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When Naïve Bayes Nearest Neighbors Meet Convolutional Neural Networks, Ilja Kuzborskij, Fabio M. Carlucci and Barbara Caputo, in: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), IEEE Conference on, 2016
Who Sees What? Examining Urban Impressions in Global South Cities, Luis Emmanuel Medina Rios, Salvador Ruiz-Correa, Darshan Santani and Daniel Gatica-Perez, in: Human Perception of Visual Information: Psychological and Computational Perspectives, Springer, 2022
Who Will Get the Grant ? A Multimodal Corpus for the Analysis of Conversational Behaviours in Group Interviews, Catharine Oertel, Kenneth Alberto Funes Mora, Samira Sheikhi, Jean-Marc Odobez and Joakim Gustafson, in: International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Understanding and Modeling Multiparty, Multimodal Interactions Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey, ACM, 2014
Who's Doing What: Joint Modeling of Names and Verbs for Simultaneous Face and Pose Annotation, Jie Luo, Barbara Caputo and Vittorio Ferrari, in: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 22 (NIPS09), NIPS Foundation, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, MIT Press, 2009
Whole-Body Ergodic Exploration with a Manipulator Using Diffusion, Cem Bilaloglu, Tobias Löw and Sylvain Calinon, in: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 8(12):8581-8587, 2023
Why Do Multi-Stream, Multi-Band and Multi-Modal Approaches Work on Biometric User Authentication Tasks?, Norman Poh and Samy Bengio, in: Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP-04), 2004
Why Scholars Are Diagramming Neural Network Models, Guy Marshall, Caroline Jay and Andre Freitas, in: 13th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams, 2022
Wide-Band Audio Coding based on Frequency Domain Linear Prediction, Petr Motlicek, Sriram Ganapathy, Hynek Hermansky and Harinath Garudadri, in: EURASIP Journal on Audio Speech and Music Processing, 2010(856280), 2010
Wide-Band Perceptual Audio Coding based on Frequency-Domain Linear Prediction, Petr Motlicek, Vijay Ullal and Hynek Hermansky, in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2007
WILDTRACK: A Multi-camera HD Dataset for Dense Unscripted Pedestrian Detection, Tatjana Chavdarova, Pierre Baqué, Andrii Maksai, Stéphane Bouquet, Cijo Jose, Louis Lettry, Francois Fleuret, Pascal Fua and Luc Van Gool, in: Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Salt Lake City, UT, pages 5030-5039, 2018
Within- and Cross- Database Evaluations for Gender Classification via BeFIT Protocols, Nesli Erdogmus, Matthias Vanoni and Sébastien Marcel, in: International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, pages 1-6, 2014
Word Embeddings through Hellinger PCA, Rémi Lebret and Ronan Collobert, in: 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2014
Word Sense Consistency in Statistical and Neural Machine Translation, Xiao Pu, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 2018
Words Worth: Verbal Content and Hirability Impressions in YouTube Video Resumes, Skanda Muralidhar, Laurent Son Nguyen and Daniel Gatica-Perez, in: Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis, 2018
Writer adaptation techniques in HMM based Off-Line Cursive Script Recognition, Alessandro Vinciarelli and Samy Bengio, in: Proceedings of 8$^{th}$ International Conference on Frontiers on Handwriting Recognition, 2002


www.sspnet.eu: A Web Portal for Social Signal Processing, Alessandro Vinciarelli and Maja Pantic, in: IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 27(4):142-144, 2010


XM2VTSDB: The Extended M2VTS Database, K. Messer, J. Matas, J. Kittler, Juergen Luettin and Gilbert Maître, in: Proc. Second International Conference on Audio- and Video-based Biometric Person Authentication (AVBPA'99), 1999


YOU ARE FIRED! NONVERBAL ROLE ANALYSIS IN COMPETITIVE MEETINGS, Raducanu Bogdan, Vitria J. and Daniel Gatica-Perez, in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP,',','), Taiwan., 2009
You Are Known by How You Vlog: Personality Impressions and Nonverbal Behavior in YouTube, Joan-Isaac Biel, Oya Aran and Daniel Gatica-Perez, in: Proceedings of AAAI International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, Barcelona, 2011
You Are Wrong!---Automatic Detection of Interaction Errors from Brain Waves, Pierre W. Ferrez and José del R. Millán, in: Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2005


Zeolite cycle sequences, Georg Thimm and W. E. Klee, in: Zeolites, 19, 1997
Zurich Like New: Analyzing Open Urban Multimodal Data, Marcel Granero-Moya, Thanh-Trung Phan and Daniel Gatica-Perez, in: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Computing for Urban Data, 2021
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