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A Meeting Browser Evaluation Test
Type of publication: Idiap-RR
Citation: rr04-53
Number: Idiap-RR-53-2004
Year: 2004
Institution: IDIAP
Abstract: The browser evaluation test (BET) is a method for assessing browser performance on meeting recordings. The number of observations of interest found in the minimum amount of time is used as the metric. Observations of interest are statements about the meeting collected by independent observers prior to performing an evaluation. When testing a browser, human subjects are presented with questions drawn from the observations, enabling browsers to be assessed in terms of both speed and accuracy. This paper introduces the BET and applies it in a trial run. The resulting scores aim to be objective, independent, and repeatable.
Userfields: ipdmembership={speech},
Projects Idiap
Authors Wellner, Pierre
Flynn, Mike
Tucker, Simon
Whittaker, Steve
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Total mark: 0
  • rr04-53.pdf
  • rr04-53.ps.gz