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An Investigation of Muscle Models for Physiologically Based Intonation Modelling
Type of publication: Conference paper
Citation: Gerazov_TELFOR_2015
Publication status: Published
Booktitle: Proceedings of the 23rd Telecommunications Forum
Year: 2015
Month: November
Pages: 468--471
Address: Belgrade, Serbia
DOI: 10.1109/TELFOR.2015.7377508
Abstract: Prosody is a crucial aspect of the speech signal and its modelling is of great importance for various speech technologies. Intonation models based on physiology rely on an accurate model of muscle activation. Although most of them are based on the spring-damper-mass (SDM) muscle model, the more complex Hill type model offers a more accurate representation of muscle dynamics. In this paper we analyse and compare these two muscle models and discuss the benefits and disadvantages they bring. This research is a part of an on-going effort to develop an improved intonation model.
Projects SCOPES-SP2
Authors Gerazov, Branislav
Garner, Philip N.
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  • Gerazov_TELFOR_2015.pdf