Gabor phase
- Gabor wavelets
- gain
- gait
- gaming
- gamma-tone filter
- GANs
- Gaussian mixture
- Gaussian Mixture Model
- Gaussian Mixture Modeling
- Gaussian Mixture Modelling
- Gaussian Mixture Models
- Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM)
- Gaussian mixture regression
- Gaussian mixture.
- Gaussian process
- Gaussian processes
- Gaze
- gaze calibration
- Gaze Coding
- gaze detection
- Gaze estimation
- Gaze event detection
- Gender prediction
- generalization
- generalization performance
- Generalized cross correlation
- generalized linear model
- Generalized sampling
- Generalized Trust Region Subproblem (GTRS).
- generation
- Generative Adversarial Networks
- Generative Adversarial Networks
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
- Generative Ai
- Generative AI Literacy
- generative models
- genomics
- Genre-Aware Crawling
- Geographic Information System GIS
- Geometric Algebra
- geometric hashing
- geometric method
- Geometric model
- Geometry
- German
- German ASR
- German language
- Gestures
- Global optimization
- global sensitivity analysis
- Glottal source modeling
- glottal source signals.
- glyph co-occurrence
- GMM Modelling
- GMM Parts-Based
- GMMs HMMs 3D facial data face verification feature distribution modelling techniques
- Goal-Planning
- GPTs
- GPU decoding
- gradient boosting
- gradient-based visualization
- grapevine pruning
- Graph
- Graph Convolutional Networks
- graph encoding
- Graph Neural Networks
- Graph Representation Learning
- graph theory
- Graph Transformer Networks
- Graph-to-Graph Transformer
- grapheme
- Grapheme subword units
- grapheme subwords
- grapheme-based automatic speech recognition
- grapheme-to- phoneme conversion
- grapheme-to-phoneme conversion
- grapheme-to-phoneme converter
- Graphemes
- Grassmannian discriminant analysis
- greece
- Greedy Edge Expectation Maximization (GEEM)
- Green city
- grounding
- group dynamics
- group interaction
- Group performance.
- grouping
- groups
- H
- Haar features
- hallucination detection
- Hamerly
- Hand Gesture Recognition
- Hand occlusion
- Hand Posture Recognition
- handwriting recognition
- haptics
- haptics
- Hard Mining
- hardware
- hardware implementation
- Hashing
- HDR imaging
- head nods
- Head pose
- Head pose tracking
- head-pose invariance
- health
- health care
- healthy
- hearing impairment
- Heart
- heart
- Heartbeat
- Heat grids
- Heavy Drinking
- Heterogeneous
- Hidden Markov Model
- hidden Markov models
- Hidden Markov models.
- hidden semi-Markov Model
- hidden variable
- Hierarchical Attention Networks
- Hierarchical Neural Network
- hierarchical neural networks
- hierarchical processing
- hieroglyph
- hieroglyphs.
- high altitude wind forecasting
- high order neural network
- high order perceptron
- high order perceptrons
- high(er) order neural network
- high(er) order perceptron
- high-availability
- high-bandwidth
- high-capacity
- high-definition video-conferencing
- high-dimensional sparse representations
- higher-order statistics
- Hill-climbing attack
- hirability
- histogram
- Histogram of orientation
- histogram of orientations
- HMM state mapping
- HMM-based automatic speech recognition (ASR)
- HMM-based speech synthesis
- HMM-based statistical parametric speech synthesis (HTS)
- HMM-based TTS
- HMM/ANN-Hybrid
- HMMs
- home environments
- Home Spaces
- Homogeneity
- Hopfield network
- hotel reviews
- HSMM explicit duration modelling
- Huffman Coding
- human activity recognition
- human annotations
- human assisted learning
- human behaviour
- human behaviour analysis
- human behaviour understanding
- human detection
- human factors
- human human interaction
- human interactions
- human mobility
- human motion prediction
- Human pose estimation
- Human Resource Management
- human skeleton estimation
- human speech
- Human-Computer Interaction
- human-in-the-loop simulation
- human-robot collaboration
- human-robot interaction
- Human-robot teaming
- HVAC control
- Hybrid Actions
- hybrid system
- HyperMixer
- Hypernetworks
- Hyperparameter optimization
- hyperparameter tuning
- Hypersphere Optimization
- I
- i-vector
- i-vectors
- ICPR 2010
- ictd
- identification
- Identity
- Identity Verification
- idiap
- Illumination
- Illumination Invariance
- illumination variation
- image
- Image analysis
- Image analytics
- Image Captioning
- Image classification
- image denoising
- image detection
- image forensics
- Image Model
- image modeling
- image processing
- Image quality
- image reconstruction
- image rectification
- image rectification
- Image registration
- image retrieval
- image segmentation
- image synthesis
- image transformer
- Image-to-Image Translation
- Imitation Learning
- impedance control
- ImpLapMMSE
- implicitation
- Importance Sampling
- Importance sampling.
