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Gérard Chollet
First name(s): Gérard
Last name(s): Chollet

Publications of Gérard Chollet sorted by recency
Les domaines d'application des technologies vocales, Gérard Chollet, in: Fondements et perspectives en traitement automatique de la parole, GDR-PRC Communication Homme-Machine, 1995
Assessment of speaker verification systems, Gérard Chollet and Frédéric Bimbot, in: Spoken Language Ressources and Assessment, EAGLES Handbook, 1995
Semi-automatic HMM-based annotation of the PolyCOST Database, Dijana Petrovska-Delacretaz, Jean Hennebert, Dominique Genoud and Gérard Chollet, in: Application of speaker recognition techniques in telephony, COST250, 1996
Secured vocal access to telephone servers, Olivier Bornet, Gérard Chollet, Jean-Luc Cochard, Andrei Constantinescu and Dominique Genoud, in: Proceedings of IVTTA 1996 IEEE Third Workshop Interactive Voice Technology for Telecommunications Applications, 1996
Reconnaissance et compréhension de la parole: évaluation et applications, F. Néel, Gérard Chollet, F. Lamel, W. Minker and Andrei Constantinescu, in: Fondements et perspectives en traitement automatique de la parole, AUPELF -- UREF, 1996
New time-frequency derived cepstral coefficients for automatic speech recognition, Hubert Wassner and Gérard Chollet, in: Proceedings of the 8th European Signal Processing Conference (Eusipco'96), 1996
Combining methods to improve speaker verification decision, Dominique Genoud, Frédéric Bimbot, Guillaume Gravier and Gérard Chollet, in: Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP, ICSLP, 1996
Voice transformation, a tool for imposture of speaker verification, Dominique Genoud and Gérard Chollet, in: Proceedings of International Phonetic Science conference IPS98, Washington, 1998
Deliberate Imposture: a challenge for automatic speaker verification systems, Dominique Genoud and Gérard Chollet, in: Proceedings of the European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 1999
Automatic Word Recognition in Cars, Gérard Chollet and Chafic Mokbel, in: IEEE Speech and Audio Processing, 1995
Discrimination of the voices of twins and siblings for speaker verification, Gérard Chollet and M. Homayounpour, in: 4th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 1995
Swiss PolyPhone and PolyVar: Building Databases for Speech Recognition and Speaker Verification, Andrei Constantinescu and Gérard Chollet, in: Proceedings of The 3rd Slovenian-German and 2nd SDRV Workshop, Speech and Image Understanding, 1996