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Multi-Modal Data Fusion for Person Authentication using SVM
Type of publication: Conference paper
Citation: sby98c
Booktitle: Proc. Second International Conference on Audio- and Video-based Biometric Person Authentication (AVBPA'99)
Year: 1999
Crossref: sby98a:
Abstract: In the context of multi-modal person authentication, a set of experts (face recognizer, speaker recognizer, etc. ) give their opinion about the identity of an individual. The opinions of the experts can be combined to form a final decision (rejecting or accepting the claim). We show that the final decision is a binary classification problem and propose to solve it by a Support Vector Machine (SVM). We compare our approach with other proposed methods for an identical verification task and show that it leads to considerably higher performance.
Userfields: ipdinar={1998}, ipdmembership={vision},
Projects Idiap
Authors Ben-Yacoub, Souheil
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Total mark: 0
  • rr98-07.pdf
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