Publications of Hynek Hermansky sorted by recency
New Nonsense Syllables Database -- Analyses and Preliminary ASR Experiments, , , and , Idiap-RR-29-2004 |
Automatic Speech Recognition: an Auditory Perspective, , and , Idiap-RR-17-1998 |
LP-TRAP: Linear predictive temporal patterns, , and , Idiap-RR-59-2004 |
On Use of Task Independent Training Data in Tandem Feature Extraction, and , Idiap-RR-57-2003 |
On Confusions in a Phoneme Recognizer, , and , Idiap-RR-10-2007 |
Combination of Acoustic Classifiers based on Dempster-Shafer Theory of evidence, and , Idiap-RR-61-2006 |
Spectral Entropy Based Feature for Robust ASR, , , and , Idiap-RR-56-2003 |
Exploiting Phoneme Similarities in Hybrid HMM-ANN Keyword Spotting, , and , Idiap-RR-11-2007 |
Phase AutoCorrelation (PAC) features in Entropy based Multi-Stream for Robust Speech Recognition, , , and , Idiap-RR-54-2003 |
Entropy Based Combination of Tandem Representations for Noise Robust ASR, , , , and , Idiap-RR-19-2004 |
Multi-resolution RASTA filtering for TANDEM-based ASR, and , Idiap-RR-18-2005 |
Speech Coding based on Spectral Dynamics, , , and , Idiap-RR-05-2006 |
PLP$^2$: Autoregressive modeling of auditory-like 2-D spectro-temporal patterns, , and , Idiap-RR-60-2004 |
The Role of Speech in Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction (Towards Reliable Rejection of Non-Keyword Input), , and , Idiap-RR-63-2005 |
TRAP-TANDEM: Data-driven extraction of temporal features from speech, , Idiap-RR-50-2003 |
Automatic Speech Recognition: an Auditory Perspective, , and , in: Speech Processing in the Auditory System, Springer Verlag, New York, 2000 |
TRAP-TANDEM: Data-driven extraction of temporal features from speech, , in: large part published in Proceedings of ASRU-2003, 2003 |
Spectral Entropy Based Feature for Robust ASR, , , and , in: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2004 |
Some Emerging Concepts in Speech Recognition., and , Idiap-RR-82-2003 |
Show What You Know: Musings on the Reporting of Negative Results in Speech Recognition Research, and , Idiap-RR-81-2003 |
On Use of Task Independent Training Data in Tandem Feature Extraction, and , in: Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP-04), 2004 |
Nonlinear Spectral Transformations for Robust Speech Recognition, , and , in: Proceedings of the IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU) Workshop 2003, 2003 |
Stochastic techniques in deriving perceptual knowledge, , Idiap-RR-84-2004 |
Phoneme vs Grapheme Based Automatic Speech Recognition, , , and , Idiap-RR-48-2004 |
Phase AutoCorrelation (PAC) features in Entropy based Multi-Stream for Robust Speech Recognition, , , and , in: Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP-04), 2004 |
Phase AutoCorrelation (PAC) Features for Noise Robust ASR, , , and , Idiap-RR-40-2004 |
New Nonsense Syllables Database -- Analyses and Preliminary ASR Experiments, , , and , in: Proceedings of International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP), 2004 |
LP-TRAP: Linear predictive temporal patterns, , and , 2004 |
Entropy Based Combination of Tandem Representations for Noise Robust ASR, , , , and , in: Proceedings of the INTERSPEECH-ICSLP-04, 2004 |
Towards ASR Based on Hierarchical Posterior-Based Keyword Recognition, and , Idiap-RR-64-2005 |
The Role of Speech in Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction (Towards Reliable Rejection of Non-Keyword Input), , and , in: Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue - TSD 2005, 2005 |
Multi-resolution RASTA filtering for TANDEM-based ASR, and , in: Proceedings of Interspeech 2005, 2005 |
Improving Continuous Speech Recognition System Performance with Grapheme Modelling, , , and , Idiap-RR-16-2005 |
Wide-Band Perceptual Audio Coding based on Frequency-Domain Linear Prediction, , and , Idiap-RR-58-2006 |
Speech Coding based on Spectral Dynamics, , , and , in: Ninth International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD), 2006 |
Identifying unexpected words using in-context and out-of-context phoneme posteriors, and , Idiap-RR-68-2006 |
Discriminant linear processing of time-frequency plane, and , in: International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 2006 |
Combination of Acoustic Classifiers based on Dempster-Shafer Theory of evidence, and , in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2007 |
Audio Coding Based on Long Temporal Contexts, , , and , Idiap-RR-30-2006 |
Scalable Wide-band Audio Codec based on Frequency Domain Linear Prediction, , , and , Idiap-RR-16-2007 |
On Confusions in a Phoneme Recognizer, , and , 2007 |
Multi-stream Features Combination based on Dempster-Shafer Rule for LVCSR System, , and , Idiap-RR-09-2007 |
Hierarchical Neural Networks Feature Extraction for LVCSR system, , , , , and , Idiap-RR-08-2007 |
Hierarchical and Parallel Processing of Modulation Spectrum for ASR applications, and , Idiap-RR-45-2007 |
Exploiting Contextual Information for Improved Phoneme Recognition, , , and , Idiap-RR-65-2007 |
Temporal Masking for Bit-rate Reduction in Audio Codec Based on Frequency Domain Linear Prediction, , , and , Idiap-RR-48-2007 |
On the Combination of Auditory and Modulation Frequency Channels for ASR applications, and , Idiap-RR-12-2008 |
Hierarchical Neural Networks Feature Extraction for LVCSR system, , , , , and , in: Interspeech 2007, 2007 |