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Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (2010)

Leveraging speaker diarization for meeting recognition from distant microphones, Andreas Stolcke, Gerald Friedland and David Imseng, in: Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pages 4390--4393, 2010

2010 IEEE Second International Conference on Social Computing, SIN Symposium (2010)

Mining Human Location-Routines Using a Multi-Level Approach to Topic Modeling, Katayoun Farrahi and Daniel Gatica-Perez, in: 2010 IEEE Second International Conference on Social Computing, SIN Symposium, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 2010

Proceedings of the International Workshop on Mobile HCI (2010)

Mobile Social Signal Processing: vision and research issues, Alessandro Vinciarelli, Roderick Murray-Smith and Hervé Bourlard, in: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Mobile HCI, Lisbon, pages 513-516, 2010

International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (2010)

Multistream Speaker Diarization beyond Two Acoustic Feature Streams, Deepu Vijayasenan, Fabio Valente and Hervé Bourlard, in: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2010

Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (2010)

Neural conditional random fields, Trinh-Minh-Tri Do and Thierry Artieres, in: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Chia Laguna, Sardinia, Italy, JMLR: W&CP, 2010

International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (2010)

Object Recognition using Visuo-Affordance Maps, Arjan Gijsberts, Tatiana Tommasi, Giorgio Metta and Barbara Caputo, in: International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Taipei, pages 1572-1578, IEEE, 2010

In Proceeding of CVPR 2010, Online Learning for Computer Vision Workshop (2010)

OM-2: An Online Multi-class Multi-kernel Learning Algorithm, Jie Luo, Francesco Orabona, Marco Fornoni, Barbara Caputo and Nicolo Cesa-Bianchi, in: In Proceeding of CVPR 2010, Online Learning for Computer Vision Workshop, 2010

Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (2010)

Online-Batch Strongly Convex Multi Kernel Learning, Francesco Orabona, Jie Luo and Barbara Caputo, in: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2010

Proceedings of the ACL 2010 System Demonstrations (2010)

BMVC 2010 (2010)

Proceedings of International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, Limassol, Cyprus (2010)

Recognizing conversational context in group interaction using privacy-sensitive mobile sensors, Dinesh Babu Jayagopi, Taemie Kim, Alex Pentland and Daniel Gatica-Perez, in: Proceedings of International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, Limassol, Cyprus, 2010

Proceedings of IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (2010)

Safety in Numbers: Learning Categories from Few Examples with Multi Model Knowledge Transfer, Tatiana Tommasi, Francesco Orabona and Barbara Caputo, in: Proceedings of IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference, San Francisco, CA, pages 3081-3088, IEEE, 2010

Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Telecommunications (2010)

Proceedings of Measuring Behavior 2010, Eindhoven (The Netherlands) (2010)

Social Signal Processing: Understanding Nonverbal Communication in Social Interactions, Alessandro Vinciarelli and Fabio Valente, in: Proceedings of Measuring Behavior 2010, Eindhoven (The Netherlands), 2010

Proceedings of International Workshop on Socially Intelligent Surveillance and Monitoring (2010)

Socially Intelligent Surveillance and Monitoring: Analysing Social Dimensions of Physical Space, V. Murino, M. Cristani and Alessandro Vinciarelli, in: Proceedings of International Workshop on Socially Intelligent Surveillance and Monitoring, San Francisco, pages 51-58, 2010

Proceedings of Interspeech (2010)

Proceedings of the 7th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop (2010)

Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Telecommunications (2010)

Speech Enhancement using an Improved MMSE Estimator with Laplacian Prior, Mehdi Rashidinejad, Hamid Reza Abutalebi and Ali Akbar Tadaion, in: Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Telecommunications, 2010

ACM Multimedia Workshop on Searching Spontaneous Conversational Speech (2010)

The ACLD: Speech-based Just-in-Time Retrieval of Meeting Transcripts, Documents and Websites, Andrei Popescu-Belis, Jonathan Kilgour, Alexandre Nanchen and Peter Poller, in: ACM Multimedia Workshop on Searching Spontaneous Conversational Speech, Florence, Italy, 2010

Proceedings of Interspeech (2010)

CLEF 2010 Notebook Papers/LABs/Workshops (2010)

Proceedings of ACM Multimedia Workshop on Social Signal Processing (2010)

ACM Multimedia (2010)

DIRAC Workshop at the European Conference on Machine Learning (2010)

Towards a quantitative measure of rareness, Tatiana Tommasi and Barbara Caputo, in: DIRAC Workshop at the European Conference on Machine Learning, pages 129-136, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010

7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (2010)

Proceedings of Interspeech (2010)

Towards mixed language speech recognition systems, David Imseng, Hervé Bourlard and Mathew Magimai-Doss, in: Proceedings of Interspeech, Makuhari, Japan, pages 278-281, 2010

