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Bob Speaks Kaldi
Type of publication: Conference paper
Citation: Cernak_INTERSPEECH_2017
Publication status: Accepted
Booktitle: Proc. of Interspeech
Year: 2017
Month: August
Abstract: This paper introduces and demonstrates Kaldi integration into Bob signal-processing and machine learning toolbox. The motivation for this integration is two-fold. Firstly, Bob benefits from using advanced speech processing tools developed in Kaldi. Secondly, Kaldi benefits from using complementary Bob modules, such as modulation-based VAD with an adaptive thresholding. In addition, Bob is designed as an open science tool, and this integration might offer to the Kaldi speech community a framework for better reproducibility of state-of-the-art research results.
Keywords: Bob toolbox, Kaldi toolkit, open science, Reproducible research, speaker verification
Projects Idiap
Authors Cernak, Milos
Komaty, Alain
Mohammadi, Amir
Anjos, André
Marcel, Sébastien
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Total mark: 0
  • Cernak_INTERSPEECH_2017.pdf