- importance score
- impressions
- inconsistencies detection
- Incremental Learning
- indexation et recherche documentaire
- indexing
- indoor comfort
- Indoor Environmental Quality
- Indoor Places
- Indoor Scene Recognition
- industrial robot
- Industry Context
- Inferring Ratings
- Infor- mation Extraction
- Informal spoken content search
- information bottleneck
- Information Bottleneck clustering
- information bottleneck principle
- Information Extraction
- information fusion
- information fusion
- information leakage
- information obfuscation
- Information Retrieval
- information theory
- Information transmission
- information verification
- information visualization
- Information-theoretic privacy
- initial weight
- initial weight distribution
- initial weights
- Initialisation
- Initialization
- Input-Label Embedding
- Input-Output Hidden Markov Model
- Integer Based Arithmetic
- Integrated Lighting Controls
- integration of ASV and anti-spoofing
- Integration of prior knowledge
- Intelligent Systems
- intelligibility
- Intent Classification
- inter-grader agreement
- Inter-pretable Models
- inter-session variability modeling
- Inter-session Variability Modelling
- inter-task fusion
- interaction
- interactive
- interconnection strength
- interconnection strength distribution
- interest point.
- interest points
- interface graphique
- interface homme-machine
- internet of things
- Interpretability
- Interpretability · Vision language models · Topic modeling
- Interpretable Models
- Interview
- intonation
- intonation modelling
- intonation synthesis
- intonation-based emphasis synthesis
- invariants
- Inverse Kinematics
- inverse models
- inverse problems
- inverse-problems
- inverse0problems
- involvement
- iphoto
- ireland
- Iris Recognition
- Isolated Digit Recognition
- isolated word recognition
- iterative
- Iterative learning
- iterative relevance feedback
- its approximation
- J
- job interviews
- joined forward-backward tracking
- Joint Factor Analysis
- Joint sparse recovery
- just-in-time retrieval
- K
- K-means
- k-medoids
- k-nearest neighbor (kNN) search
- k-nearest neighbors
- Kaldi toolkit
- Kalman filters
- Kernel Methods
- keyframe extraction
- Keypoints detection
- Keystroke
- Keyword Detection
- keyword spotting
- KeyWord Spotting (KWS)
- Keyword spotting detection
- Keywords—Keyword extraction
- kinematics
- KL-divergence
- kNN
- kNN classifier
- knowledge distillation
- knowledge transfer
- Kodak Gallery
- Kronecker product
- Kullback- Leibler divergence based hiddenMarkovmodel
- Kullback-Leibler divergence
- Kullback-Leibler divergence based hidden Markov model
- Kullback-Leibler divergence based HMM
- Kullback–Leibler divergence based hidden Markov model
- kvm
- L
- Label balancing
- labeled faces in the wild
- laboratory phonology
- lan- guage identification
- landmark detection
- language
- language detection
- language disorder
- language identification
- Language IDentification (LID)
- language mismatch
- language modeling
- Language Models
- Language Production
- Language recognition
- Language recognitiony
- language style
- Language targets
- Laplace approximation
- Laplacian speech modeling
- Large Language Models
- large scale learning
- Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition (LVCSR)
- large-scale
- large-scale iterative relevance feedback
- laser doppler velocimetry
- late-life depression
- latent aspect modeling
- Latent Dirichlet Allocation
- Latent Enhancement
- latent space learning
- Latent SVM
- latent variable
- Lattice embeddings
- Lattice expansion
- Lattice Generation
- Lattice rescoring
- Lattice-Free MMI
- Lausanne Data Collection Campaign
- Law Enforcement Agencies
- learing rate
- learning
- Learning and Adaptive Systems
- Learning by demonstration
- learning control
- Learning embedding
- learning from demonstration
- Learning from demonstrations
- learning from humans
- learning rate
- learning theory
- learning to rank
- Least square solution.
- leave-one-out
- Lecture Recommendation
- lecture segmentation
- legal framework
- letter-to-sound rules
- Level of Detail
- Lex- icon
- Lexical availability
- lexical features
- lexical model
- Lexical modeling
- Lexicon
- LibriSpeech
- libvirt
- Lifelong learning
- light microscopy
- Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy
- Light-Sheet Microscopy
- likelihood decomposition
- likelihood ratio
- likelihood ratio interpretation
- likelihood-based encoding
- limited training data
- linear classification
- Linear Mixed-Effects Modeling
- linear object detection
- Linear operators
- Linear prediction
- linear score transformation
- linear score transformation.
- linearly calibrated face recognition scores
- Linguistic parsing
- linguistique informatique
- Link Analysis
- Link Prediction
- linkability
- linux
- lip-syncing
- liquid crystal light valve
- liquid crystal light valve (LCLV)
- listener categories
- live microscopy
- Liveness Detection
- LM compensation
- load match
- Local Binary Patterns
- Local News
- local posterior probability
- Local Posteriors
- Local scores
- localization
- Locally Linear Support Vector Machines
- locally linear SVM
- location estimation
- Location prediction
- location-based social networks
- locomotion
- log-based similarity learning
- logistic regression
- loneliness
- Long-Short Term Memory
- Long-tail data distribution
- Long-term
- long-term acoustic features
- long-term statistics
- lookahead
- LoRA
- low effective dimensionality
- low bit rate speech coding
- Low bit rate speech vocoding
- low level descriptors
- Low resource language
- low-rank adaptation
- low-rank and sparsity
- low-rank representation (LRR)
- low-rank sparsity
- low-resource
- Low-Resource ASR
- low-resource domains
- Lung Segmentation
- lustre
- lustre filesystem
- M
- machine learning
- Machine Learning for Robot Control
- Machine Translation
- Machine Translation (MT)
- machine translation evaluation
- machine-learning software
- macular edema
- madalaine
- Makeup Attack Detection
- Makeup Attacks
- manipulability ellipsoids
- manipulation
- manual annotation
- manual eye annotations
- Markov model
- Markov Models
- Mask attack
- Matrix completion
- maximal leakage
- Maya civilization
- Maya culture
- Maya glyph
- maya glyphs
- Maya hieroglyph
- meal
- Measurement by laser beam
- Measures
- media
- media bias
- Medical Image
- medical image annotation
- Medical Sector
- medoid
- meeting
- meeting analysis
- meeting ASR
- meeting assistants
- meeting browsers
- meeting data
- meeting recording
- meeting recordings
- meeting room conversations
- meetings
- Mel-generalized cepstral features
- melodies
- Membership Inference (MI) Attack
- Memorisation
- Mental Health
- Mental Lexicon
- Mertic learning
- Metabolic networks
- Metric learning
- Metrics
- Mexican Tourist Text
- mexico
- mHealth
- micro-data learning
- microphone array
- Microphone array calibration
- microphone arrays
- Microphone localization.
