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Modular Object-Oriented Neural Network Simulators and Topology Generalizations, Georg Thimm, R. Grau and Emile Fiesler, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 94), Sorrento, Italy, Springer-Verlag, 1994
Modulation Frequency Features For Phoneme Recognition In Noisy Speech, Sriram Ganapathy, Samuel Thomas and Hynek Hermansky, in: Journal of Acoustical Society of America - Express Letters, 2008
Monte Carlo Video Text Segmentation, Datong Chen, Jean-Marc Odobez and Jean-Philippe Thiran, in: International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI), 19(5), 2005
More Efficiency in Multiple Kernel Learning, Alain Rakotomamonjy, Francis Bach, Stéphane Canu and Yves Grandvalet, in: International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2007
More than Words: Inference of Socially Relevant Information from Nonverbal Vocal Cues in Speech, Hugues Salamin, Gelareh Mohammadi, Khiet Truong and Alessandro Vinciarelli, in: Toward Autonomous, Adaptive, and Context-Aware Multimodal Interfaces: Theoretical and Practical Issues, A.Esposito (ed.), LNCS,Springer, 2010
Motion Mappings for Continuous Bilateral Teleoperation, Xiao Gao, J. Silverio, E. Pignat, Sylvain Calinon, Miao Li and Xiaohui Xiao, in: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6(3):5048-5055, 2021
Motion-Based Counter-Measures to Photo Attacks in Face Recognition, André Anjos, Murali Mohan Chakka and Sébastien Marcel, in: Institution of Engineering and Technology Journal on Biometrics, 2013
Multi-Adversarial Learning for Cross-Lingual Word Embeddings, Haozhou Wang, James Henderson and Paola Merlo, in: Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Online, pages 463-472, 2021
Multi-camera 3d person tracking with particle filter in a surveillance environment, Jian Yao and Jean-Marc Odobez, in: 16th European Signal processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2008
Multi-camera multi-person 3d space tracking with mcmc in surveillance scenarios, Jian Yao and Jean-Marc Odobez, in: European Conference on Computer Vision, workshop on Multi Camera and Multi-modal Sensor Fusion Algorithms and Applications (ECCV-M2SFA2), Marseille, 2008
Multi-camera Open Space Human Activity Discovery for Anomaly Detection, Remi Emonet, Jagannadan Varadarajan and Jean-Marc Odobez, in: 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance, 2011
Multi-Camera People Tracking with a Probabilistic Occupancy Map, Francois Fleuret, Jerome Berclaz, Richard Lengagne and Pascal Fua, in: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 30(2), 2008
Multi-Camera Tracking and Atypical Motion Detection with Behavioral Maps, Jerome Berclaz, Francois Fleuret and Pascal Fua, in: proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision, 2008
Multi-channel Face Presentation Attack Detection Using Deep Learning, Anjith George and Sébastien Marcel, in: Deep Learning-Based Face Analytics, Springer International Publishing, 2021
Multi-Commodity Network Flow for Tracking Multiple People, Horesh Ben Shitrit, Jerome Berclaz, Francois Fleuret and Pascal Fua, in: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2013
Multi-image deconvolution of thermal images with a boundary condition weighting scheme, Florian Piras, François Marelli, Edouard De Moura Presa, Peter Wellig and Michael Liebling, in: Target and Background Signatures IX, International Society for Optics and Photonics, Amsterdam, pages 149-158, SPIE, 2023
Multi-Layer Background Subtraction Based on Color and Texture, Jian Yao and Jean-Marc Odobez, in: CVPR 2007 Workshop on Visual Surveillance (VS2007), 2007
Multi-layer Boosting for Pattern Recognition, Francois Fleuret, in: Pattern Recognition Letter, 30, 2009
Multi-Modal Audio-Visual Event Recognition for Football Analysis, Mark Barnard, Jean-Marc Odobez and Samy Bengio, in: Proc. IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing (NNSP), 2003
Multi-Modal Data Fusion for Person Authentication using SVM, Souheil Ben-Yacoub, in: Proc. Second International Conference on Audio- and Video-based Biometric Person Authentication (AVBPA'99), 1999
Multi-Modal Mean-Fields via Cardinality-Based Clamping, Pierre Baqué, Francois Fleuret and Pascal Fua, in: Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2017
Multi-modal person verification tools using speech and images, M. Acheroy et al., in: European Conference on Multimedia Applications, Services and Techniques, 1996
Multi-Operational Mathematical Derivations in Latent Space, Marco Valentino, Jordan Meadows, Lan Zhang and Andre Freitas, in: Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers), 2024
Multi-party Focus of Attention Recognition in Meetings from Head Pose and Multimodal Contextual Cues, Silèye O. Ba and Jean-Marc Odobez, in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2008
Multi-Person Bayesian Tracking with Multiple Cameras, Jian Yao and Jean-Marc Odobez, in: Multi-camera networks: principles and applications, pages 363-388, Academic Press, 2009
Multi-Person Tracking in Meetings: A Comparative Study, Kevin C. Smith, Sascha Schreiber, Vítezslav Beran, Igor Potúcek, Gerhard Rigoll and Daniel Gatica-Perez, in: Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms (MLMI), 2006
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