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Joint acoustic localization and dereverberation through plane wave decomposition and sparse regularization
Type of publication: Journal paper
Citation: Antonello_TASLP-2_2019
Publication status: Accepted
Journal: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing
Volume: 27
Number: 12
Year: 2019
Month: December
Pages: 1893-1905
URL: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/do...
DOI: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing
Abstract: Acoustic source localization and dereverberation are formulated jointly as an inverse problem. The inverse problem consists of the approximation of the sound field measured by a set of microphones. The recorded sound pressure is matched with that of a particular acoustic model based on a collection of plane waves arriving from different directions at the microphone positions. In order to achieve meaningful results, spatial and spatio-spectral sparsity can be promoted in the weight signals controlling the plane waves. The large-scale optimization problem resulting from the inverse problem formulation is solved using a first order optimization algorithm combined with a weighted overlap-add procedure. It is shown that once the weight signals capable of effectively approximating the sound field are obtained, they can be readily used to localize a moving sound source in terms of direction of arrival (DOA) and to perform dereverberation in a highly reverberant environment. Results from simulation experiments and from real measurements show that the proposed algorithm is robust against both localized and diffuse noise exhibiting a noise reduction in the dereverberated signals.
Projects Idiap
Authors Antonello, Niccolò
De Sena, Enzo
Moonen, Marc
Naylor, A. Patrick
van Waterschoot, Toon
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  • Antonello_TASLP-2_2019.pdf