- Microphones
- microscopy
- Microscopy - Fluorescence
- Mini-batch
- minimal intervention control
- minimax
- minimum description length
- minimum generation error
- missing data
- missing features
- Missing pairwise distances
- Miura-Match
- mixed activity
- mixture models
- mixture of experts
- mkl
- ML-adaptation
- ML3
- MLP classifier
- MMSE estimator
- mnemonic notation
- mobile
- Mobile And Wearable Sensing
- mobile biometrics
- mobile computing
- Mobile Crowdsensing
- mobile crowdsourcing
- mobile environment
- mobile food diary
- mobile health
- mobile mining
- mobile phone data
- mobile sensing
- mobile survey
- mobility models
- MOBIO database
- modalities fusion
- model
- model adaptation
- model error
- model pairing
- model predictive control
- Model Predictive Control (MPC)Blinds and electric lighting automated controlsDaylight and electric lighting predictive modelsControlled user experiment
- Model transformations
- Model- Based Optimization
- Model-Based Compressive Sensing
- Model-Based Optimization
- Model-based sparse component analysis
- Model-based sparse recovery
- modelling
- modelling of cognitive phenomena
- models
- models combination
- Modified Census Transform
- modified ZFF
- modulation frequency
- modulation frequency domain
- Modulation Spectrum
- Monte Carlo methods
- monte carlo tree search
- mood
- morphing
- Morphing Attack
- morphing attack detection
- morphologie
- motif mining
- Motion
- Motion and Path Planning
- motion blur
- motion capture
- Motion Control
- motion planning
- motion synthesis
- Motor speech disorders
- movement primitives
- MT evaluation
- Mult-channel sensors.
- multi armed bandit
- multi- layer perceptron
- multi- layer perceptron.
- multi-band
- multi-band and multi-stream processing
- multi-band combination
- multi-camera
- Multi-channel face-PAD
- Multi-channel sensors.
- Multi-channel voice activity detection
- multi-component classification
- multi-dialect
- multi-dimensional registration
- multi-domain IEQ
- multi-face tracking
- multi-kernel learning
- multi-linear classifier
- multi-lingual automatic speech recognition
- multi-lingual SAD
- multi-media
- Multi-modal Approach
- multi-modal database
- multi-modal identity verification
- Multi-modal models
- multi-object tracking
- multi-objective optimization
- Multi-omics Data
- multi-party
- multi-party meetings
- Multi-party Speech
- Multi-party Speech Recognition
- multi-scale
- Multi-source localization
- Multi-speaker Localization
- Multi-speaker TTS
- multi-stream
- multi-stream classification
- multi-stream combination
- multi-stream hybrid
- multi-stream learning
- multi-stream processing
- multi-task
- Multi-task learning
- multi-task learning.
- Multi-view
- multi-view microscopy
- multiband
- multiband ASR
- multiclass
- multiclass classification
- multilayer neural network
- multilayer perceptron
- MultiLayer Perceptron (MLP)
- multilayer perceptron network
- multilayered perceptron
- multilevel analysis
- multilinear algebra
- Multilingual
- multilingual acoustic modeling
- multilingual ASR
- Multilingual automatic speech recognition
- multilingual bottleneck features
- multilingual concept clustering
- multilingual concept retrieval
- Multilingual DNN
- multilingual hierarchical networks
- Multilingual Learning
- multilingual sentiment analysis
- multilingual speech recognition
- multilinguality
- multilinguisation
- multimedia
- Multimedia Analytics
- Multimedia communication
- Multimedia data mining
- multimedia IR
- multimedia recommendation
- Multimodal
- multimodal analysis
- Multimodal analytics
- Multimodal biometrics
- Multimodal classification
- multimodal cues
- multimodal identification
- Multimodal interaction
- multimodal interfaces
- Multimodal machine translation
- multimodal meeting recordings
- multimodal optimization
- Multimodal person diarization
- multimodal regression
- Multimodal Sensing
- multimodal sensor data
- multimodal signal processing
- multimodal speaker diarisation
- multimodal textual-based and visual content-based features
- Multiparty (Overlapping) speech recognition
- Multiparty Conversation
- multiparty meetings
- multiple classifier system
- multiple face tracking
- multiple linear regression
- multiple remote tower
- multiple sound sources
- multiple speaker detection
- Multiple speaker localization
- multiple speakers
- multiple time scales
- Multiple-Instance Learning
- multiple-stream combination
- multispectral
- Multistream
- Multistream diarization
- multistream diarization.
