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Barbara Caputo
First name(s): Barbara
Last name(s): Caputo

Publications of Barbara Caputo sorted by recency
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When Naïve Bayes Nearest Neighbors Meet Convolutional Neural Networks, Ilja Kuzborskij, Fabio M. Carlucci and Barbara Caputo, in: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), IEEE Conference on, 2016
Transfer Learning through Greedy Subset Selection, Ilja Kuzborskij, Francesco Orabona and Barbara Caputo, in: Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP 2015, Genoa, Italy, pages 3-14, Springer International Publishing, 2015
A Deeper Look at Dataset Bias, Tatiana Tommasi, Novi Patricia, Barbara Caputo and Tinne Tuytelaars, in: German Conference on Pattern Recognition, Aachen, Germany, pages 504–516, Springer International Publishing, 2015
Overview of the ImageCLEF 2014 Domain Adaptation Task, Barbara Caputo and Novi Patricia, in: ImageCLEF 2014: Overview and analysis of the results, 2014
Scene Recognition with Naive Bayes Non-linear Learning, Marco Fornoni and Barbara Caputo, in: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Stockholm, pages 3404 - 3409, IEEE, 2014
Multi-Source Adaptive Learning for Fast Control of Prosthetics Hand, Novi Patricia, Tatiana Tommasi and Barbara Caputo, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Stockholm, pages 2769 - 2774, 2014
Learning to Learn, from Transfer Learning to Domain Adaptation: A Unifying Perspective, Novi Patricia and Barbara Caputo, in: Proceedings of the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Columbus, OH, pages 1442-1449, IEEE, 2014
Multiclass Latent Locally Linear Support Vector Machines, Marco Fornoni, Barbara Caputo and Francesco Orabona, in: JMLR W&CP, Volume 29: Asian Conference on Machine Learning, Canberra, Australia, pages 229-244, 2013
Medical image annotation, Barbara Caputo, in: Interactive Multimodal Information Management, EPFL Press, 2013
Learning to learn new models of human activities in indoor settings1, Fabian Nater, Tatiana Tommasi, Luc Van Gool and Barbara Caputo, in: Interactive Multimodal Information Management, EPFL Press, 2013
Learning to learn new models of human activities in indoor settings1, Fabian Nater, Tatiana Tommasi, Luc Van Gool and Barbara Caputo, in: Interactive Multimodal Information Management, EPFL Press, 2013
Exploiting Accelerometers to Improve Movement Classification for Prosthetics, Arjan Gijsberts and Barbara Caputo, in: International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 2013
From N to N+1: Multiclass Transfer Incremental Learning, Ilja Kuzborskij, Francesco Orabona and Barbara Caputo, in: Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2013
Overview of the ImageCLEF 2012 Robot Vision Task, Jesus Martinez-Gomez, Ismael Garcia-Varea and Barbara Caputo, in: Working Notes of the ImageCLEF 2012 Laboratory, 2012
Indoor Scene Recognition using Task and Saliency-driven Feature Pooling, Marco Fornoni and Barbara Caputo, in: Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, Guildford, UK, 2012
On the Challenge of Classifying 52 Hand Movements from Surface Electromyography, Ilja Kuzborskij, Arjan Gijsberts and Barbara Caputo, in: 34th Annual Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, 2012
OM-2: An Online Multi-class Multi-kernel Learning Algorithm, Jie Luo, Francesco Orabona, Marco Fornoni, Barbara Caputo and Nicolo Cesa-Bianchi, in: In Proceeding of CVPR 2010, Online Learning for Computer Vision Workshop, 2010
Overview of the CLEF 2009 medical image annotation track, Tatiana Tommasi, Barbara Caputo, Petra Welter, Mark O. Güld and Thomas M Deserno, in: Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, Corfu, Greece, pages 85-93, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009
Object Recognition using Visuo-Affordance Maps, Arjan Gijsberts, Tatiana Tommasi, Giorgio Metta and Barbara Caputo, in: International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Taipei, pages 1572-1578, IEEE, 2010
Towards a quantitative measure of rareness, Tatiana Tommasi and Barbara Caputo, in: DIRAC Workshop at the European Conference on Machine Learning, pages 129-136, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010
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