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Modeling Dialectal Variation for Swiss German Automatic Speech Recognition
Type of publication: Conference paper
Citation: Khosravani_INTERSPEECH_2021
Publication status: Accepted
Booktitle: Proceedings of Interspeech
Year: 2021
Month: August
DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2021-1735
Abstract: We describe a speech recognition system for Swiss German, a dialectal spoken language in German-speaking Switzerland. Swiss German has no standard orthography, with a significant variation in its written form. To alleviate the uncertainty associated with this variability, we automatically generate a lexicon from which multiple written forms of a given word in any dialect can be generated. The lexicon is built from a small (incomplete) handcrafted lexicon designed by linguistic experts and contains forms of common words in various Swiss German dialects. We exploit the powerful speech representation of self-supervised acoustic pre-training (wav2vec) to address the low-resource nature of the spoken dialects. The proposed approach results in an overall relative improvement of $9\%$ word error rate compared to one based on an expert-generated lexicon for our TV Box voice assistant application.
Projects Idiap
Authors Khosravani, Abbas
Garner, Philip N.
Lazaridis, Alexandros
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  • Khosravani_INTERSPEECH_2021.pdf