- multitask acoustic model
- multitask acoustic modeling
- multitask learning
- multitask training
- multivariate time series
- music
- music information retrieval
- mutual information
- N
- N-gram Representation
- Nahuatl and Spanish utterances
- Naive Bayes Neaarest Neighbor
- Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor
- Naive Bayesian
- named entity recognition
- narcissism
- nasal sounds
- National News
- Natural conversation
- natural language
- natural language generation
- natural language inference
- natural language porcessing
- Natural language processing
- natural language semantics
- Natural Language Understanding
- natural-light
- Nature-based solutions
- near-infrared
- nearest neighbor rule of classification
- nearest neighbour rule of classification.
- neocognitron
- nested
- nesting
- nets
- network analysis
- network output
- network size
- network topology
- neural computation
- neural computing
- neural expert system
- Neural language models
- neural machine translation
- neural nets
- neural network
- neural network classification
- neural network connectivity
- neural network determination
- neural network features
- neural network initialization
- neural network language models
- neural network optimization
- neural network simulator
- neural network statics
- neural network topology
- neural network-based sound source localization methods
- neural networks
- neural oscillations
- neural radiance fields (NeRF)
- Neural reranker
- neural-evolutionary system
- neurocomputational models
- neurocomputing
- neuromorphic technology
- new zealand
- news media
- Nightlife
- node weighted graphs
- Noise
- noise adaptation
- noise annoyance
- noise intrusiveness
- noise masking
- noise reduction
- Noise Removal
- noise robust ASR
- Noise Robustness
- Noisy Text
- nomenclature
- non parametric models
- non-convex optimization
- Non-Linear Classification
- non-linear phonology
- non-modal phonation
- non-native speech
- non-native speech recognition
- Non-negative matrix factorization
- non-negative neural networks
- non-verbal cues
- non-verbal features
- nonlinear optimization
- nonparametric prediction
- Nonparametric Variational Information Bottleneck
- Nonparametric VIB
- nonverbal be- havior
- Nonverbal behavior
- Nonverbal Vocal Behavior
- normal distribution
- novel view synthesis
- O
- obfuscation
- object detection
- object discovery
- object proposals
- object recognition
- object-oriented
- Objective and subjective evaluation of audio quality.
- objective assessment
- Objective Evaluation
- Objective intelligibility
- Objective intelligibility Assessment
- objective measures
- Observers
- Occlusion Handling
- Occupation prediction
- Ocular blood flow
- Off-target effect
- Old-Age Makeups
- one-class collaborative filtering
- online
- online calibration.
- online learning
- Online Platform
- online speech recognition
- online video
- onset/offset algorithm
- ontogenic neural network
- ood events
- OOV-word recognition
- open coding
- open science
- Open Source
- open source implementations
- open vocabulary
- open-architecture distributed system
- open-set classifica- tion
- open-set classification
- Open-source software
- open-vocabulary
- OpenSimulator
- OpenSky Network
- Operant Motive Test
- Opinion Retrieval
- optic disc hyperfluorescence
- Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
- optical computing
- optical implementation
- optical microscopy
- optical multilayer neural network
- optical multilayer perceptron
- optical neural network
- Optical projection tomography
- Optical variables measurement
- optimal control
- optimal model
- optimal network size
- optimality criteria
- optimization
- Optimization and Optimal Control
- Optimization and optimal control
- ordinal classification index
- Orthonormal
- orthonormal regularizer
- out of distribution detection
- Out- Of-Language (OOL) detection
- Out-of-distribution
- out-of-domain
- Out-of-domain generalisation
- Out-Of-Language (OOL) detection
- out-of-scene detection
- outdoor places
- output representation learning
- over- lapping speech
- Over-determined linear equation
- Overlap speech
- Overlapping Speech
- overlapping speech recognition
- P
- pacemaker
- packet loss
- pad
- pad eps epsc anti-spoofing fusion
- Page Rank
- pairing
- Pairwise distance estimation
- palm vein
- Palm vein LBP LDP Biometry
- papillitis
- Paralinguistic
- Paralinguistic speech processing
- parallel
- Parallel Corpora
- Parallel Corpus
- parameter reduction
- parameter screening
- Parameter Tuning
- parameter-efficient fine-tuning
- parameters
- parametric speech synthesis
- parametric synthesis
- Parametric vocoding
- Parkinson's disease
- Parkinson's disease detection
- Parkinson’s disease
- Parsing
- particle filter
- parts-based approach
- passage retrieval
- passive sensing
- Patch Pooling Layer
- Pathological speech
- pathological speech detection
- pathological speech intel- ligibility
- pathological speech intelligibility
- Pathological Speech Processing
- pattern classification
- pattern matching
- pattern recognition
- pdf transformation
- Peft
- perceived dominance
- Perceived fluency
- Perception
- perceptron
- perceptual evaluation of audio quality (PEAQ)
- perceptual evaluation of audio quality (PEAQ)
- perceptual evaluation of audio quality (PEAQ).
