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Gérard Chollet
First name(s): Gérard
Last name(s): Chollet

Publications of Gérard Chollet sorted by journal and type

Publications of type Idiap-RR




DSP Journal (Special Issue on the Nist Speaker Recognition Workshop)

IEEE Speech and Audio Processing

Automatic Word Recognition in Cars, Gérard Chollet and Chafic Mokbel, in: IEEE Speech and Audio Processing, 1995

Fondements et perspectives en traitement automatique de la parole (1996)

Reconnaissance et compréhension de la parole: évaluation et applications, F. Néel, Gérard Chollet, F. Lamel, W. Minker and Andrei Constantinescu, in: Fondements et perspectives en traitement automatique de la parole, AUPELF -- UREF, 1996

Spoken Language Ressources and Assessment (1995)

Assessment of speaker verification systems, Gérard Chollet and Frédéric Bimbot, in: Spoken Language Ressources and Assessment, EAGLES Handbook, 1995

Fondements et perspectives en traitement automatique de la parole (1995)

Les domaines d'application des technologies vocales, Gérard Chollet, in: Fondements et perspectives en traitement automatique de la parole, GDR-PRC Communication Homme-Machine, 1995

The 6th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics (2013)

6th european conference on speech communication and technology --- eurospeech'99 (1999)

Proceedings of the European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (1999)

Deliberate Imposture: a challenge for automatic speaker verification systems, Dominique Genoud and Gérard Chollet, in: Proceedings of the European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 1999

IEEE Workshop on Automatic Advanced Technologies (1999)

Proceedings of ICSLP, Sidney (1998)

Proceedings of International Phonetic Science conference IPS98, Washington (1998)

Voice transformation, a tool for imposture of speaker verification, Dominique Genoud and Gérard Chollet, in: Proceedings of International Phonetic Science conference IPS98, Washington, 1998

Journees d'etudes sur la parole (1996)

Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (1996)

Combining methods to improve speaker verification decision, Dominique Genoud, Frédéric Bimbot, Guillaume Gravier and Gérard Chollet, in: Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP, ICSLP, 1996

Proceedings of the 8th European Signal Processing Conference (Eusipco'96) (1996)

New time-frequency derived cepstral coefficients for automatic speech recognition, Hubert Wassner and Gérard Chollet, in: Proceedings of the 8th European Signal Processing Conference (Eusipco'96), 1996

Proceedings of IVTTA 1996 IEEE Third Workshop Interactive Voice Technology for Telecommunications Applications (1996)

Secured vocal access to telephone servers, Olivier Bornet, Gérard Chollet, Jean-Luc Cochard, Andrei Constantinescu and Dominique Genoud, in: Proceedings of IVTTA 1996 IEEE Third Workshop Interactive Voice Technology for Telecommunications Applications, 1996

Application of speaker recognition techniques in telephony (1996)

Semi-automatic HMM-based annotation of the PolyCOST Database, Dijana Petrovska-Delacretaz, Jean Hennebert, Dominique Genoud and Gérard Chollet, in: Application of speaker recognition techniques in telephony, COST250, 1996

Proceedings of Workstations und ihre Anwendungen, SIWORK'96 (1996)

Proceedings of The 3rd Slovenian-German and 2nd SDRV Workshop, Speech and Image Understanding (1996)

Swiss PolyPhone and PolyVar: Building Databases for Speech Recognition and Speaker Verification, Andrei Constantinescu and Gérard Chollet, in: Proceedings of The 3rd Slovenian-German and 2nd SDRV Workshop, Speech and Image Understanding, 1996

Proceedings of ICSLP 96 (1996)

International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (1995)

4th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (1995)

Discrimination of the voices of twins and siblings for speaker verification, Gérard Chollet and M. Homayounpour, in: 4th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 1995

ICASSP (1995)

Linguistic Databases (1995)