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Canal9: A database of political debates for analysis of social interactions
Type of publication: Conference paper
Citation: Vinciarelli_ACII_2009
Booktitle: Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (IEEE International Workshop on Social Signal Processing)
Year: 2009
Month: 9
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Note: Publication Date: 10-12 Sept. 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4244-4800-5
DOI: 10.1109/ACII.2009.5349466
Abstract: Automatic analysis of social interactions attracts major attention in the computing community, but relatively few benchmarks are available to researchers active in the domain. This paper presents a new, publicly available, corpus of political debates including not only raw data, but a rich set of socially relevant annotations such as turn-taking (who speaks when and how much,',','), agreement and disagreement between participants, and role played by people involved in each debate. The collection includes 70 debates for a total of 43 hours and 10 minutes of material.
Projects Idiap
Authors Vinciarelli, Alessandro
Dielmann, Alfred
Favre, Sarah
Salamin, Hugues
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  • Vinciarelli_ACII_2009.pdf