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 [BibTeX] [Marc21]
Full-Gradient Representation for Neural Network Visualization
Type of publication: Conference paper
Publication status: Accepted
Booktitle: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
Year: 2019
URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.007...
Abstract: We introduce a new tool for interpreting neural net responses, namely full-gradients, which decomposes the neural net response into input sensitivity and per-neuron sensitivity components. This is the first proposed representation which satisfies two key properties: completeness and weak dependence, which provably cannot be satisfied by any saliency map-based interpretability method. For convolutional nets, we also propose an approximate saliency map representation, called FullGrad, obtained by aggregating the full-gradient components. We experimentally evaluate the usefulness of FullGrad in explaining model behaviour with two quantitative tests: pixel perturbation and remove-and-retrain. Our experiments reveal that our method explains model behavior correctly, and more comprehensively, than other methods in the literature. Visual inspection also reveals that our saliency maps are sharper and more tightly confined to object regions than other methods.
Projects Idiap
Authors Srinivas, Suraj
Fleuret, Francois
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