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Philip N. Garner
First name(s): Philip N.
Last name(s): Garner


Publications of Philip N. Garner sorted by title
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Atom Decomposition-based Intonation Modelling, Pierre-Edouard Honnet, Branislav Gerazov and Philip N. Garner, in: IEEE 40th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, Australia, pages 4744--4748, IEEE, 2015
Automatic Temporal Alignment of AV Data with Confidence Estimation, Danil Korchagin, Philip N. Garner and John Dines, in: Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Dallas, USA, 2010


Bayesian Approaches to Uncertainty in Speech Processing, Philip N. Garner, School of Computing Sciences, University of East Anglia, 2011
Bayesian Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning for Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting, Haolin Chen and Philip N. Garner, in: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2024
Bayesian Recurrent Units and the Forward Backward Algorithm, Alexandre Bittar and Philip N. Garner, in: Proc. Interspeech 2022, pages 4137-4141, 2022
Beamforming with a Maximum Negentropy Criterion, Kenichi Kumatani, John McDonough, Barbara Rauch, Dietrich Klakow, Philip N. Garner and Weifeng Li, in: IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, 17(5), 2009
Boosting under-resourced speech recognizers by exploiting out of language data - Case study on Afrikaans, David Imseng, Hervé Bourlard and Philip N. Garner, in: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Spoken Languages Technologies for Under-resourced Languages, Cape Town, pages 60--67, 2012


COMBINING VOCAL TRACT LENGTH NORMALIZATION WITH HIERARCHIAL LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS, Lakshmi Saheer, Junichi Yamagishi, Philip N. Garner and John Dines, in: Proceedings in International conference on Speech and Signal processing, Kyoto, Japan, pages 4493-4496, IEEE SPS (ICASSP), 2012
Combining Vocal Tract Length Normalization with Hierarchical Linear Transformations, Lakshmi Saheer, Junichi Yamagishi, Philip N. Garner and John Dines, in: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing - Special Issue on Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis, 8(2):262 - 272, 2014
CONTEXT-AWARE ATTENTION MECHANISM FOR SPEECH EMOTION RECOGNITION, Gaetan Ramet, Philip N. Garner, Michael Baeriswyl and Alexandros Lazaridis, in: IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology, Athens, Greece, pages 126-131, 2018
Conversational Speech Recognition Needs Data? Experiments with Austrian German, Julian Linke, Philip N. Garner, Gernot Kubin and Barbara Schuppler, in: Proceedings of the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, European Language Resources Association, pages 4684--4691, 2022
Crosslingual Tandem-SGMM: Exploiting Out-Of-Language Data for Acoustic Model and Feature Level Adaptation, Petr Motlicek, David Imseng and Philip N. Garner, in: Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2013), ISCA - International Speech Communication Association, Lyon, France, pages 510-514, ISCA, 2013
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