- perceptual quality assessment
- performance
- Performance Evaluation
- performances
- periocular biometrics
- Periocular PAD
- Periocular Recognition
- Periodicity
- Permutations
- person detection
- person diarization
- person discovery
- person identification
- person invariance
- person re-identifcation
- Person re-identification
- person recognition
- Person Tracking
- person-independence.
- personal data processing
- Personality
- Personality Assessment
- Personality identification
- personality impressions
- Personality traits inference
- personalization.
- personalized medicine
- personalized service
- personalized speech-to-speech translation
- personas
- pervasive computing
- Phase estimation
- Phase transform
- Phonation
- Phone attributes
- phone duration modelling
- phone merging
- Phone posterior
- phoneme
- phoneme background model
- Phoneme classification
- phoneme modeling
- Phoneme recognition
- phoneme subword units
- phoneme subwords
- phonemes
- Phonetic and Lexical Knowledge
- Phonetic information
- phonetic representation
- Phonocardiogram
- phonological constraints
- Phonological features
- phonological knowledge
- Phonological posterior
- phonological posteriors
- Phonological posteriors
- Phonological speech representation
- phonological vocoding
- phonology
- photometric stereo
- Photorealism in Synthetic Data
- Physical Activity
- physical human-robot ineraction
- physical human-robot interaction
- physiologically plausible models
- picasa
- Picture annotation
- pitch analysis
- pitch frequency
- pitch model
- Pitch modelling
- pitch target approximation
- pitch target realisation
- pittpatt
- place extraction
- place labeling
- Place recognition
- place visit
- Place-based approach
- plant skeleton
- pLSA
- Plug
- point distribution model
- point location algorithms
- point spread function
- point spread function estimation
- point-spread-function
- policy search
- Pose
- pose estimation
- Position measurement
- post-editing
- Post-training regularisation
- Posterior Based ASR
- posterior feature
- Posterior feature space
- Posterior features
- Posterior hashing
- posterior probabilities
- posterior probability
- Posterior probability structures
- Posterior representatives
- posterior space properties
- posterior-based metrics
- posterior-based speech features
- posteriors decomposition
- Pre-drinking motives
- pre-supplementary area (pre-SMA)
- pre-trained embedding
- pre-training domain
- precision viticulture
- prediction
- predictive coding
- premature fine-tuning
- presentation attack
- Presentation Attack Detection
- presentation attacks
- pretrained language model
- pretraining
- principal component analysis
- Principle component analysis
- privacy
- Privacy funnel
- privacy funnel models
- Privacy-sensitive features
- probabilistic amplitude demodulation
- probabilistic lexical modeling
- probabilistic linear discriminant analysis
- Probabilistic model
- probabilistic models
- Probability and Statistical Methods
- Probablistic Model
- programmation logique
- programming by demonstration
- projective gradient descent
- Prolog
- Prompt engineering
- Prompt-based approach
- Prompting
- Pronouns
- Pronunciation dewarping
- pronunciation generation
- pronunciation lexicon
- Prosodic and long-term features
- Prosodic features
- prosody
- Prosody Modelling
- prosthetic hands
- pruning
- pseudo-labelling
- psf
- Psychoacoustics
- Psycholinguistics
- psychological correlates
- Psychology
- public transportation
- pulmonary disease
- punctuation
- Punctuation prediction N-grams Gradient Boosted Machine Audio
- Punctuation prediction N-grams Gradient Boosted Machine Audio Features
- pydhn
- python
- Q
- Q-learning
- QA
- qemu
- qualitative and quantitative analysis
- quantized local descriptors
- Quantized posterior hashing
- quasi-periodic
- Query Analysis
- query by example
- Query Expansion
- query phases
- Query Refinement
- query-free
- query-free interactive content-based image retrieval
- query-free interactive image retrieval
- question answering
- R
- radar label
- radial basis function
- Radiomics
- raid
- Random forest
- Random Walk
- Random walks
- random weight initialization
- ranking
- Rapid feature adaptation
- rapid language adaptation
- rare word recognition
- Rare-word integration
- rating inference
- Raw Speech
- raw speech modelling
- raw speech signal
- raw waveform modelling
- raw waveforms
- raw-waveform cnn
- Readback Error Detection
- Reading Assessment
- real time
- real-time
- real-time audio processing
- Real-time audiovisual processing
- Real-time lighting simulation
- real-time processing
- real-time speech recognition
- real-world benchmark
- Real-World Conditions
- real-world data
- Realism Transfer
- recognition
- Recommendation System
- Recommender Systems
- reconstruction
- Reconstruction algorithms
- Recruitment method
- recurrent neural network
- Recurrent neural networks
- reducing biases
- redundancy
- refinement
- regional accents
- regression
- regression class tree
- regularization
- regularized least squares
- regularizer
- reinforcement learning
- Reinterpretation
- Rejection Sampling
- Relation Extraction
- relevance feedback
- reliability
- reliability analysis
- reliability estimation
- remote
- remote collaboration
- Remote meetings
- Remote photoplethysmography
- remote recording
- remote sensing
- remote sensor
- Replay
- Replay Attacks
- Replay-Attack
- Replay-Mobile
- Representation and Processing
- representation learning
- representation learning.
