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Phonological Vocoding Using Artificial Neural Networks, Milos Cernak, Blaise Potard and Philip N. Garner, in: IEEE 40th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, Australia, pages 4844-4848, IEEE, 2015
On the use of client identity information for face anti-spoofing, Ivana Chingovska and André Anjos, in: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Special Issue on Biometric Anti-spoofing, 10(4):787-796, 2015
On Application Of Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Ad Hoc Microphone Array Calibration from Incomplete Noisy Distances, Afsaneh Asaei, Nasser Mohammadiha, Mohammad J. Taghizadeh, Simon Doclo and Hervé Bourlard, in: IEEE 40th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pages 2694-2698, IEEE, 2015
Robust Microphone Placement for Source Localization from Noisy Distance Measurements, Mohammad J. Taghizadeh, Saeid Haghighatshoar, Afsaneh Asaei, Philip N. Garner and Hervé Bourlard, in: IEEE 40th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pages 2579-2583, IEEE, 2015
Building context-dependent DNN acoustic models using Kullback-Leibler divergence-based state tying, Gábor Gosztolya, Tamás Grósz, László Tóth and David Imseng, in: Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2015
Signal Processing in the Workplace, Daniel Gatica-Perez, in: IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 32(1):121-125, 2015
Keyword Extraction and Clustering for Document Recommendation in Conversations, Maryam Habibi and Andrei Popescu-Belis, in: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, 23(4):746 - 759, 2015
Combining Content with User Preferences for Non-Fiction Multimedia Recommendation: A Study on TED Lectures, Nikolaos Pappas and Andrei Popescu-Belis, in: Multimedia Tools and Applications, Special Issue on Content Based Multimedia Indexing, 74(4):1175-1197, 2015
Within- and Cross- Database Evaluations for Gender Classification via BeFIT Protocols, Nesli Erdogmus, Matthias Vanoni and Sébastien Marcel, in: International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, pages 1-6, 2014
Rewards-driven control of robot arm by decoding EEG signals, Ajay Kumar Tanwani, José del R. Millán and Aude Billard, in: Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pages 1658-1661, IEEE, 2014
Discourse-level Features for Statistical Machine Translation, Thomas Meyer, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), 2014
Automatic Blinking Detection towards Stress Discovery, Alvaro Marcos-Ramiro, Daniel Pizarro-Perez, Marta Marron-Romera and Daniel Gatica-Perez, in: Proc. ACM Int. Conf. on Multimodal Interaction, Istanbul, pages 307-310, ACM New York, 2014
Capturing Upper Body Motion in Conversation: an Appearance Quasi-Invariant Approach, Alvaro Marcos-Ramiro, Daniel Pizarro-Perez, Marta Marron-Romera and Daniel Gatica-Perez, in: Proc. ACM Int. Conf. on Multimodal Interaction, Istanbul, pages 327-334, ACM New York, 2014
Leveraging Colour Segmentation for Upper-Body Detection, Stefan Duffner and Jean-Marc Odobez, in: Pattern Recognition, 47(6):2222-2230, 2014
Tracking Interacting Objects Optimally Using Integer Programming, Xinchao Wang, Engin Turetken, Francois Fleuret and Pascal Fua, in: Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision, pages 17-32, 2014
Artificial neural network features for speaker diarization, Sree Harsha Yella, Andreas Stolcke and Malcolm Slaney, in: IEEE Spoken Language Technology workshop, South Lake Tahoe, USA, 2014
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