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The SIWIS database: a multilingual speech database with acted emphasis
Type of publication: Conference paper
Citation: Goldman_IS2016
Publication status: Published
Booktitle: Proceedings of Interspeech
Year: 2016
Month: September
Pages: 1532--1535
Location: San Francisco, USA
Crossref: Goldman_Idiap-RR-13-2016:
DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2016-1003
Projects Idiap
Authors Goldman, Jean-Philippe
Honnet, Pierre-Edouard
Clark, Rob
Garner, Philip N.
Ivanova, Maria
Lazaridis, Alexandros
Liang, Hui
Macedo, Tiago
Pfister, Beat
Ribeiro, Manuel Sam
Wehrli, Eric
Yamagishi, Junichi
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  • Goldman_IS2016.pdf