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B. Ruiz
First name(s): B.
Last name(s): Ruiz

Publications of B. Ruiz sorted by journal and type

Publications of type Idiap-RR


4th International Conference on Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, {AVBPA} (2003)

The BANCA Database and Evaluation Protocol, E. Bailly-Baillière, Samy Bengio, Frédéric Bimbot, M. Hamouz, J. Kittler, Johnny Mariéthoz, J. Matas, K. Messer, Vlad Popovici, F. Porée, B. Ruiz and Jean-Philippe Thiran, in: 4th International Conference on Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, AVBPA, Springer-Verlag, 2003

IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (1999)