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Retrofitting, district heating and energy storage: neighborhood energy planning
Type of publication: Conference paper
Citation: vonGunten_CISBAT2019_2019
Publication status: Published
Booktitle: Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Volume: 1343
Year: 2019
Month: November
Publisher: IOP Publishing Ltd
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1343/1/012108
Abstract: We compare simulated energy retrofitting of individual buildings with energy refurbishments optimized at the scale of the neighborhood. For the neighborhood case, buildings can also be connected together through a heat network. We use a detailed three-dimensional model to estimate heating needs (CitySim) and a mixed-integer linear optimizer to analyze different options for energy refurbishment, including various heating technologies. According to our simulations, planning at the neighborhood scale results in slightly lower costs (about -5%) and lower C02 emissions (about -60%) than planning energy refurbishment at the building scale, showing that integrated planning of energy refurbishment is beneficial from both environmental and economical points of view.
Projects Idiap
Authors von Gunten, Diane
Rager, Jakob
Kämpf, Jérôme
Kuchler, Fabien
Poumadère, Fabien
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