Publications of Hervé Glotin sorted by journal and type
Publications of type Idiap-RR
Audio visual speech recognition, , , , , , , and , Idiap-RR-35-2000 |
Robust multi-stream speech recognition based on the combined reliabilities of the speech signal and phonemes estimates, , Idiap-RR-36-2000 |
Test of several external posterior weighting functions for multiband Full Combination ASR, and , Idiap-RR-27-2000 |
Weighting schemes for audio-visual fusion in speech recognition, , , , and , Idiap-RR-44-2000 |
Multi-stream adaptive evidence combination for noise robust ASR, , , and , Idiap-RR-26-1999 |
Publications of type Idiap-Com
Various adaptive weighting schemes for large vocabulary robust audio-visual ASR, with particular reference to the cocktail party effect, , Idiap-Com-04-2000 |
Speech Communication
Multi-stream adaptive evidence combination for noise robust ASR, , , and , in: Speech Communication, 2001 |
Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP) (2000)
A front-end using the harmonicity cue for speech enhancement in loud noise, , and , in: Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP), 2000 |
Audio visual speech recognition, , , , , , , and , Johns Hopkins University-CLSP, 2000 |
ICONIP, 7th IEEE Int. Conf. on Neural Information Processing (2000)
Blind acoustic source separation for cocktail party speech recognition, , , and , in: ICONIP, 7th IEEE Int. Conf. on Neural Information Processing, 2000 |
Journee d'Etudes sur la Parole, Aussois (2000)
Etudes comparatives des robustesses au bruit de l'approche 'Full Combination' et de son approximation, and , in: Journee d'Etudes sur la Parole, Aussois, 2000 |
Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP) (2000)
Multichannel signal separation for cocktail party speech recognition: a dynamic recurrent network, , , and , in: Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP), no IDIAP RR, see RESPITE www, 2000 |
Proceedings of JEP'2000 (2000)
Reconnaissance de la parole dans le bruit après renforcement fondé sur l'harmonicité, and , in: Proceedings of JEP'2000, no IDIAP RR, see RESPITE www, 2000 |
Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP) (2000)
Test of several external posterior weighting functions for multiband Full Combination ASR, and , in: Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP), 2000 |
Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Speech Processing (ICSP) (1999)
A CASA front-end using the localisation cue for segregation and then cocktail-party speech recognition, , , and , in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Speech Processing (ICSP), IEEE, 1999 |
Proc.\ European Conf.\ on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH) (1999)
A CASA-labelling model using the localisation cue for robust cocktail-party speech recognition, , and , in: Proc.\ European Conf.\ on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH), 1999 |
Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) (1999)
A measure of speech and pitch reliability from voicing, and , in: Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Scandinavian AI Society, 1999 |
Proc. Int. Congress on Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) (1999)
A new SNR-feature mapping for robust multistream speech recognition, and , in: Proc. Int. Congress on Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), 1999 |
Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Speech Processing (ICSP) (1999)
Blind separation of delayed and superimposed acoustic sources : learning algorithms an experimental study, , , , and , in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Speech Processing (ICSP), IEEE, 1999 |
TSD'98-Text, Speech and Dialog International Workshop (1998)
Interfacing of CASA and Multistream recognition, , , and , in: TSD'98-Text, Speech and Dialog International Workshop, BRNO-Czech Republic, 1998 |
ICSLP'98 (1998)
Interfacing of CASA and partial recognition based on a multistream technique, , , and , in: ICSLP'98, Sidney, 1998 |
Journées Etude Parole - Martigny (1998)
Reconnaissance multi-bandes de la parole bruitée par couplage entre les niveaux primitifs et d'identification, , , and , in: Journees Etude Parole - Martigny, 1998 |
Neurosciences et Sciences de l'Ingénieur'98 - Munster, CNRS (1998)
Reconnaissance robuste de la parole par segmentation signal/bruit en sous-bandes, , , and , in: Neurosciences et Sciences de l'Ingenieur'98 - Munster, CNRS, 1998 |