- Reproducibility Criteria
- Reproducible research
- residential buildings
- residual CNN
- resources and evaluation
- Respiratory parameters
- Response burden
- retina
- retina fundus images
- retina vessel segmentation
- retinal blood flow
- retinal inflammation
- retinal vasculitis
- Retrieval
- retrieval system
- Retrieval-augmented generation
- retrospective gating
- Reverberant enclosure
- Reverberation
- review
- RGB-D camera
- RGB-D cameras
- RGB-D sensors
- RGB/depth cameras
- rhythm
- Riemannian geometry
- Riemannian manifolds
- risk prediction
- road vehicles
- robot calibration
- Robot kinematics
- Robot kinematics
- robot learning
- robot localization
- robot programming
- robot vision
- robotics
- Robots
- Robust Control
- robust ASR
- Robust Automatic Speech Recognition
- Robust features for speech recognition
- Robust features for speech recognition.
- Robust microphone placement
- robust recognition
- robust speech recognition
- Robust/Adaptive Control
- robustness
- robustness under realistic scenario
- role analysis
- Room acoustic characterization
- Room acoustic estimation
- Room Geometry
- Room geometry estima- tion
- rotation invariant cross-correlation
- routines
- ROXANNE Simulated Dataset (ROXSD)
- S
- S-stress
- S1-S2 detection
- saccade
- saftety
- Saliency Mapping
- saliency maps
- Sampling
- scalable
- scene analysis
- scene classification
- Scene Recognition
- scene reconstruction
- score
- score fusion
- Scottish Gaelic
- security
- security of data
- Seeding
- segment-level training
- segment-level training.
- segmentation
- self-attention
- self-guided exploration
- self-organizing feature map
- Self-Organizing Maps
- Self-supervised embedding
- self-supervised learning
- self-supervised pre-training
- self-supervision
- self-training
- Semantic Indexing
- semantic segmentation
- semantics
- sEMG
- semi-autonomous teleoperation
- semi-supervised learning
- Semi-supervised training
- Semidefinite programming
- sensing
- sensitive attribute
- sensitivity analysis
- sensor fusion
- sentence boundaries
- sentence boundary prediction
- Sentence embedding
- sentence embeddings
- sentence generation
- Sentiment Analysis
- sequence learning
- sequential decision making
- Sequential IB
- Sequential Uncertainty Reduction
- server
- server transtec calleo configuration raid performances benchmarking usage distributed lustre filesystem
- Service Robots
- Sesame
- session variability
- session variability modelling
- setup
- Sexual predators identification
- SGMM adaptation
- shallow fusion
- shape classification
- Shape descriptor
- shape descriptors
- shape models
- shape parameters
- shape recognition
- Shape retrieval
- shared autonomy
- shared control
- shot boundary detection
- show tables
- Siamese Network
- side information
- side information.
- sigma-pi connection
- Sigma-Pi neural network
- sigmoid steepness
- sign language
- sign language assessment
- Sign language processing
- Signal Level Modelling
- signal processing
- Signal Spans Detection
- Signed Distance Fields
- Similarity
- Similarity Learning
- Simulation tools
- simultaneous detection
- simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)
- SincNet
- Single Channel Source Separation
- single sound source
- single-channel and multi-channel speech
- Single-channel source localization
- single-trial classification
- Singular value decomposition
- situation awareness
- sketch
- skew- symmetric matrices
- Skill Extraction
- skin colour
- sleepiness
- slope
- slot filling
- small group interactions
- small variance asymptotics
- Smart cities
- Smart grid
- Smartphone application
- smartphone data
- smartphone sensing
- Smartphones
- Snack and Meal
- SNR spectrum
- Sobol’ indices
- Sobol’ method
- Social Behaviour Analysis
- social computing
- social context
- Social Interactions
- social media
- social media analysis
- Social Network Analysis
- Social network services
- social networks
- social psychology
- Social robots
- Social Signal Processing
- Social signals
- Social video
- soft missing data
- soft targets
- software
- Software Frameworks
- software implementation
- solar energy in cities
- sosm
- sound mixtures
- sound source localization
- Sound Source Lozalization
- Sound spatialization
- source coding
- Source localization
- Source localization and separation
- source-filter decomposition
- space heating
- Spans extraction
- Sparse array
- sparse autoencoder
- sparse coding
- Sparse Component Analysis
- Sparse microphone array
- Sparse modeling
- Sparse Neural Networks
- sparse overcomplete autoencoder
- sparse reconstruction
- Sparse Recovery
- sparse recovery modeling
- sparse representation
- Sparse Signal Recovery
- Sparse word posterior probabilities
- sparsity
- spatial data
- spatial light modulator
- Spatial resolution
- spatial spectrum-based approaches
- speaker
- speaker adaptation
- speaker anti-spoofing
- Speaker Authenitcation
- Speaker change detection
- speaker classification
- speaker clustering
- speaker database
- Speaker Diarization
- speaker discrimination
- Speaker identification
- Speaker localization
- speaker recognition
- speaker recognition field
- speaker role classification
- speaker role detection
- speaker role identification
- Speaker Role Labeling
- speaker turn
- speaker turn detection
- speaker turn embedding
- speaker verification
- speaker verification ferns XM2VTS
- speaker-specific features
- speakerspecific features
- spectral amplitude estimation
- spectral amplitude modulation phase hierarchy
- spectral imaging
- spectral modulation
- spectral modulation
- spectral shot clustering
- spectral statistics
- Spectral subspace
- Spectral subspace
- Spectral Subtraction
- spectral unmixing
- Spectrographic sparsity models
- Speech
- Speech activity
- Speech activity detection
- Speech Analysis
- speech and audio
- Speech and Audio coding
- speech assessment
- Speech breathing
- speech coding
- speech corpus
- speech dataset
- speech decoding
- Speech dereverberation
- Speech detection.
