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Infinite Models for Speaker Clustering
Type of publication: Conference paper
Citation: valente:Icslp:2006
Booktitle: International Conference on Spoken Language Processing
Year: 2006
Note: IDIAP-RR 06-19
Crossref: valente:rr06-19:
Abstract: In this paper we propose the use of infinite models for the clustering of speakers. Speaker segmentation is obtained trough a Dirichlet Process Mixture (DPM) model which can be interpreted as a flexible model with an infinite a priori number of components. Learning is based on a Variational Bayesian approximation of the infinite sequence. DPM model is compared with fixed prior systems learned by ML/BIC, MAP/BIC and a Variational Bayesian method. Experiments are run on a speaker clustering task on the NIST-96 Broadcast News database.
Userfields: ipdmembership={speech},
Projects Idiap
Authors Valente, Fabio
Added by: [UNK]
Total mark: 0
  • valente-Icslp-2006.pdf
  • valente-Icslp-2006.ps.gz