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User-Customized Password HMM Based Speaker Verification
Type of publication: Conference paper
Citation: BenZeghiba_cost275-02
Booktitle: Proceedings of the COST275 Workshop on the Advent of Biometrics on the Internet
Year: 2002
Address: Rome, Italy
Note: IDIAP-RR 02-35
Crossref: benzeghiba-02b:
Abstract: is presented. The system has no {\it a priori} knowledge of passwords. A hybrid HMM/ANN system is used to infer the phonetic transcription of the password. The emission probabilities are then modeled by a multi-Gaussians HMM model. Evaluation experiments, conducted on PolyVar database, showed results comparable with a system where the correct phonetic transcription of the password is known {\it a priori}.
Userfields: ipdmembership={speech},
Projects Idiap
Authors BenZeghiba, Mohamed Faouzi
Bourlard, Hervé
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Total mark: 0
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