- Speech Emotion Recognition
- speech emphasis
- Speech enhancement
- Speech for health
- Speech in health
- Speech intelligibility
- speech meta-data
- speech modeling
- speech pathology detection
- speech perception
- speech processing
- speech production
- speech production and perception
- speech prosody
- speech quality
- speech quality evaluations
- speech recognition
- speech recognition.
- Speech retrieval
- speech separation
- Speech source localization
- speech sparsity
- Speech spectral structures
- speech synthesis
- Speech technology
- Speech Translation
- speech understanding
- Speech-based Information Retrieval
- speech-based IR
- speech-to-speech translation
- speech-to-text alignment
- speech/non-speech detection
- SpeechBrain
- spiking neural networks
- spiking neurons
- spoken dialogue systems
- Spoken Documents Retrieval
- spoken keyword spotting
- Spoken Language Understanding
- spoken post-editing
- spoken term detection
- Spoken Term Detection (STD)
- Spoken-Term Detection (STD)
- Spontaneous Conversation
- spontaneous conversations
- spontaneous meeting recordings
- spontaneous overlap speech
- Spoofing
- Spoofing Attacks
- Spoofing attacks fingervein
- spoofing detection
- sta- tistical inference
- stability
- Standard drink
- standardization
- state tying
- statistical classifiers
- statistical hypothesis testing
- statistical inference
- statistical language model
- statistical learning theory
- Statistical Machine Translation
- Statistical parametric speech synthesis
- statistical parametric synthesis
- statistics
- Steered response power
- Steered Response Power (SRP) localiza- tion
- Steered Response Power (SRP) localization
- Step-size estimation
- Stochastic Dynamics
- stochastic gradient descent
- Stochastic Majorization Minimization
- stochastic optimization
- Stochastic Variance Reduced Gradient
- Stop-consonants
- storage
- storage server transtec calleo configuration raid performances benchmarking usage distributed lustre filesystem
- streaming ASR
- streaming transducer
- stress
- string
- String matching
- Structural priors
- Structural similarity measure
- Structured illumination
- structured prediction
- Structured Sparse Coding
- Structured sparse representation
- Structured sparse signal recovery
- Structured sparsity
- structured sparsity models
- style transfer
- StyleGAN 2
- sub-quadratic
- subbands
- subjective evaluation
- subjective testing
- Subs-ace Gaussian Mixture Models
- subsidization strategies
- subspace clustering
- Subspace detection
- Subspace detection
- subspace Gaus- sian mixture models
- subspace Gaussian mixture models
- subspace regularization.
- subspace-based learning
- subword modeling
- subword segmentation
- Subword unit
- Summarization
- Superdirective beamformer
- Superresolution
- supervised adaptation
- Supervised Autoencoders
- supervised learning
- supervised speech representation learning
- supervision
- support
- support vector machines
- Support Vector Regression
- surface electromyography
- surgical robots
- surrogate gradient
- surrogate gradient learning
- surrogate models
- surveillance
- surveillance camera face databases
- survey
- Sustainability
- sustainable urban planning
- Swiss German
- Swiss prosody
- Swisscom
- Switching Linear Dynamical Systems
- Switzerland
- syllable-level-features
- syllables
- synchronisation
- syndrome classification
- syntactic information
- Syntactic Parsing
- syntax
- Synthetic Data
- Synthetic Dataset
- synthetic reference templates.
- Synthetic speech
- synthetic structured data
- System Combination
- system combination.
- T
- t-distribution
- TACT-HAND project
- tactile myography
- tagging
- tagset dimensionality
- Tandem
- TANDEM features
- tandem hybrid
- task- parameterized models
- Task-competence
- task-oriented
- task-oriented dialog
- TDOA denoising
- TDOA estimation
- TED Talks
- telemonitoring
- teleoperation
- telerobotics
- Telerobotics and Teleoperation
- template
- template inversion
- template matching
- template protection
- template-based approach
- template-based system
- Templates
- temporal alignment
- Temporal and spatial resolution
- temporal modulations
- temporal pattern extraction
- temporal subspace
- temporal super-resolution imaging
- Temporal superresolution
- Tensor Approximation
- tensor factorization
- tensor methods
- tensor train decomposition
- tensor-variate cross approximation
- tensorial operations
- terminology
- test
- Text analytics
- Text classification
- text generation
- text image segmentation
- Text Information Organization Schemes
- Text localization
- Text Mining
- Text Representation
- Text representation learning
- text retrieval
- Text Semantic Similarity
- Text Simplification
- text summarization
- text to speech
- Text-based speaker diarization
- text-to-speech
- text-to-speech synthesis
- Textual Explanation
- Texture Analysis
- Texture Descriptor
- Texual semantic similarity
- thermal cameras
- Thermal comfort
- thermal imaging
- thermal imaging cameras
- thin slices
- Three dimensional imaging
- timbre
- Time measurement
- time registration
- time series analysis
- time synchronisation
- time synchronization
- time-delay
- time-frequency analysis
- time-quefrency analysis
- Tomography
- tomography.
