All publications sorted by title
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 |
Synchronous Alignment, and , Idiap-RR-06-1999 |
Synergizing Natural Language Towards Enhanced Shared Autonomy, , and , in: Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 2024 |
[URL] |
Syntactic Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages Using Deep Neural Networks, and , Idiap-RR-25-2015 |
Syntax-Aware Graph-to-Graph Transformer for Semantic Role Labelling, and , in: Arxiv, 2021 |
Syntax-Aware Graph-to-Graph Transformer for Semantic Role Labelling, and , in: Procceedings of 8th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP, 2023 |
[URL] |
SynthDistill: Face Recognition with Knowledge Distillation from Synthetic Data, , and , in: IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2023), 2023 |
[DOI] |
Synthetic References for Template-based ASR using Posterior Features, , and , in: Proceedings of Interspeech, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2012 |
SYNTHETIC SPEECH REFERENCES FOR AUTOMATIC PATHOLOGICAL SPEECH INTELLIGIBILITY ASSESSMENT, , and , in: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Barcelona, Spain, 2020 |
Synthetic to Authentic: Transferring Realism to 3D Face Renderings for Boosting Face Recognition, , and , in: European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, 2024 |
SYSTEM FUSION AND SPEAKER LINKING FOR LONGITUDINAL DIARIZATION OF TV SHOWS, , , and , in: Proceedings of 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2016), Shanghai, pages 5495-5499, IEEE, 2016 |
Systematicity, Compositionality and Transitivity of Deep NLP Models: a Metamorphic Testing Perspective, , , , and , in: Findings of the ACL, 2022 |
Tactile Ergodic Coverage on Curved Surfaces, , and , in: IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO), 2024 |
Tagging and Retrieving Images with Co-Occurrence Models: from Corel to Flickr, and , Idiap-RR-21-2009 |
Taking on the Curse of Dimensionality in Joint Distributions Using Neural Networks, and , in: IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks special issue on data mining and knowledge discovery, 2000 |
Taking on the Curse of Dimensionality in Joint Distributions Using Neural Networks, and , Idiap-RR-01-2000 |
Taming GANs with Lookahead, , , and , Idiap-RR-20-2020 |
[URL] |
Tampered Speaker Inconsistency Detection with Phonetically Aware Audio-visual Features, , , , , , , and , in: International Conference on Machine Learning, 2019 |
Tangent Vector Kernels for Invariant Image Classification with SVMs, and , in: 17th Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2004 |
Tangent Vector Kernels for Invariant Image Classification with SVMs, and , Idiap-RR-75-2003 |
Tapping the Mind or Resonating Minds?, , in: European Visions for the Knowledge Age, Cheshire Henbury, 2007 |
Task-based evaluation of meeting browsers: from BET task elicitation to user behavior analysis, , , and , in: 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marrakech, Morocco, 2008 |
Tasting Families of Features for Image Classification, and , in: International Conference on Computer Vision, 2011 |
TDOA Matrices: Algebraic Properties and their Application to Robust Denoising with Missing Data, , , and , in: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 64(20):5242-5254, 2016 |
[DOI] [URL] |
Team Innovators at SemEval-2022 for Task 8: Multi-Task Training with Hyperpartisan and Semantic Relation for Multi-Lingual News Article Similarity, , , , and , in: Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2022), NAACL 2022, 2022 |
Template Inversion Attack against Face Recognition Systems using 3D Face Reconstruction, and , in: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pages 19662-19672, 2023 |
[DOI] [URL] |
Template Inversion Attack Using Synthetic Face Images Against Real Face Recognition Systems, and , in: IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science, 2024 |
[DOI] [URL] |
Template-based ASR using Posterior features and synthetic references: comparing different TTS systems, , and , in: SAPA-SCALE Conference, International Speech Communication Association, 2012 |
Template-matching for Text-dependent Speaker Verification, , , and , Idiap-RR-32-2017 |
Template-matching for Text-dependent Speaker Verification, , , and , in: Speech Communication, 2017 |
Temporal Analysis of Motif Mixtures using Dirichlet Processes, , and , in: IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 36(1), 2014 |
Temporal envelope and fine structure cues for dysarthric speech detection using convolutional neural networks, , in: IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2021 |
Temporal fine-tuning for early risk detection, , , and , in: Memorias De Las JAIIO, Argentina, pages 137-149, 2024 |
[URL] |
Temporal Masking for Bit-rate Reduction in Audio Codec Based on Frequency Domain Linear Prediction, , , and , in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2008 |
Temporal Masking for Bit-rate Reduction in Audio Codec Based on Frequency Domain Linear Prediction, , , and , Idiap-RR-48-2007 |
Temporal resolution doubling in fluorescence light-sheet microscopy via a hue-encoded shutter and regularization, , , and , in: OSA Continuum, 3(8), 2020 |
Temporal Super-Resolution Microscopy Using a Hue-Encoded Shutter, , , and , in: Optical Society of America Biomedical Optics Express, 10(09):4727-4741, 2019 |
[DOI] [URL] |
Temporally Subsampled Detection for Accurate and Efficient Face Tracking and Diarization, , , and , in: International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Cancun, Mexico, IEEE, 2016 |
Ten seconds of my nights: exploring methods to measure brightness, loudness and attendance and their associations with alcohol use from video clips, , , , , and , in: PLOS ONE, 2021 |
[DOI] |
Tensor Train for Global Optimization Problems in Robotics, , , and , in: International Journal of Robotics Research, 43(6):811-839, 2024 |
[DOI] |
Tensor-variate mixture of experts for proportional myographic control of a robotic hand, , and , in: Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 142:103812, 2021 |
TESS: Text-to-text selfconditioned simplex diffusion, , , , , , and , in: Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 2347–2361, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2024 |
Test of several external posterior weighting functions for multiband Full Combination ASR, and , in: Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP), 2000 |
Test of several external posterior weighting functions for multiband Full Combination ASR, and , Idiap-RR-27-2000 |
Test time Adaptation through Perturbation Robustness, and , Idiap-RR-17-2021 |
Test time Adaptation through Perturbation Robustness, and , in: Workshop on Distribution Shifts, 35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021), 2021 |
Test-time adaptation for 6D pose tracking, , and , in: Pattern Recognition, 152, 2024 |
[DOI] [URL] |
Test-time adaptation for automatic pathological speech detection in noisy environments, and , in: EUSIPCO, 2024 |
Text dependent speaker verification using binary classifiers, , and , in: Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing --- ICASSP'98, IEEE, IEEE, 1998 |
Text dependent speaker verification using binary classifiers, , and , Idiap-RR-08-1997 |
Text detection and recognition in images and video sequences, , École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 2003 |
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 |