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Afsaneh Asaei
First name(s): Afsaneh
Last name(s): Asaei


Publications of Afsaneh Asaei sorted by first author
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Model-based Compressive Sensing for Multi-party Distant Speech Recognition, Afsaneh Asaei, Hervé Bourlard and Volkan Cevher, in: 2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2011
Model-based Sparse Component Analysis for Reverberant Speech Localization, Afsaneh Asaei, Hervé Bourlard, Mohammad J. Taghizadeh and Volkan Cevher, in: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pages 1439 - 1443, IEEE, 2014
Perceptual Information Loss due to Impaired Speech Production, Afsaneh Asaei, Milos Cernak and Hervé Bourlard, in: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2017
Sparse Pronunciation Codes for Perceptual Phonetic Information Assessment, Afsaneh Asaei, Milos Cernak, Hervé Bourlard and Dhananjay Ram, in: Workshop on Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations (SPARS), 2017
PAoS Markers: Trajectory Analysis of Selective Phonological Posteriors for Assessment of Progressive Apraxia of Speech, Afsaneh Asaei, Milos Cernak and Marina Laganaro, in: Proceeding on the 7th Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (SLPAT), 2016
Computational Methods For Structured Sparse Component Analysis of Convolutive Speech Mixtures, Afsaneh Asaei, Michael E. Davies, Hervé Bourlard and Volkan Cevher, in: Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2012
Structured Sparsity Models for Reverberant Speech Separation, Afsaneh Asaei, Mohammad Golbabaee, Hervé Bourlard and Volkan Cevher, in: IEEE/ACM Transaction on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2014
Structured Sparse Acoustic Modeling for Speech Separation, Afsaneh Asaei, Mohammad Golbabaee, Hervé Bourlard and Volkan Cevher, in: Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations SPARS, SPARS, 2013
On Application Of Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Ad Hoc Microphone Array Calibration from Incomplete Noisy Distances, Afsaneh Asaei, Nasser Mohammadiha, Mohammad J. Taghizadeh, Simon Doclo and Hervé Bourlard, in: IEEE 40th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pages 2694-2698, IEEE, 2015
A Multipath Sparse Beamfroming Method, Afsaneh Asaei, Bhiksha Raj, Hervé Bourlard and Volkan Cevher, in: Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations SPARS, 2013
Structured Sparse Coding for Microphone Array Location Calibration, Afsaneh Asaei, Bhiksha Raj, Hervé Bourlard and Volkan Cevher, in: SAPA-SCALE Conference, The 5th ISCA workshop on statistical and perceptual audition, 2012



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