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Proceedings of {INTERSPEECH} 2005 (2005)

Fifth Int'l. Conf. Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication {AVBPA} (2005)

Improving Fusion with Margin-Derived Confidence In Biometric Authentication Tasks, Norman Poh and Samy Bengio, in: Fifth Int'l. Conf. Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication AVBPA, 2005

Proceedings of Interspeech, 2005 (2005)

ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (2005)

Inferring Document Similarity from Hyperlinks, David Grangier and Samy Bengio, in: ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 2005

NIPS (2005)


{IEEE} Int. Conf. on Computer Vision (2005)

Proceedings of Interspeech 2005 (2005)

Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (2005)

Multi-resolution Spectral Entropy Based Feature for Robust ASR, Hemant Misra, Shajith Ikbal, Sunil Sivadas and Hervé Bourlard, in: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2005

Proceedings of {HSCMA} 2005 (2005)

MLMI (2005)

Proc. Int. Conf. on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI) (2005)

{IEEE} International Conference on Information Technology and Applications, {ICITA} (2005)

On Accuracy/Robustness/Complexity Trade-Offs in Face Verification, Conrad Sanderson, Fabien Cardinaux and Samy Bengio, in: IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Applications, ICITA, 2005

Pro. IEEE CVPR (2005)

Pro. IEEE ICME (2005)

Proceedings of ISCA European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech) (2005)

Spectral Entropy Feature in Full-Combination Multi-Stream for Robust ASR, Hemant Misra and Hervé Bourlard, in: Proceedings of ISCA European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech), 2005

Pro. IEEE ICME (2005)

Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction: Second International Workshop, {MLMI'2005} (2005)

International Conference on Machine Learning, {ICML}, Workshop on {ROC} Analysis in Machine Learning (2005)

The Expected Performance Curve, Samy Bengio, Johnny Mariéthoz and Mikaela Keller, in: International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML, Workshop on ROC Analysis in Machine Learning, 2005

Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue - TSD 2005 (2005)

The Role of Speech in Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction (Towards Reliable Rejection of Non-Keyword Input), Hynek Hermansky, Petr Fousek and Mikko Lehtonen, in: Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue - TSD 2005, 2005

Proc. Int. Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS,',','), invited paper (2005)

Tracking People in Meetings with Particles, Daniel Gatica-Perez, Jean-Marc Odobez, Silèye O. Ba, Kevin C. Smith and Guillaume Lathoud, in: Proc. Int. Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS,',','), invited paper, 2005

Proceedings of the 2005 {IEEE} {ASRU} {W}orkshop (2005)

Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2005)

You Are Wrong!---Automatic Detection of Interaction Errors from Brain Waves, Pierre W. Ferrez and José del R. Millán, in: Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2005

{IEEE} International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing, {ICASSP} (2004)

A Gentle Hessian for Efficient Gradient Descent, Ronan Collobert and Samy Bengio, in: IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP, 2004

17th Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition (ICPR) (2004)

{P}roceedings of the 2004 {SAPA} {W}orkshop (2004)

Proceedings of Odyssey 2004: The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop (2004)

A Statistical Significance Test for Person Authentication, Samy Bengio and Johnny Mariéthoz, in: Proceedings of Odyssey 2004: The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, 2004

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (2004)

A Symmetric Transformation for LDA-based Face Verification, Sébastien Marcel, in: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004

Int'l Conf. on Biometric Authentication (2004)

Int. Conf. on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR) (2004)

{IEEE} International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing, {ICASSP} (2004)

Boosting HMMs with an application to speech recognition, Christos Dimitrakakis and Samy Bengio, in: IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP, 2004

Biometric Authentication Workshop of the 8th European Conference on Computer Vision, BIOAW2004 (2004)

Boosting Pixel-based Classifiers for Face Verification, Sébastien Marcel and Yann Rodriguez, in: Biometric Authentication Workshop of the 8th European Conference on Computer Vision, BIOAW2004, Springer-Verlag, 2004

ICASSP (2004)

Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP-04) (2004)

Confidence Measures in Multiple pronunciations Modeling For Speaker Verification, Mohamed Faouzi BenZeghiba and Hervé Bourlard, in: Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP-04), 2004

International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (2004)

Cue integration through discriminative accumulation, Maria Elena Nilsback and Barbara Caputo, in: International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2004

Proceedings of International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (2004)

Effect of Recognition Errors on Information Retrieval Performance, Alessandro Vinciarelli, in: Proceedings of International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, 2004

17th Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition (ICPR) (2004)

Embedding motion in model-based stochastic tracking, Jean-Marc Odobez and Daniel Gatica-Perez, in: 17th Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2004

Proceedings of the INTERSPEECH-ICSLP-04 (2004)

{IEEE} International Conference on Image Processing, {ICIP} (2004)

The 6th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, FG2004 (2004)

Face Verification Using Adapted Generative Models, Fabien Cardinaux, Conrad Sanderson and Samy Bengio, in: The 6th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, FG2004, IEEE, 2004

Proceedings IEEE WIAMIS 2004(5th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services,',','), 21-23 April, 2004, Lisboa, Portugal (2004)

Fusion of Structural and Color Local Descriptors for Enhanced Object Recognition, Pedro Quelhas and Jean-Marc Odobez, in: Proceedings IEEE WIAMIS 2004(5th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services,',','), 21-23 April, 2004, Lisboa, Portugal, 2004

European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks {ESANN} (2004)

HMM and IOHMM Modeling of EEG Rhythms for Asynchronous BCI Systems, Silvia Chiappa and Samy Bengio, in: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks ESANN, 2004

Proceedings of ICASSP (2004)

International Conference on Machine Learning, {ICML} (2004)

Links Between Perceptrons, MLPs and SVMs, Ronan Collobert and Samy Bengio, in: International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML, 2004

IEEE Transaction on Multimedia, June, 2006 (2004)

the Second IEEE Workshop on Event Mining: Detection and Recognition of Events in Video, In Association with CVPR (2004)

Modeling Individual and Group Actions in Meetings: a Two-Layer HMM Framework, Dong Zhang, Daniel Gatica-Perez, Samy Bengio, Iain A. McCowan and Guillaume Lathoud, in: the Second IEEE Workshop on Event Mining: Detection and Recognition of Events in Video, In Association with CVPR, 2004

Proceedings of ICSLP (2004)

ACM 2nd International Workshop on Video Surveillance & Sensor Networks in conjunction with 12th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (2004)

Multimodal Group Action Clustering in Meetings, Dong Zhang, Daniel Gatica-Perez, Samy Bengio, Iain A. McCowan and Guillaume Lathoud, in: ACM 2nd International Workshop on Video Surveillance & Sensor Networks in conjunction with 12th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2004

Proceedings of International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP) (2004)

New Nonsense Syllables Database -- Analyses and Preliminary ASR Experiments, Petr Fousek, Petr Svojanovsky, Frantisek Grezl and Hynek Hermansky, in: Proceedings of International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP), 2004

The Speaker and Recognition Workshop (2004)

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