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Olivier Bornet
First name(s): Olivier
Last name(s): Bornet

Publications of Olivier Bornet sorted by journal and type

Publications of type Idiap-RR


Publications of type Idiap-Com



Addiction Research and Theory

International Journal of Social Research Methodology

Pervasive and Mobile Computing

The Leadership Quarterly

Pervasive Computing (2012)

Proceedings of IVTTA 1996 IEEE Third Workshop Interactive Voice Technology for Telecommunications Applications (1996)

Secured vocal access to telephone servers, Olivier Bornet, Gérard Chollet, Jean-Luc Cochard, Andrei Constantinescu and Dominique Genoud, in: Proceedings of IVTTA 1996 IEEE Third Workshop Interactive Voice Technology for Telecommunications Applications, 1996

Proceedings of Workstations und ihre Anwendungen, SIWORK'96 (1996)

Proceedings of ICSLP 96 (1996)