- tool
- toolbox
- topic modeling
- topic models
- Topic segmentation
- topic-model PLSA multimedia social-media
- topological taxonomy
- topology
- total variabilty modeling
- tower utterances
- tracking
- TRACY · Law Enforcement Agencies · Suspect Detection· Non-Content Data· Social Influence Analysis· Link Prediction
- trainable filterbanks
- training
- training time
- traitement de la langue naturelle
- trajectories
- Trajectory optimization
- transfer learning
- Transformer
- transformer neural network
- transformer transducer
- transformers
- translation
- translationese
- transmission
- transtec
- Tree
- Tree Structure Recovery
- trial
- Trick
- triphone mapping
- triplet loss
- Trojan
- trojan attack
- Tropical diseaseTropical medicineTravel
- trustworthy
- tuberculosis
- Tuberculosis Detection
- Turn-Taking Behaviour
- Turn-taking features
- TV Box
- two-layer adaptation hierarchy
- U
- U-Net
- Ubiquitous Computing
- un- derdetermined convolutive speech separation
- uncertainty
- under-resource speech recognition
- Under-resourced data
- under-resourced languages
- under-resourced speech recognition
- Underactuated Systems
- underdetermined convolutive speech separation
- underwater robots
- Unified modeling and adaptation of ASR and TTS
- unified models
- Union of Low Dimensional Subspaces
- unit selection
- Unitary regularizer
- universal phoneme set
- unmixing
- Unseen Attack Detection.
- unsupervised
- Unsupervised · Latent sequential patterns · Topic models · PLSA · Video surveillance · Activity analysis
- unsupervised activity analysis
- unsupervised adaptation
- unsupervised calibration
- unsupervised cross-lingual speaker adaptation
- unsupervised feature extraction
- unsupervised learning
- unsupervised methods
- Urban areas
- urban awareness
- urban building energy modeling
- Urban Computing
- urban context
- Urban Crowdsourcing
- urban energy modeling
- urban morphology
- urban perception
- urban scale energy modeling
- urban simulation
- usability
- usability evaluation
- usage
- user aggregated behavior
- user behavior
- user experiment
- user identity linkage
- user initiative
- user interfaces
- user modeling
- user satisfaction
- user study
- user-based evaluation
- user-specific processing
- Utility-Based Agents
- utterance verification
- Uveitis
- V
- validity
- var fgt_sslvpn_var3=false
- var sv_fg_realm = ''
- variable-size
- Variance Reduced Gradient
- Variational Approximations
- variational inference
- vascular biometrics
- vascular leakage
- vasculitis
- ve- hicle detection.
- Vector quantization
- vein enhancement
- Vein recognition
- vein segmentation
- verb phrase alignment
- verb tense
- verbal analysis
- Verbal content
- verification
- Very low bit rate speech coding
- vessel segmentation
- VGG-Face
- video
- Video analytics
- Video annotation
- video blogs
- video capturing
- video hyperlinking.
- video processing
- video resumes
- video search
- video structuring
- Video tampering
- video-sharing
- view sets
- vineyard
- Violence Detection
- virtual agents
- Virtual Examples
- virtual reality
- Virtual Reality Dataset
- virtualization
- virtualization qemu kvm libvirt high-availability corosync pacemaker debian linux
- Vision language models
- Visual comfort
- visual content-based features
- visual cues
- visual databases
- visual focus of attention
- visual impact
- visual object recognition
- Visual Perception
- Visual Predictive Control
- visual recognition
- visual scene recognition
- Visual similarity
- Visualization
- Vital Signs
- Vital signs monitoring
- vlog
- vlogging
- vlogs
- vocal tract length normalization
- voice activity detection
- voice assistant
- voice biometrics
- Voice Conversion
- voice detection
- Voice disguise
- voice privacy
- voice-activity detection
- Volterra series
- vulnera- bility
- vulnerability
- Vulnerability Analysis
- vulnerability evaluation
- W
- Water quality
- Wav2vec
- wav2vec 2.0
- wav2vec2
- wav2vec2.0
- wavelets
- WaveNet
- weakly-supervised learning.
- weakly-supervised training
- wearable sensing
- Web data
- Web Document Discovery
- Web IR and So- cial Media Search
- Web Page Segmentation
- Web Page Type Detection
- web- biometrics
- weight discretization
- weight distribution
- weight initialization
- weighted finite state transducer
- weighting
- well being
- well-being
- whisper
- WhisperX
- Whole-Body Motion Planning and Control
- Wide-band audio coding
- Wind Speed Nowcasting
- Word Consensus Networks
- word embedding
- word emphasis
- word emphasis
- word error rate
- word sense disambiguation
- Word-Confusion-Networks
- word2vec
- Wrist biometrics
- wrist vein recognition
- X
- X ray computed tomography
- XLSR-Transducer
- Y
- Yinyany
- Young adolescence
- young adults
- Youth
- youtube
- YouTubeYouTube
- Z
- Zebrafish
- Zero Energy Building
- Zero Energy District
- zero frequency filter
- Zero frequency filtering
- Zero Power Building
- Zero Power District
- Zero-emission Building
- zero-frequency filtering
- zero-resource speech technology
- zero-resourced speech recognition
- Zero-shot Learning
- zero-shot speaker adaptation
- Zero-shot Speech Synthesis
- Zipformer
- zonotope