Proc. ACM Int. Conf. on Pervasive Services (ICPS,',','), Berlin. (2010)

Towards rich mobile phone datasets: Lausanne data collection campaign, N. Kiukkonen, Blom J., O. Dousse, Daniel Gatica-Perez and J. K. Laurila, in: Proc. ACM Int. Conf. on Pervasive Services (ICPS,',','), Berlin., 2010

Proceedings of Interspeech (2010)

Tracter: A Lightweight Dataflow Framework, Philip N. Garner and John Dines, in: Proceedings of Interspeech, Makuhari, Japan, 2010

International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (2010)

Using Audio and Visual Cues for Speaker Diarisation Initialisation, Giulia Garau and Hervé Bourlard, in: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2010

Proceedings of ICASSP (2010)

Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (2010)

View-Based Appearance Model Online Learning for 3D Deformable Face Tracking, Stéphanie Lefèvre and Jean-Marc Odobez, in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Angers, 2010

ACM 25th Symposium on Applied Computing, 2010, Sierre, Switzerland (2010)

Visual processing-inspired Fern-Audio features for Noise-Robust Speaker Verification, Anindya Roy and Sébastien Marcel, in: ACM 25th Symposium on Applied Computing, 2010, Sierre, Switzerland, Association for Computing Machinery, 2010

Proceedings International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI-MLMI) (2010)

Vlogcast Yourself: Nonverbal Behavior and Attention in Social Media, Joan-Isaac Biel and Daniel Gatica-Perez, in: Proceedings International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI-MLMI), 2010

Proceedings of AAAI International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, Washington DC (2010)

Voices of Vlogging, Joan-Isaac Biel and Daniel Gatica-Perez, in: Proceedings of AAAI International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, Washington DC, 2010

Proceedings of ICASSP (2010)

Proceedings of ICMI-MLMI 2009 (11th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and 6th Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction) (2009)

A Multimedia Retrieval System Using Speech Input, Andrei Popescu-Belis, Peter Poller, Jonathan Kilgour, Erik Boertjes, Jean Carletta, Sandro Castronovo, Michal Fapso, Alexandre Nanchen, Theresa Wilson, Joost de Wit and Majid Yazdani, in: Proceedings of ICMI-MLMI 2009 (11th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and 6th Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction), Cambridge, MA, 2009

International Conference on Developmental Learning (2009)

Proceeding of The 9th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (2009)

An online framework for learning novel concepts over multiple cues, Jie Luo, Francesco Orabona and Barbara Caputo, in: Proceeding of The 9th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Xi'an, China, 2009

IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, 2009, WASPAA '09. (2009)

APPLICATIONS OF SIGNAL ANALYSIS USING AUTOREGRESSIVE MODELS FOR AMPLITUDE MODULATION, Sriram Ganapathy, Samuel Thomas, Petr Motlicek and Hynek Hermansky, in: IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, 2009, WASPAA '09., IEEE, Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, New York, USA, 2009

10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (2009)

Arithmetic Coding of Sub-Band Residuals in FDLP Speech/Audio Codec, Petr Motlicek, Sriram Ganapathy and Hynek Hermansky, in: 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, ISCA, Brighton, England, ISCA 2009, 2009

ACM International Conference on Multimedia (2009)

10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (2009)

Automatic vs. human question answering over multimedia meeting recordings, Quoc Anh Le and Andrei Popescu-Belis, in: 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2009

International Conference on Biometrics (2009)

Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (IEEE International Workshop on Social Signal Processing) (2009)

Canal9: A database of political debates for analysis of social interactions, Alessandro Vinciarelli, Alfred Dielmann, Sarah Favre and Hugues Salamin, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (IEEE International Workshop on Social Signal Processing), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2009

Proceedings ICME 2009 (2009)

Proceedings ICMI-MLMI (2009)

Proceedings of the British Maschine Vision Conference (2009)

Dynamic Partitioned Sampling For Tracking With Discriminative Features, Stefan Duffner, Jean-Marc Odobez and Elisa Ricci, in: Proceedings of the British Maschine Vision Conference, London, 2009

12th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, TSD 2009 (2009)

Error Resilient Speech Coding Using Sub-band Hilbert Envelopes, Sriram Ganapathy, Petr Motlicek and Hynek Hermansky, in: 12th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, TSD 2009, Pilsen, Czech Republic, Springer - Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2009, 2009
Error Resilient Speech Coding Using Sub-band Hilbert Envelopes, Sriram Ganapathy, Petr Motlicek and Hynek Hermansky, in: 12th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, TSD 2009, Pilsen, Czech Republic, Springer - Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2009, 2009

Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance (2009)

Evaluation of Probabilistic Occupancy Map People Detection for Surveillance Systems, Jerome Berclaz, Ali Shahrokni, Francois Fleuret, James Ferryman and Pascal Fua, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance, 2009
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