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Identifying Emergent Leadership in Small Groups using Nonverbal Communicative Cues
Type of publication: Conference paper
Citation: Sanchez-Cortes_ICMI-MLMI2010_2010
Booktitle: Proc. ICMI-MLMI '10 International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and the Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction
Year: 2010
Month: 11
Publisher: ACM New York, NY, USA ©2010
Location: Beijing
ISBN: 978-1-4503-0414-6
DOI: 10.1145/1891903.1891953
Abstract: This paper addresses firstly an analysis on how an emergent leader is perceived in newly formed small-groups, and secondly, explore correlations between perception of leadership and automatically extracted nonverbal communicative cues. We hypothesize that the difference in individual nonverbal features between emergent leaders and non-emergent leaders is significant and measurable using speech activity. Our results on a new interaction corpus show that such an approach is promising, identifying the emergent leader with an accuracy of up to 80%
Keywords: Emergent leadership, Nonverbal behavior, Speech activity
Projects Idiap
Authors Sanchez-Cortes, Dairazalia
Aran, Oya
Schmid Mast, Marianne
Gatica-Perez, Daniel
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  • Sanchez-Cortes_ICMI-MLMI2010_2010.pdf