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A Semi-Automated System for Accurate Gaze Coding in Natural Dyadic Interactions, Kenneth Alberto Funes Mora, Laurent Son Nguyen, Daniel Gatica-Perez and Jean-Marc Odobez, in: 15th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Sydney, Australia, ACM, 2013
Geometric Generative Gaze Estimation (G3E) for Remote RGB-D Cameras, Kenneth Alberto Funes Mora and Jean-Marc Odobez, in: IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference, Columbus, Ohio,USA, pages 1773-1780, IEEE, 2014
3D Gaze Tracking and Automatic Gaze Coding from RGB-D Cameras, Kenneth Alberto Funes Mora and Jean-Marc Odobez, in: IEEE Conference in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vision Meets Cognition Workshop, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2014
Person Independent 3D Gaze Estimation From Remote RGB-D Cameras, Kenneth Alberto Funes Mora and Jean-Marc Odobez, in: International Conference on Image Processing, Melbourne, Australia, IEEE, 2013
Gaze Estimation From Multimodal Kinect Data, Kenneth Alberto Funes Mora and Jean-Marc Odobez, in: IEEE Conference in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Workshop on Gesture Recognition, Providence, RI, USA, 2012


Feature Extraction for Multi-Class BCI using Canonical Variates Analysis, Ferran Galán, Pierre W. Ferrez, Francesc Oliva, Joan Guàrdia and José del R. Millán, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing, 2007
Hill-Climbing Attack to an Eigenface-Based Face Verification System, Javier Galbally, Chris McCool, Julian Fierrez, Sébastien Marcel and Javier Ortega-Garcia, in: Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Biometrics, Identity and Security (BIdS), 2009
Autoregressive Models of Amplitude Modulations in Audio Compression, Sriram Ganapathy, Petr Motlicek and Hynek Hermansky, in: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO, SPEECH, AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING, 2010
Error Resilient Speech Coding Using Sub-band Hilbert Envelopes, Sriram Ganapathy, Petr Motlicek and Hynek Hermansky, in: 12th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, TSD 2009, Pilsen, Czech Republic, Springer - Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2009, 2009
Error Resilient Speech Coding Using Sub-band Hilbert Envelopes, Sriram Ganapathy, Petr Motlicek and Hynek Hermansky, in: 12th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, TSD 2009, Pilsen, Czech Republic, Springer - Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2009, 2009
MDCT for Encoding Residual Signals in Frequency Domain Linear Prediction, Sriram Ganapathy, Petr Motlicek and Hynek Hermansky, in: Audio Engineering Society (AES,',','), 127th Convention, Audio Engineering Society (AES), Audio Engineering Society, 60 East 42nd Street, New York, New York 10165-2520, USA;, 2009
Modulation Frequency Features For Phoneme Recognition In Noisy Speech, Sriram Ganapathy, Samuel Thomas and Hynek Hermansky, in: Journal of Acoustical Society of America - Express Letters, 2008
APPLICATIONS OF SIGNAL ANALYSIS USING AUTOREGRESSIVE MODELS FOR AMPLITUDE MODULATION, Sriram Ganapathy, Samuel Thomas, Petr Motlicek and Hynek Hermansky, in: IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, 2009, WASPAA '09., IEEE, Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, New York, USA, 2009
DiffuCOMET: Contextual Commonsense Knowledge Diffusion, Silin Gao, Mete Ismayilzada, Mengjie Zhao, Hiromi Wakaki, Yuki Mitsufuji and Antoine Bosselut, in: Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Association for Computational Linguistics, Bangkok, Thailand, pages 4809–4831, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2024
Motion Mappings for Continuous Bilateral Teleoperation, Xiao Gao, J. Silverio, E. Pignat, Sylvain Calinon, Miao Li and Xiaohui Xiao, in: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6(3):5048-5055, 2021
Investigating the use of Visual Focus of Attention for Audio-Visual Speaker Diarisation, Giulia Garau, Silèye O. Ba, Hervé Bourlard and Jean-Marc Odobez, in: Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Beijing, China, 2009
Using Audio and Visual Cues for Speaker Diarisation Initialisation, Giulia Garau and Hervé Bourlard, in: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2010
Audio–Visual Synchronisation for Speaker Diarisation, Giulia Garau, Alfred Dielmann and Hervé Bourlard, in: International Conference on Speech and Language Processing, Interspeech, Makuhari, Japan, 2010
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